timelapse between triggers


Young grasshopper
Jul 20, 2016
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Does anyone know of a way to have BI record a continuous time lapse clip until the camera is triggered and then switch to normal speed? Since the object and motion tracking sometimes doesn't trigger unless I set it so high that I get lots of false triggers, I would rather reduce the trigger sensitivity and just record continuous time lapse between triggers. I would like these recordings to use a little storage space as possible while still providing usable video.

I have seen recommendations to clone a camera and set it to just record continuous time lapse, but this would double the number of cameras and make it harder to navigate through the clips - in order to watch a continuous 24 hour period I would have to flip back and forth between the cameras and match up the times. What I want to achieve is a single camera with a series of clips - full motion clips for the time periods that the camera was triggered and time lapse clips for all the intervening time periods.

I have tried the "triggered +continuous each" video mode set to "0:05 min (5 seconds) for 0.0" , and it produces something close to what I'm going for, but not quite. When there's no motion, I get a video clip showing one still every 5 seconds, but when I play it back it runs in real time, meaning 8 hours of video still takes 8 hours to play back (unless I manually speed up the playback) but most importantly, it doesn't seem to reduce the file size at all - that is, 8 hours of still frames appears to require the same amount of storage as an 8 hour recording at full speed. Is there anything similar to that recording mode that is more like "triggered + continuous timelapse"?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
You dont have to clone the camera. Set it to record continuously and set the alert threshold higher... or, clone the camera and have the 24 hour recordings send to a separate folder that you only keep for a week or so. Blue iris will only pull a single stream from the camera. You can hide the duplicate cameras from the console interface.
The camera is sending the full frame rate, having blue iris process and reject frames would be cpu intensive.


Young grasshopper
Jul 20, 2016
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
You dont have to clone the camera. Set it to record continuously and set the alert threshold higher...
Thanks, but I don't understand what you mean. If I record continuously, then wouldn't I get a full 24 hour recording at full speed, regardless of my alert threshold? If I also set the "Alt/timelapse framerate" in the Record tab, then it always records in timelapse, not just between triggers.

or, clone the camera and have the 24 hour recordings send to a separate folder that you only keep for a week or so. Blue iris will only pull a single stream from the camera.
I didn't know that cloning doesn't increase the number of streams - that's good to know, but I would prefer to have the timelapse clips interspersed with the realtime "motion triggered" clips, so that I can watch them all in sequence - I.e. a realtime clip when motion is detected followed by a timelapsed clip until the next trigger, without having to switch back and forth. I don't see any way to do this with a cloned camera - I would have one set of only alert clips from the first camera and another folder with just 24-hour long time lapse videos from the cloned camera

The camera is sending the full frame rate, having blue iris process and reject frames would be cpu intensive.
Do you mean that timelapse recording is CPU intensive or that the "triggered + continuous each # min for #" is? So far I'm not taxing my CPU, but I don't want to enable a bunch of settings that start causing problems.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
You would get the full recording and you can simply scrub the timeline or jump from alert to alert you dont have to watch the entire recording.