The Typical picture of a Perp on Nextdoor-type Apps with Consumer Grade Cameras like Ring, Nest, Arlo, Canary, Wyze, etc.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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I have had people in my neighborhood ask me how do I get such good caps. I have even had one come by to look at my system. But in every instance they have decided that installing good cams and a dedicated PC for BI was just too much work. So they opted for the consumer grade stuff. Even the guy across the street that had the Ring video talked to me about it. He was pissed that he could not see the guys face and that the color of his clothing was off. But in the end what did he do? He bought two more Ring cams for his front porch. SMH.

Yep, some people never learn LOL. My neighbor went from Reolinks to Arlos after his car was broken into LOL. And this was after seeing what my cameras can capture and got him his stolen gear back TWICE now (after both camera changes LOL).

Although we do not advocate allowing cameras to touch the internet, if one wants that simplicity and plans to go that route anyway, the Dahua and Hik cams do offer that. It is possible to simply scan the QR code and use their app without the need of an NVR or BI or a paid annual subscription. At that point it is basically the same simplicity. Granted I think the Ring app is probably a little easier to use than the DMSS app, but do people want to spend $250 for a Ring camera that can't tell them much, or $110 for a lower end Dahua and deal with an app that is a little less friendly. Apparently the masses would prefer the well marketed Ring device LOL.

Or for those that prefer the Ring platform and do not mind the annual fee, one could get the $110 Dahua cam and integrate it into the Ring platform once that becomes available.

Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas

Here in Southern California, if the reported theft is under US$950, the cops don't even bother to come out/investigate anymore.
So the resolution of the pic is moot.
And most of the local bandits are wearing face masks and/or hoods these days.

One day, the bandit is gonna pick the wrong house to steal from; someone who is an NRA member, USMC, or similar.
Yes, Constable. You find that funny? There are many policing agencies in Texas. In unincorporated Harris County, my area is patrolled by Harris County Pct 4 Constables. They take all calls seriously, including theft. and B&E.

Sorry you live in such a liberal state that they will not take theft seriously. (I find that funny)
Jan 6, 2020
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Yes, Constable. You find that funny? There are many policing agencies in Texas. In unincorporated Harris County, my area is patrolled by Harris County Pct 4 Constables. They take all calls seriously, including theft. and B&E.
Sorry you live in such a liberal state that they will not take theft seriously. (I find that funny)
What's really fucked here is, every time there's a shooting, the politicians take to the airwaves with fists pumping and repeat their same ol' shit: "We need gun reform and we need it now!" When what these ignorant fucks really need to address is "revolving door" reform and how their senseless liberal laws (and fucked up judges) keep releasing the same scumbags loose to the streets to re-commit, over, and over, and over. It doesn't get any more aggravating :angry:

The assholes that shot ex-cop Kevin Nishita? Parolees. The assholes that shot up Sacramento a few weeks ago? Early-release parolees.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Here in Southern California, if the reported theft is under US$950, the cops don't even bother to come out/investigate anymore.
So the resolution of the pic is moot.
And most of the local bandits are wearing face masks and/or hoods these days.

One day, the bandit is gonna pick the wrong house to steal from; someone who is an NRA member, USMC, or similar.
Hi @Natey2

Don't worry .. soon a bag of groceries and a tank of gas will be over $1000 .. ( a bit of a joke .. but the prices are indeed going to go up significantly .. )

In terms of cloud camera image captures .. please DO share what you find here .. I'd be delighted to see more.

In general the DORI calculations I have done for Ring Cameras have been very poor results due to many having a very wide FOV and 2MP resolution ..
( please see the cliff notes )


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Here in Southern California, if the reported theft is under US$950, the cops don't even bother to come out/investigate anymore.
So the resolution of the pic is moot.
And most of the local bandits are wearing face masks and/or hoods these days.

One day, the bandit is gonna pick the wrong house to steal from; someone who is an NRA member, USMC, or similar.

In all fairness regarding some of the pics posted, it's clear that some are camera shots from the neighbor cams across the street who have no obligation or serious plan to protect their neighbors' property. I have some blurry pics of my neighbors driveway but that is beyond the scope of me trying to protect my property on my driveway. Although, it would have been nice to nail some of these dirtbags who were on my neighbors' property....such as the one who has the Ring floodlight cam.

As a native and former Kalifornian it's good to say hello from the:
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Aug 8, 2018
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
In all fairness regarding some of the pics posted, it's clear that some are camera shots from the neighbor cams across the street who have no obligation or serious plan to protect their neighbors' property.
That is true for posts 1, 5, and 16. But you can see that the quality of the shot sucks for even the part that is covering the poster's yard.

All of the rest are from OP's that are trying to record their own property. Some are poor cam placement, but most issues are just plain crappy cams or too wide an angle.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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^That is hilarious! Is she dancing for the camera LOL.

And perpetuates the consumer grade marketing with a false pretense of this is as good of quality as you can get.

And that is how we have millions of people buying poor video quality cameras (some costing more than good cameras)...


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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It is because they have been marketed that Ring and Nest quality is as good as it gets lol.

Even the police believe that is as good as it gets lol. They roll their eyes when I say I have video and I am like but this is actually something you can use - when I give them my video they wanna know what Ring camera that came from and I'm like it ain't no Ring lol. They say usually the only thing the video they get is useful for is what time it happened they are so bad.

Yep have posted better pics but they are oblivious to it or ignore it since it doesn't say Ring on it :lmao:
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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
I don't see anyone on Ring Neighbors or Nextdoor complaining about image quality of uploaded pics: very rare.
Most of them are appreciative of the pic uploads.

The only complaints are here on IP Cam Talk, lol.

Maybe one of you can post an ultra high resolution pic from one of your cams there and wow them.
I have done that on Nextdoor and a number of them are indeed wowed. They want to know what kind of cameras that I have. Even the police comment on how good my cameras are when they come by to pick up video.
Aug 8, 2018
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
don't see anyone on Ring Neighbors or Nextdoor complaining about image quality of uploaded pics: very rare.
Most of them are appreciative of the pic uploads.
So obviously you either did not read my reply to you in my post #41, or you do not wish to acknowledge it.

Thye do not complain because they do not know any better. But you do. Why don't you post these great shots here of perps that your cams have captured? So you like the fact that you do not have to think to use them. Good for you. This is no longer a discussion stating pros and cons. Just you stating that these Ring and Nest cams are better and everyone that owns them are happy and have great caps that LE use everyday to arrest and convict perps.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I don't see anyone on Ring Neighbors or Nextdoor complaining about image quality of uploaded pics: very rare.
Most of them are appreciative of the pic uploads.

The only complaints are here on IP Cam Talk, lol.

Maybe one of you can post an ultra high resolution pic from one of your cams there and wow them.
Hi @Natey2

" .. and my friends who have never had a real Taco think Taco Bell is the bomb .. "

and no, I am not going to go out there and buy those people real tacos ..


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
By the way I took a picture of this SUV this morning from my NVR. I was out walking the dog and this guy pulls up and asks me what time it is. Now this is a 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee (going by the license plate) that this guy is driving and I can guarantee you that the radio console has the time on it. So immediately my alarm bells go off and I am wondering what this guy is up too. Now the quality of this picture you would not get with a RING or a similar camera and that is the reason I am posting it here in this thread.

Man Asking Me What Time It Is.jpg
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The Automation Guy

Known around here
Feb 7, 2019
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How about this one. Broad daylight and good camera placement, but still can't read a license plate from 15' away! OP has stated that they tried to zoom in and read the plate, but no letters are readable.

I'm sure they loved the wide angle view that the camera provided - right up until the moment that they really needed to see something other than the woods.
