The Dog Dump


Pulling my weight
Aug 16, 2015
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Planet Earth
Damn respectful neighborhood too. Dog was like, " Ok Lets go, hurry hurry!."

I suggest rubbing the owners nose in it and hit him with a rolled up newspaper, saying NO, BAD HUMAN!


Known around here
Nov 14, 2017
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Southern NJ
Ya know I had a neighbor that did complain, even though I picked up afterwards. I asked him who he complained to about cats, rabbits, deer, squirrels, ground hogs, raccoons and fox, and all of them are regular visitors around here. He didn't have an answer.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Ya know I had a neighbor that did complain, even though I picked up afterwards. I asked him who he complained to about cats, rabbits, deer, squirrels, ground hogs, raccoons and fox, and all of them are regular visitors around here. He didn't have an answer.'s hard to get good wildlife know, the kind that'll pick up their own poo and dispose of it properly. :facepalm:


Known around here
Mar 29, 2015
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almost to the bottom
I have two big dogs and they poop on other neighbor's yards. Some neighbors get a pick up and some don't, depends on their attitudes. I don't really mind if the neighbors dog poops in my yard for some reason. I feel like putting a sign out there that says, let you dog poop here with out shame.

I have a lady towards the end of the street that never has her dog on a leash. When she sees me coming, she yells at me, "my dogs off the leash," so I think she wants me to turn around or not walk that way, but its a street. She also has a sign that reads please curb and leash your dog in her front yard, which seems a little hypocritical.


Known around here
Nov 14, 2017
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Southern NJ
I live "in the country" even though NJ is pretty densely populated. It's funny, all the lots are an acre or bigger, lots of people have dogs and no one lets them run around off leash. Yeah, once in a while one will get loose but then the owners are out on patrol looking and asking if you've seen them.


Known around here
Mar 29, 2015
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almost to the bottom
Someday, I am going to be the guy in one of these videos. I do check for cameras first though. This would be extremely embarrassing.


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA
Ya know I had a neighbor that did complain, even though I picked up afterwards. I asked him who he complained to about cats, rabbits, deer, squirrels, ground hogs, raccoons and fox, and all of them are regular visitors around here. He didn't have an answer.
I have those same visitors, they don't have a supposedly superior being in direct control of them.
Also, none of them leave large LOGS in the yard. Not that I've found anyway.

One of the neighbors little girls fell in a nice log in her own front yard, two doors down from me. From this dog.
Mamma bear is out for blood. ;)
I've owned dogs, and for the most part, they stayed in my yard to do their business, when we walked them, I always had a baggy with me.

Yup, as Parley said...that is a bitch taking a piss...not a dump. If she was taking a dump her ass would be quite high in the air and her back very arched. The tail would also be held differently. She's communicating with other dogs, and possibly other animals. That's why she's sniffing the ground to make sure she's putting her piss in just the right spot. If you get the chance one day take a dog for a walk in the'll be surprised at just how much animal piss there is around and how/where they just have to talk back by pissing around the same spots.
Thanks captain obvious. Doesn't matter, some of you have sand for a yard. I have dirt and grass, the grass is needed on my steep front yard for erosion control. Female dogs peeing, kills grass. Poo left, kills grass. Dead grass leads to erosion, and more work for me.

The rest of the dog walkers around here do the right thing and pickup the poo.

It's just a neighborly thing to do, keep your dogs in your own yard.


Getting comfortable
Oct 25, 2016
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Owings Mills, MD
Ya know I had a neighbor that did complain, even though I picked up afterwards. I asked him who he complained to about cats, rabbits, deer, squirrels, ground hogs, raccoons and fox, and all of them are regular visitors around here. He didn't have an answer.
Hmm, the old "wild animals do it" excuse. I guess you feel it's OK for your kid to poop in someone else's yard too because ... wild animals do it!

So tell me ... does your dog poop and pee inside your house, or did you train them not to do that? All a homeowner is asking is that you respect their property by not letting the dog that you have control over relieve themselves in their yard.


Known around here
Nov 14, 2017
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Southern NJ
I guess I don't live in a perfect world, with a perfectly trained dog and a perfectly manicured lawn like you do. I also guess the State or local government in your community comes around and cleans up after the wildlife.

One more comment, in most states the property within three feet of the curb/street line is public property. You actually don't own it no matter what your deed/survey shows or you think.

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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Some next door neighbors of ours have a fun dog who is a joy. A while back, we had some concrete work and re-grading of our front yard done along with installation of a sprinkler system and new sod.

The dog used to run wild laps around their front yard and then ours, and back and forth. It really was a hoot! Anyhow, she left sort of a worn track where she always ran, especially where she had to lean and dig in as she was peeling around the sharp corners! We didn't care, and the dog is great.

But when we had the new sod put in, these neighbors somehow immediately trained the dog to stay entirely off of our yard so as to protect the new, delicate sod! It almost makes me feel sad that the poor pooch can no longer run her former route! But I do appreciate it.

Anyhow, one morning I was looking at the live feed from our cameras, and I saw smoke rising from a small point in their front yard. I figured some thoughtless smoker had flicked their burning cigarette out onto their lawn as they walked or drove by. So I viewed back in time to see who had done that.

But what I saw made me laugh out loud. Their dog had just taken a dump, and what I was seeing was steam rising from the pile! I guess I'd never seen that before!!

Anyhow, the dog never goes on our lawn. That dog knows the property line, apparently, and absolutely respects the boundary! I find it amazing. And, No. They didn't install a buried wire thing to zap her. I really don't know how they trained her so quickly and perfectly. I actually miss her coming over to see us.

This doggie doo thread just made me think of that. The temperature must have been very near the dew-point, because the steam rising was very visible, which amazed me.

We are blessed with excellent neighbors.

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