Synology NAS update: can no longer write to NAS


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
[RESOLVED] Synology NAS update: can no longer write to NAS

Everything was working fine on my DS213j until 1AM today, when it auto updated. Ever since, my BI cannot access the NAS. The PC running BI can see, read/write to the NAS using windows file explorer, but from within BI, I get "clip: trouble creating file" - along with a bunch of 0min0sec video clips.

I've tried moving the clip directory from the url-based \\diskstation\blueiris\new, to locally mapped version (z:), but no change. I've rebooted the NAS and the BI machine. Same results.

Anyone else seen this before? Is there a way to roll back a Synolgoy update? I've sent them a trouble ticked, and posted on their forums.
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May 23, 2015
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I have this exact same issue with my DS213 you have described. Blue Iris was recording to my NAS flawlessly then one day it just quit writing to the NAS. The cameras still showed recording but the time date stamp on the cameras freeze. This happened to me several months ago. I'm not sure if it was because of an update or not. I know I manually did not update unless the NAS updated automatically. If you find a solution to the problem please let me know. I am about ready to toss the Synology and try something else.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
I should have reported back with the solution/workaround.

It turns out, like me, you're probably using the guest account on the DS213. That is, your BI PC is logging into the diskstation as a guest. The guest user likely has been set up initially to provide full read/write permissions. Well, this latest update (which the DS213 applies automatically by default), has a bug in it. Despite you having the guest user with full r/w permissions, it does not respect that.

The result is, what programs used to be able to operate fully on the shared resource, suddenly can't.

I reached out to Ken, even though this is really a Synology issue. His suggestion was to create an additional user on the diskstation, using the same credentials that you use on the PC running BI.

In my case, the BI PC wasn't using a password, and had only one user account (BI-I7). It is an administrator account, but that didn't matter to the diskstation.

So, I created a password (in Windows under user settings) and then created a new user on the diskstation using those credentials. That user I gave full admin rights.

Presto, my problem was gone. BTW, one of my primary reasons for never using a windows user password was I hated the nagging of entering a password on system restarts/wake. Open a command window, and enter "control userpasswords2" and give it your password, you'll never have to enter it (for Windows) again.


May 23, 2015
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I really appreciate the reply, but after trying this I still had no luck. Did you have to delete the admin account on the diskstation?


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Ugh, that's a shame. No, I really didn't do anything other than add a new user, with the same username as the logged in user on the BI PC (in my case BI-I7). As stated, that PC did not have a password, so I had to first create one within windows. After adding that user, it just worked.

Actually, come to think of it, I also added a script that was highlighted at the Synology forums. But that, on its own, didn't seem to work - so I followed Ken's advice with the new user on the Diskstation. Perhaps it's a combination of the two?

Either way, here are the instructions regarding the script.

There is a workaround from synology support posted by adprom that is very easy to apply - no ssh etc.

1) go to control panel -> task scheduler -> create -> user defined script
2) name it whatever you want, under "run command" paste script below

"start winbindd ; restart smbd" (without quotes)

3) save and run

Let me know how it turns out.

I also received a rather nicely worded email from the support guys (after starting a ticket). Ultimately, I didn't reply to it, since I got it working again, and I didn't have to mess with the credential manager (though this is something you might want to try):

Hello Eric,

Thank you for contacting Synology support.

Verify that the Blue Iris app is not using "guest" credentials on the NAS. There is a known issue being worked on regarding guest access.

Also, try clearing old credentials from the credential manager, and then rebooting the PC. Here is an example for windows 8.1. Other versions will be similar.

If you still have issues, then please send us screenshots demonstrating how you are connecting and showing any error messages.
Also, please download a kernel log using the instructions below, and send it back as an attachment.
For DSM 5.0 and above:
1. Login to the DiskStation Manager as the default 'admin' account.

2. Go to Main Menu - Support Center - Support Services and click Generate Logs.
3. Please download and save the debug.dat file.

Technical Support
Synology America Corp.