Surveilance center architecture


Nov 18, 2018
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Hi guys.

I have task to propose architecture for surveilance center.

Current situation :

- 41 NVR connected to LTE routers with about 300 cameras
- surveilance center with 3 desktop PC with iVMS 4200 on each, connected to 50 inch TVs

All equipment and software is from HikVision.

Current solution is not very efficient specially when lot of intrusion detection alarms fires up at the same time. Also desktop PC suffers from high CPU usage.

We are adding about 3 new NVR each month.

Live view from each cammera isn't necessary because we focus on intrusion detection and alarms that fires up in surveilance center.

My have few questions :

- will installing dedicated streaming server helps with CPU high load on clients? Will streaming server decode video?

- what to focus on when choosing server for this kind of application? should it have high end graphic card for decoding?

- what will be best overall architecture for this kind of system? I preffer HikVision solutions but it is not must be.

Thanks in advance for your help. I don't have lot of experience in surveilance stuff but it is very interesting topic and I want to exlore it.