Success story


Sep 15, 2021
Reaction score
I have always had cameras and worked with cameras in the petroleum business , so I knew the difficulty in getting good license plates captures, and never saw the need at home. It wasn’t until recently when someone started harassing and threatening a close friend and neighbor. All the nest cameras and even my camera system couldn’t identify the car other than a small white SUV flying by.

I knew I couldn’t do anything with the threading letters, but once he or she started vandalizing their cars I knew the LPR was the answer. So with a little research and a lot of help from here I got my one ALPR camera set up and running flawlessly, just about a week ago actually . I get a good clean capture and log of every plate that goes by on the street.

We figured it was only a matter of time before they struck again. And they didnt disappoint, Monday night 8:03 pm, her nest camera catches them driving by and tossing a container of white paint on one of their cars. Thanks to all the help I got here, my cameras got him driving up the street and a perfect capture of the plate. By 10pm the person was arrested. Unfortunately he can’t be linked to the letters or other vandalism instances, but at least it’s a start. Thanks!
Last edited:
Nov 25, 2016
Reaction score
I have always had cameras and worked with cameras in the petroleum business , so I knew the difficulty in getting good license plates captures, and never saw the need at home. It wasn’t until recently when someone started harassing and threatening a close friend and neighbor. All the nest cameras and even my camera system couldn’t identify the car other than a small white SUV flying by.

I knew I couldn’t do anything with the threading letters, but once he or she started vandalizing their cars I knew the LPR was the answer. So with a little research and a lot of help from here I got my one ALPR camera set up and running flawlessly, just about a week ago actually . I get a good clean capture and log of every plate that goes by on the street.

We figured it was only a matter of time before they struck again. And they didnt disappoint, Monday night 8:03 pm, her nest camera catches them drive by and tossing a container of white paint on one of their cars. Thanks to all the help I got here, my cameras got him driving up the street and a perfect capture of the plate. By 10pm the person was arrested. Unfortunately he can’t be linked to the letters or other vandalism instances, but at least it’s a start. Thanks!
It's a satisfying feeling, isn't it?

I'm also just a homeowner on a residential street, but my own LPR cameras have assisted in the capture and arrest of two wanted felons, and the recovery of two stolen vehicles. One of the perps tried to break into a car in which my neighbor's daughter was sitting while her mom went into the house to get something. She later testified at his trial, and he went away for multiple felonies.

You can't put a price on that.