SFTP/FTP snapshot upload not working


Apr 7, 2021
Dear all,

i hope you will be able to help me out. I have 2 cameras IPC T5442T-ZE (V2.800.15OG004.0.R, Build Date: 2020-12-03 ) and i am struggling to get SFTP/FTP upload for snapshots to working.
While recording to the SFTP is working without any issue, snapshots are not, not a single snapshot (general, event or alert) is uploaded to the SFTP. As soon as i activate the function "Emergency local" snapshots are send to the local SDCard.
I just wanted to get 1 Snapshot per hour for a timelaps video uploaded to the SFTP on the same network using the "general" schedule.

Any ideas what could be the issue?

BR and thanks in advance!
Hi all,
just got my IPC-T2431T-AS (V2.820.15OG000.0.R, Build Date: 2021-05-08) from Andy via Amazon.

Looks like I have the same problem, at first snapshot is working (with Motion Detection, IVS or a call from /cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi) to FTP. After some time none of this ways works to make a snapshot. But recording to the same FTP still works. Tried a other FTP here, too, but same problem.

Reboot don't help, but if I set the cam back to default it works again. I can re-import the settings and it still works. But then after some hours snapshots are not working anymore.

Any idea?
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