Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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The problem i have is the layout of blueiris i'm using is different from the one shown here. i am currently using the demo to make sure if i want to keep it but i tried your script and got absolutely nothing at all. i tried the usual email way and it works but with a 20-30 second delay. that is with a setting using the record to substream+ alerts and i dont have the use mainstream if available enabled under ai. I'm almost at my wits end tbh. Has anything changed since you originally wrote the script? i've also done some reading and a lot of people aren't liking codeproject saying it's not always reliable.

Any possible help is much appriciated. I'm using reolink cameras and used setup guide by the hook up on YT. The cameras record and what not it's just so dang slow for pushover so thats what led me here but after all attempts the script returns nothing at all from pushover. i used the api and user key in the set up of it etc. Obviously i'm doing something wrong or this new version of blueiris is crap lol. Like literally every tutorial i've found shows a different layout altogether for blueiris. Why would they move settings around and put on different tabs it's mind numbing.
Reolinks are known to be problematic with BI. And most here don't agree with the Hookup...

I use a combination of the the Pushover app with the API and the Pushover email and they are quick.

If your email is delayed 20-30 seconds, then that is an issue within your network and/or setup and/or email provider.

Keep in mind any AI done outside of the camera does present an inherent delay as it is processed - what are your make times on the AI analysis? If they are 15,000ms that is your problem right there.


Jan 27, 2024
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United States
Reolinks are known to be problematic with BI. And most here don't agree with the Hookup...

I use a combination of the the Pushover app with the API and the Pushover email and they are quick.

If your email is delayed 20-30 seconds, then that is an issue within your network and/or setup and/or email provider.

Keep in mind any AI done outside of the camera does present an inherent delay as it is processed - what are your make times on the AI analysis? If they are 15,000ms that is your problem right there.
Dumb question how do i see that for the AI? i'm a bit of a noob and only started tinkering with BI 2 days ago.
My setup is this. I have 5 reolink cams, 1 811a 1trackmix 1 823a and 2 duo2 all hooked up via ethernet to a poe switch and then linked to a ethernet switch. i have tp link mesh which is ethernet wired for backhaul


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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The problem i have is the layout of blueiris i'm using is different from the one shown here. i am currently using the demo to make sure if i want to keep it but i tried your script and got absolutely nothing at all. i tried the usual email way and it works but with a 20-30 second delay. that is with a setting using the record to substream+ alerts and i dont have the use mainstream if available enabled under ai. I'm almost at my wits end tbh. Has anything changed since you originally wrote the script? i've also done some reading and a lot of people aren't liking codeproject saying it's not always reliable.

Any possible help is much appriciated. I'm using reolink cameras and used setup guide by the hook up on YT. The cameras record and what not it's just so dang slow for pushover so thats what led me here but after all attempts the script returns nothing at all from pushover. i used the api and user key in the set up of it etc. Obviously i'm doing something wrong or this new version of blueiris is crap lol. Like literally every tutorial i've found shows a different layout altogether for blueiris. Why would they move settings around and put on different tabs it's mind numbing.
You are doing something wrong...the script works on all versions of BI...

The help file updates notes explains why certain features and functions were moved around..its only mind numbing if you believe it was done arbitrarily..
Reolink cameras that have no control over the iframe interval in the firmware have issues with blue iris in addition to issues with multi stream reliability- this comes right from the developer...there are work arounds that help a bit see reolinks own website and posts on the forum
"5.7.9 - August 8, 2023
The FTP component has been brought up to date. It now supports TLS 1.3 as well as SFTP
A new Reolink camera make/model option for RTSP main stream + FLV sub stream. As we
battle with Reolink firmware reliability, this combination attempts to emulate the way in
which their apps and web services work. These models are notorious for stability problems
when multiple RTSP streams are requested."

If your reolink has a smart or + codec option it must be disabled...

You also want to use continuous sub + triggered not + alerts...otherwise any motion that is a valid trigger but for whatever reason is not confirmed by ai will result in a low res can then set alerts to only fire when confirmed.


Jan 27, 2024
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United States
You are doing something wrong...the script works on all versions of BI...

The help file updates notes explains why certain features and functions were moved around..its only mind numbing if you believe it was done arbitrarily..
Reolink cameras that have no control over the iframe interval in the firmware have issues with blue iris in addition to issues with multi stream reliability- this comes right from the developer...there are work arounds that help a bit see reolinks own website and posts on the forum
"5.7.9 - August 8, 2023
The FTP component has been brought up to date. It now supports TLS 1.3 as well as SFTP
A new Reolink camera make/model option for RTSP main stream + FLV sub stream. As we
battle with Reolink firmware reliability, this combination attempts to emulate the way in
which their apps and web services work. These models are notorious for stability problems
when multiple RTSP streams are requested."

If your reolink has a smart or + codec option it must be disabled...

You also want to use continuous sub + triggered not + alerts...otherwise any motion that is a valid trigger but for whatever reason is not confirmed by ai will result in a low res can then set alerts to only fire when confirmed.
i set the iframe of each camera to 1X. is this wrong?

Also my provider is outlook


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
i set the iframe of each camera to 1X. is this wrong?
The issue is Reolinks will change it to whatever TF they want all in the effort of producing a nice bright static image.

We have people here that Reolink with BI missed them pulling their car into their garage.

Look at your Cameras Status page from BI that shows your KEY, similar to this screenshot of a member here where they had set these cameras to 15FPS and matching iframes within the cameras (I suspect you will be missing motion that you do not know you are missing....):


Now look at they key - that is the iframes ratio. Blue Iris works best when the FPS and the iframes match. Now this is a ratio, so it should be a 1.00 if it matches the FPS. The iframes not matching (that you cannot fix or change with a reolink) is why they miss motion in Blue Iris and why people have problems. This is mainly why people are having issues with these cameras and there are many threads showing the issues people have with this manufacturer and Blue Iris. It is these same games that make the camera look great as a still image or video but turn to crap once motion is introduced.

The Blue Iris developer has indicated that for best reliability, sub stream frame rate should be equal to the main stream frame rate and these cameras cannot do that and there is nothing you can do about that with these cameras... The iframe rates (something these cameras do not allow you to set) should equal the FPS, but at worse case be no more than double. This example shows the cameras going down to a keyrate of 0.25 means that the iframe rates are over 4 times the FPS and that is why motion detection is a disaster with these cameras and Blue Iris...A value of 0.5 or less is considered insufficient to trust for motion triggers reliably...try to do CodeProject with those lower ratios and it will be useless in many situations...

Compounding the matter even worse...motion detection is based on the substream and look at the substream FPS - they dropped down to below 6 FPS with an iframe/key rate of 0.25 - you will miss motion most of the time with that issue...CodeProject probably won't work at all for certain fields of view...

A KEY of 0.1 means that any object in and out of the field of view in under 10 seconds may be completely missed as a trigger.

Look back of videos people have posted here where Reolink/BI combo completely missed a motion event. If all you have are reo's, then I highly suspect there are events that you are missing.


Jan 27, 2024
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United States
So basically you're saying i should stick with reolink software lol. It works flawless via their app but i guess they don't like to play well with others?


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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So basically you're saying i should stick with reolink software lol. It works flawless via their app but i guess they don't like to play well with others?
Or get better cameras LOL.

Blue Iris is great and works with many different camera brands, but there are some that force people into their own system like Ring, Nest, Arlo, Blink, etc. and then some like Reolink that they kinda work outside of their platform, but not really. When push comes to shove, we have folks that have come here after discussion with reolink help that shows they will admit the problems with working outside of their platform.

And of course none of this solves the underlining issue of Reolinks and that is they cannot produce a clean capture at night of an object in motion.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
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SF Bay Area
I think most of us would agree that Pushover is an incredibly flexible and reliable resource for a small one-time up-front cost.

If you would like to support the continued development of Pushover, see this post.
Last edited:


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
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Washington State
I've been using Pushover for quite some time and have been happy with it, but recently I've been looking to deGoogle my life. Since Pushover requires Google push on Android I'm looking for an alternative. What I have started playing with is ntfy, pronounced "notify". It is open source, can be self hosted if desired, and in some ways it works similarly to Pushover without the need for Google or Apple push services. One similarity is that messages can be sent using curl, but the syntax is different.

To send the word "Hi" to a phone the syntax is:

curl -d "Hi"

To send a photo use:

curl -T MyPhoto.jpg

The point is that at first glance the similarity with Pushover suggests that it can be used as a replacement, but before digging into the programming I would like to know if someone else has already put in the time to make it work with BI.

Some reference material can be found here.

Sending messages - ntfy


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
I messed around with ntfy a bit today and was able to get it to send BI alert images. Not all the stuff that the Pushover config sends, but just images is enough for now while I test speed and reliability. The other stuff can come later. The ntfy website shows paid plans, but you can use it for free.



Getting the hang of it
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
When I test the code below, I get nothing. Same when using the lightening bolt. Does everything look correct with my code here?

curl.exe -s --form-string "token=XXXXX" --form-string "user=XXXXX" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F "attachment=@D:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"



BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
The test button (lightning bolt) at the bottom of the Action Set window can be used to send a test message, but it will not contain an image.
Try actually walking in front of the camera.

When I test the code below, I get nothing. Same when using the lightening bolt. Does everything look correct with my code here?
See the API Syntax Reference Guide and Debugging info in post #1.

You may be one of the users that need to use the argument --ssl-no-revoke .


Getting the hang of it
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
It appears that my notification is working fine now. However I also want to include the url to the webui and have the code below. The alert image does not include the URL. THe syntax appears to be correct but can someone put a second set of eyes on it please. Thanks

-s --form-string "token=ABCDE" --form-string "user=ABCDE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a href='&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB'>UI3</a>" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F "attachment=@D:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
-s --form-string "token=ABCDE" --form-string "user=ABCDE" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a href='&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB'>UI3</a>" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F "attachment=@D:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"
HTML in your message string is not showing because you have not included --form-string "html=1"


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Is anyone else experiencing long delays for the notifications? Mine are working, but they're taking upwards of 1-2 minutes to come in using the curl script. It's been working fine for months, but over the last week or two it's gotten really bad. I added the pushover client for web browser, and it's delayed too - even when sending tests from the pushover dasboard.