School Thread: Lets stay educated and aware!

Aug 19, 2020
San Antonio, TX
There have been a lot of posts about the crap that is going on with our schools. I am trying to consolidate them, as it is EXTREMELY important that we stay aware of what is going on. So I will start it with this UNBELIEVABLE MESS. How does one even obtain information like this? Is it not criminal to do so, and especially to use it in such a manner, such as 'black-mail'? This sorry sack of shit needs to seriously be booted out of ALL PUBLIC OFFICE jobs. Wow!

That is because there are no checks and balances in our school system. Without this they are in their own bubble. They are there to educate, not indoctrinate. There used to be the PTA to somewhat achieve this, but most of the parents lost interest in this until now.

As a person that went to both public and private schooling, private ( or home schooling) is the way to go. The quality of education between public and private is night and day. Though there are very few good public schools that truly care, most are just publicly funded day care centers.

On the other side of this, is you need to get rid of all public employer unions. People that work for "the people" should not be in unions.
If there was ever a doubt...there is no longer. The liberal disease has now infected my Beloved Texas! Of course its in Austin, but IDGAD, its STILL MY TEXAS!

Although to myself, this seems trivial to fight over, it's just another example of school boards going to far and making decision on their own once again. It could have been anything, but this time it was about a mascot.

  • Angry
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I hope this man can breath new life into Communist Northern VA! Let's see how big is 'cojones' are. He's going to need them....
WTF are these people that write these books and try to justify them? But, at least it is a win....for now.

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Good news for us, now that wHitler is making national headlines. Our state is just praying that “that” thing and her dyke AG don’t find enough dead voters to register.

I am hoping and praying that Michigan goes red in November and the riots ensue in Detroit and because all the good firefighters resigned after the eugenics shot mandate that the entire city burns to the ground and Michigan will continue to be red for years to come.
Michigan, I am praying for you all to do the right thing!

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Being in Michigan and seeing that that the other day am I ever glad that we pulled our kids out of the government schools last year.

The money spent on private school is the best money we have ever spent.
Sure, our budget got tightened, we made the decision to not go on “bigger” vacations.
It was hard at first, my wife and I wouldn’t get home from work till 5-6:00. It used to be easy once or twice a week to say screw it, let’s just go out.
During this time my wife resigned her great paying job as a RN at the hospital due to the mandate and took a substantial lower paying job.

Fast forward a year and half later. We eat healthier, learn meal planning which leads onto planning farther ahead to other aspects in life.

Sure, the kids would like to go on another cruise, they miss vacations to Texas and down south.
But they got into 4-H and showing livestock heavily over the past 2 years. They now realize being away from their farm for days at a time is not possible.
Our vacations now are going to livestock shows. They are now showing off the livestock that they raised and their hard work is showing it.
My wife and I are enjoying it I think even more than they are.

Paying for a private school has been the best money ever spent for our family. I encourage every family to do it. It may seem like a sacrifice, but it has turned out to be a huge blessing.