Scared Away By 2 Little Red Dots


Known around here
Sep 14, 2015
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Saw this car make a u-turn on the corner and park across the street. Decided to zoom in on the car with the Huisun Mini Bullet PTZ and see what they were up to. Nothing much happened until the driver glances back at our house. He does a double take and stares back at the front of our house. Within a couple of seconds the car drives off and it seems to be in a hurry to leave. After they left, I walk over to where the car was parked and look back at our house. The only thing I could see were 2 bright red dots. I could not see any of the cameras installed above the garage. What I could see looked like 2 bright red eyes staring back at me. I guess the driver knew what red lights at night mean, and decided to find a new place to park.
