Rat Pulls a Fast One on an Owl!


Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2017
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Here I have a bird feeder that captures wonderful birds feeding during the day.. however the unfortunate side to these feeders especially being so close to a greenbelt they also attract rats at night. So if you were a rat and an owl came very close to you.. how would you escape? Well, you freeze... then when clear run like heck like this one did. :lol:

Camera: Dahua HFW5231E-Z12



Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
@samplenhold: Haha! I know right! If you saw the owls reaction.. it's almost as the owl got startled by fleeting rat.

@TonyR: Oh believe me.. through out my years.. I've done baffles and the such where I just finally gave up on the bird feeder.. You won't be able to tell from the video but on the pole that's suspending the feeder, I had previously put some habenero seasoned grease. That worked wonders for a while however I got tired of re-applying after all the rats slipped off it and with it the grease. Later I'll post a video of one night I quietly ambushed some rats on the feeder and they didn't know which way to come down. They did a comical kamakazi dive for freedom.. it was hilarious!


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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One day when I've got time I might post the videos from my bluebird box cam. Last year, no problems. This year 1 clutch of eggs and 3 baby birds eaten by predators; first one was a raccoon that got the eggs; I put up a baffle. Second one, a gray rat snake....went right over the baffle like it wasn't there....somehow it spanned 2 horizontal distances of at least 20 inches total, under and over the baffle, and back onto the T-pole supporting the bluebird box, the ate the 3 live baby birds....it's all on video. :confused:

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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One day when I've got time I might post the videos from my bluebird box cam. Last year, no problems. This year 1 clutch of eggs and 3 baby birds eaten by predators; first one was a raccoon that got the eggs; I put up a baffle. Second one, a gray rat snake....went right over the baffle like it wasn't there....somehow it spanned 2 horizontal distances of at least 20 inches total, under and over the baffle, and back onto the T-pole supporting the bluebird box, the ate the 3 live baby birds....it's all on video. :confused:
We sometimes get big bull snakes where I work, and it's amazing how far they can stretch themselves out over a big gap to reach something that you would never imagine they could get to, and from a very precarious perch, like the trim around and above a doorjamb. They do love bird eggs and babies.