Question about blinding a camera


Young grasshopper
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
British Columbia
Long story short, I have cameras and
respect my neighbours privacy, they are not pointed towards their yard etc. My neighbour on the other hand recently installed four cameras, of those four, one points directly to my property at the front, the other at the back. They are positioned in a way that they catch their yard as well, so chances of our bylaw department shutting them down is next to none. Also, I already have a fence to the maximum height our city allows so building a high fence is out of the question.

I am looking to blind their camera from viewing my yard. I was considering IR lights pointedin their direction, just wondering what others on the forum recommend, especially for those in similar sitiations.


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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Long story short, I have cameras and
respect my neighbours privacy, they are not pointed towards their yard etc. My neighbour on the other hand recently installed four cameras, of those four, one points directly to my property at the front, the other at the back. They are positioned in a way that they catch their yard as well, so chances of our bylaw department shutting them down is next to none. Also, I already have a fence to the maximum height our city allows so building a high fence is out of the question.

I am looking to blind their camera from viewing my yard. I was considering IR lights pointedin their direction, just wondering what others on the forum recommend, especially for those in similar sitiations.


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Well, it does sound like you're about to start attempting to blind each other's cameras ....


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
Why not go and talk with the neighbour before venturing down the blinding route which will quickly escalate into a full on neighbours war!

I have some of my cams which can also capture snippets of my neighbours front and back garden but apart from live viewing the cams are set to record on motion and I’ve set them up to trigger only monitor motion within my boundary lines.

Yes there is a chance that my neighbour would be recorded if they are right up against the boundary fence and there is a trigger event at exactly the same time but luckily for me my neighbour has never had any issues with the cams.


Young grasshopper
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
British Columbia
Why not go and talk with the neighbour before venturing down the blinding route which will quickly escalate into a full on neighbours war!

I have some of my cams which can also capture snippets of my neighbours front and back garden but apart from live viewing the cams are set to record on motion and I’ve set them up to trigger only monitor motion within my boundary lines.

Yes there is a chance that my neighbour would be recorded if they are right up against the boundary fence and there is a trigger event at exactly the same time but luckily for me my neighbour has never had any issues with the cams.
Well, these neighbours are not open to any type of communication. These people are spiteful and do things because they can. We have spoken to them about other issues in the past which they just say they know their rights and nothing can be done about it.

I know they won't change because the neighbour on the other side of them has had issues with them since 1986. We built a high fence because of them sitting and staring into our yard. They constantly push the limits for property boundaries as well, putting stuff on my side just to get a reaction, not giving my kids balls back if they end up over the fence on the very few occasions. They break them and put them on a pipe for display in their yard. So, like I said, I'm not a fan of them watching us in our yard.

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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Young grasshopper
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
British Columbia
I honestly have been looking at those! Lol. Great for the night time... Now the day time... Lol

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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If it were me, I would just ignore their cameras and live well. Unless you are dealing crack in sight of their cameras, or some other thing that can be used against you, it's a fool's errand to try to do anything about it. If they won't listen to reason, and you can't realistically block the view with the fence as you've described, you'll just be wasting your time fretting over it.

I once had a neighbor who expressed some curiosity about what my cameras could see, which was a polite way that they expressed some concern that maybe I was spying on them. I pulled out my phone and showed him exactly what my cameras could see, which showed that nothing not reasonably observable from the sidewalk was within view, and for the cameras that were zoomed in his general direction, they cut off halfway up his lawn. He immediately relaxed. A month later, a kid went around stealing stuff from mailboxes (including his) and I caught that and gave it to the police. No problems with that good neighbor ever. OF course, this relies on me as a reasonable neighbor being polite. Sadly it sounds like you live next to POS folks. Consider moving?