Prewiring, mebbe a dumb question but....


Pulling my weight
May 9, 2017
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Ok, mebbe a dumb questions but here goes. Once we finally start to build our forever house later this year, we are going to prewire of all of our cameras. I have a really good "general" idea on where they'll be placed and we will run Cat6 to every location. However, until we are actually moved in and have our cameras on hand to do some testing I have no clue exact where they'll be placed. So the question, once those wires are temporarily in place, what to do with those wires so they are easily accessible once the house is done.
Run them to a junction box in the general area on the house on the outside or? Not really what I want to do but we do need good and easy access to them once the house is done. Siding will be shingle. Some cameras placed on corners and others in the soffits around the house. I had originally figured on maybe 8 cameras but it's probably more like 11 or 12.

So what does the braintrust suggest ?
Aug 3, 2015
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Run at least two Cat-6 cables to each corner soffit, so you can have two cameras facing opposite directions, covering the widest possible area. Also, leave a good five to ten feet of slack at the end of those cables, so you can position them easily without cabling problems.