PC Monitor vs TV as display?


Young grasshopper
Nov 15, 2015
I need a display at a business location with a LTN8932 NVR and 16 cameras. What, if any, difference are there between the two (PC Monitor and TV)?

What should I look for in a display?

Monitors will be cheaper because they dont need any tv tuners or anything like that..

Look for one that's low power if its going to be left on continuously..
It depends on size needed , resolution , and viewing distance .

For example : if it will need to be a large size , 4K tv's are cheaper than 4K monitors .

more info on your scenario could gain more insightful answers .

ive just finished playing with a dahua 4K camera through my 65" 4K tv .
it looked pretty good !!! ;D
I have just had a conversation with a boss about how he wished he had a better view of the cameras. His scenario is he is viewing multiple NVR's through SmartPSS and HAD 16 cameras on a dedicated PC with a 40" 1080p samsung TV. He sits about 7' away from it. All was good until I installed two more cameras and had to go up to a (I THINK) 25 camera view. He did not like it so I ended up adding a 23" monitor and extending his desktop down if you can Imagine that and running a second live view for the other cameras. I guess my point is with that many cameras..think BIG.
My local bestbuy has a 50" lg "4K" for 399.00 at the moment .
that would give quite an improvement in screen real estate .