Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Back to Life ;)

Is anyone else starting to get concerned about what's happening with the coronavirus from Wuhan? It's difficult to know what is trustworthy information, and why is hype, but honestly, I'm starting to get a real uneasy feeling about what little 'legitimate' info is being reported from the WHO and CDC.

The latest information indicates the virus has an incubation period of up to 14 days, and just today, the CDC announced that someone infected may be infectious for the entire time they are asymptomatic. That's scary since it means infections are happening in areas that haven't seen any symptoms, for possibly a week or more.

As an ER doc, my wife is at the tip of the spear when it comes to treating people. And while I'm sure most that are not in the medical field will learn of local infections from word of mouth or local news reports, those reports come from those on the front line - who ultimately will be exposed before any warnings are issued.

I live in a very, very remote area (closest neighbor is more than a mile away, and the closest town with a Walmart is a 2hr RT drive). If things get bad, I can shelter in place (we have adequate food and supplies), but that will be of little consequence if wife is infected in the process of finding the first case of the virus in our area.

If anyone is concerned, the time to prepare is quickly evaporating. N95 and higher masks are all but sold out on Amazon. Emergency food rations are also expected to be exhausted as more people become aware of how real this threat is. As soon as people begin to hear of the increasing death toll and infections within their states, shelves will start to go empty. People will refuse to go to work - refuse to send their kids to school. It could get really ugly.

Many of us have cameras for, among other reasons, due to the distrust of fellow humans. The thin veneer of civility will quickly evaporate in conditions like this. I hope I'm wrong. But I am planing for the worst.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Important read IMHO

Rockefeller Foundation Wants Behavioral Scientists To Come Up With More Convincing COVID Vaxx Narratives

And, the threat still lingers. Why the Mercury Project feels the need to compose vaccine propaganda for a virus with a mere 0.23% median Infection Fatality Rate is not explained. And, if vaccination numbers from agencies like the CDC are accurate, then the population has already achieved herd immunity anyway (perhaps their numbers are not accurate?). Why are globalist groups so obsessed with 100% vaccination for covid? This is never explained.

They will say it's all about saving lives, but if only 0.23% of people on average are at risk regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not, then public health is not really a believable explanation. It would seem that the Mercury Project's purpose is more about influencing people to vaccinate despite the science rather than in the name of science.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Glad this bitch got slapped.

Judge Rules COVID Vaccine Mandate For DC Government Workers Is Unconstitutional

Judge Rules COVID Vaccine Mandate For DC Government Workers Is Unconstitutional | ZeroHedge

An order that was handed down by Judge Maurice A. Ross was a response to a lawsuit filed by the Washington D.C. Police Union and other groups that opposed Mayor Muriel Bowser’s mandate. Bowser in August of last year ordered city government employees to provide proof of vaccination although some workers could seek a medical or religious exemption to the shot.

A vaccine mandate is not an everyday exercise of power,” Ross wrote in his 17-page ruling (pdf). “It is instead a significant encroachment into the life—and health—of an employee. It is strikingly unlike any other workplace regulations typically imposed, as it ‘cannot be undone at the end of the workday.’ Thus, there is an expectation that a vaccine mandate must come from a legislative body.”

Ross also argued that the legal “system does not permit the Mayor to act unlawfully even in the pursuit of desirable ends,” including curbing COVID-19, adding that “the Mayor lacks legal authority to impose a vaccine mandate on Plaintiffs.”

The judge rejected city lawyers’ arguments that Bowser could impose a vaccine mandate in her capacity to regulate occupational and workplace hazards. The Biden administration made a similar claim to the U.S. Supreme Court last year on its vaccine mandate for private businesses before the court struck the rule down in January.
“Although COVID-19 is a risk that can occur in many workplaces, it is not an occupational hazard in most,” Ross wrote in his order.

It means the city can’t enforce the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Meanwhile, disciplinary actions that were taken to enforce compliance can be reversed, according to Ross’s ruling.The DC Police Union praised the decision and said it will ensure that its officers won’t be terminated or forced to take the vaccine.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser attends March for Our Lives 2022 in


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
BREAKING: The NIH Just Quietly Admitted Ivermectin Treats COVID – enVolve (

After spending the last 2 years mocking President Trump for promoting Ivermectin (you know, the “horse medicine”) the NIH (National Institutes of Health) has now quietly added it to their approved treatment list.
On the NIH’s official site under the Covid-19 treatment guidelines Ivermectin along withs several other antiviral medicines were reportedly listed as treatment methods to Covid-19.

BREAKING: The NIH Just Quietly Admitted Ivermectin Treats COVID – enVolve (

Another source. Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19 - PMC (