Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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The cover ups are starting to unravel

Oh, and your government hates you and lies to you on a daily basis.

This medical data from the US DoD is explosive. Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it.

About DMED
You can read about DMED here. Essentially, it is the official database of the 1.4M active duty DoD servicemen.

For a quick intro to the database, I highly recommend you watch this 2 minute video of Dr. Robert Malone talking about the DMED database: DR. MALONE STATES DOD IS DELETING DATA FROM IT'S DATABASE TO COVER UP DAMAGES DONE BY THE "VACCINES"

Why the DMED data is so important
There are 14 reasons that the DMED data is very important.
  1. The individual doctors themselves realize that the vaccines are causing the harm documented in the DMED database. According to an insider I spoke to, around 40% of military docs realize what is going on, but doctors in the military can’t speak out against the vaccine because they are ordered not to say anything. So all these doctors have to remain silent. The data in DMED is their voice.
  2. The original DMED data appears to be very reliable. It is hard for anyone to make excuses for the increased rates in the DMED database quoted in this letter because the event types with increases are all confirmed in the VAERS database. Unlike VAERS, this database cannot be dismissed using hand-waving arguments. DMED is not a self-reported database where reporting rates are unknown. It is a fully reported database where all the reports are from healthcare providers. In short, if the vaccines are safe, the DMED data is hard to explain. For example, you can’t pin the rise in events in 2021 on COVID since total hospital event rates declined in 2020 (relative to 2019) in both the original and corrected results. Note: The DoD now claims the 2016-2020 data was wrong and issued corrected values (graph on the right):
  3. These are absolute rate increases. In VAERS, we’ll often compare a baseline rate of an event in prior years with the current year to look for a signal. This is a “differential signal” so high values are possible. For example, the reported VAERS rate for pulmonary embolism is 3 per year. Say it goes to 300 per year, a 100X jump. But if the baseline rates of PE are 1000, then on an absolute basis, this is just a 0.3X increase. So large absolute number jumps are very significant. This is exactly what we have in the DMED database: very large absolute jumps.
  4. The effect sizes are huge. For example, the rates of hypertension increased by 21X from average in 2021. Nervous system diseases increased by a factor of 10.
  5. Nobody can explain it. If it wasn’t the vaccine causing these huge increases in adverse events, what was it?
  6. The military is deleting cases to make the effect size smaller. Watch this video DR. MALONE STATES DOD IS DELETING DATA FROM IT'S DATABASE TO COVER UP DAMAGES DONE BY THE "VACCINES"
  7. It’s a great “conversation starter” with your pro-vax friends, local lawmakers, local health authority, and favorite fact-checkers. You simply ask a simple question, “How do you explain these dramatic rate increases in 2021 vs. the 5 year average?” This works particularly well at City Council meetings, school board meetings, and with lawmakers.
  8. Symptoms with increases match the VAERS data. It is tough to claim the elevation in event rates is due to something else because a) the range of elevated symptoms is so large and b) the symptoms in DMED that are elevated match the symptoms in VAERS that are elevated.
  9. The DoD is in a panic about this leaking out. This data wasn’t ever supposed to leak out. The only reason it leaked out is due to the efforts of three whistleblowers inside the DoD. According to an insider I spoke to, the DoD has no idea how they are going to cover it up. The only thing they’ve done is claim the 2016-2020 data is underreported, but this doesn’t match reality as I explain below.
  10. Deliberate mainstream press cover-up. There is evidence that mainstream media reporters have been instructed not to cover this story or talk to Tom Renz. I verified this myself searching for articles about Renz in The New York Times and CNN. So you’ll only hear about it from alternative media. Think about it… this is one of the most explosive stories of the year (if not the decade) and the mainstream press isn’t covering it at all? What does that tell you? You don’t have to have a lot of critical thinking skills to figure that one out. It pretty much tells you everything you need to know: there is a massive cover up of adverse events.
  11. It destroys the credibility of the CDC. I just finished watching the latest ACIP meeting where CDC officials said there were no safety signals (other than myocarditis) in both the VAERS and VSD system. Amazingly, there were no deaths from any mRNA vaccine. Zero. It also begs the question how they could possibly completely ignore all the safety signals in the DMED database. They didn’t even consider it. However, they are unlikely to ever answer that question. But when the Republicans come into power in the Senate in 2023, I’d expect that Senator Johnson will ask Rochelle Walensky why the CDC is ignoring this database.
  12. The military can’t effectively refute it. After being confronted with the data, they now claim the 2016 to 2020 data was wrong. The problem is their new numbers are nonsensical as I explain below.
  13. Symptoms that were not associated with the vaccines were not elevated in 2021. Symptoms unrelated to the vaccines weren’t elevated. So if there was a data glitch causing reduced reporting rates, how come only events related to the vaccine were elevated in 2021?
  14. Total hospital event rates declined in 2020 (relative to 2019) in both the original and corrected results. What’s unique about the DMED database is that military hospitals don’t get COVID incentives. Total hospital event rates declined in 2020. If COVID is so dangerous, how do they explain that?


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Danish government researchers have acknowledged that vaccination does not provide adequate protection against the putative Omicron variant, and some analysessuggest that it increases the risk of contracting it.

Experts also cautioned that a sharp increase in breakthrough cases might indicate “primordial antigenic sin,” which occurs when vaccination results in the inability to generate an effective immune response to a viral variant, leading to worse health outcomes for those vaccinated.

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University That Funds Biden's Think Tank And Hosts FactCheck.Org Has Contract With BioNTech, Gets Paid For Vaccine Sales And FDA Approvals

Documents obtained by NATIONAL FILE show that the University of Pennsylvania, which hosts and funds Joe Biden’s think tank called the Penn Biden Center, directly profits from the sale of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Coronavirus vaccines. The University gets more money if more vaccines are sold. The University of Pennsylvania also gets “milestone payments” when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The university’s Board of Trustees receives the money directly, and the university is protected from civil liability if people try to sue for “bodily injury” or “death” caused by BioNTech vaccines.

BioNTech signed a licensing agreement in 2018 with the University of Pennsylvania, which directly funds the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Even though Coronavirus had not yet broken out when the deal was made, the 2018 agreement ensured massive payments for the University of Pennsylvania if its technology ended up getting used in new mRNA-based vaccines. Well, UPenn’s technology did end up getting used in the mRNA-based Coronavirus vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech, and the deal has led to massive revenue for the university. Joe Biden, who was working for the University of Pennsylvania when the deal was made, received more than $900,000 from the University of Pennsylvania in the two years before he ran for president in this past election.

The University of Pennsylvania also houses the pro-vaccine website University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann is now Biden’s nominee for Ambassador to Germany. The Biden administration’s FDA has speedily approved or authorized Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines including for children — all while the Penn Biden Center’s parent university enjoys massive profits from vaccine sales and FDA approval. And the Pfizer-connected FDA even knew about numerous adverse events for children related to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, but allowed children to be injected with it anyway. Now, as the FDA considers emergency use authorization for a Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children as young as six months old, the direct financial relationship between these vaccines and Joe Biden’s think tank must be exposed


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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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