Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
The new york times is turning itself into a bigger pile of excrement disguising opinion and propaganda as fact. This is a story about a town in Poland mandating the covid shot for all adults.
Vaccine Mandate Unleashes a Mob in a Small Polish Town

I'm inserting some of my opinion here, so the article is available to read directly. My summary is that it accuses anybody of resisting the shot as crazy. Based on the story I admit that some of the objectors have gone overboard with the nazi accusations, but there is the same behavior of medical experimentation on people who don't want it. People who have honest fear of forced experimentation on their body are labeled as having hate and rage.

A few of the statements in the article:

-“the simple medical fact that vaccination is the only thing that can prevent this disease.”
-growing minority who “live in a different reality” based on distrust of all scientific, moral and political authority.
-But the effort unleashed such a wave of hate
-alarm that his push to get people vaccinated has stirred so much rage.
-Still, the anti-vaccination cause in Walbrzych and elsewhere, galvanized by false information and conspiracy theories on the internet, has found wide traction.
-turbocharged resistance driven by paranoia, turning a “tiny group of perhaps 1% or 2%” of the population into a noisy, passionate force.
-anyone who gets inoculated will be entitled to incentives


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Now that it is OK to discuss the lab leak story... :

First Again! World Finally Catches Up to Lab-Leak Story.
Peak Prosperity

Find out how more than a year ago Peak Prosperity followers were way ahead of the crowd on the Covid lab-leak story.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 2, 2019
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I wanted to read all the pages but 372 pages is a little to much.. the question is, will you be taking the vaccine Pfizer or other or not? And if not could you explain why not? I'm thinking about it but not sure.. I'm a healthy 42 year old man.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
I'm 72 and got the Pfizer shots. Consulted with my doctor, I'm getting regular immuno therapy for cancer, and he said it should be fine for me. No serious side effects, so far, other an typical injection site pain. I figure at my age I can use whatever additional protection it might offer and don't have to worry, too much, about long term side effects. If I were younger I might be more hesitant. It is a very personal decision and I don't think anyone can tell you what the "right" answer truly is. Only time will tell.
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I wanted to read all the pages but 372 pages is a little to much.. the question is, will you be taking the vaccine Pfizer or other or not? And if not could you explain why not? I'm thinking about it but not sure.. I'm a healthy 42 year old man.
Hi @ricklndn

So far good results from either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines for the family in the USA.

After the 2nd shot, some reported needing a day to recover ( tired, headaches, sleeping it out ) - good results compared to covid-19.

Friends working in the medical field also reported good results.

Do make certain your vitamin D levels are up, we've been supplementing a little to help here.


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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I’m still undecided. I never get regular Flu shots so...
I'm the same @bigredfish, I never get regular flu shots either but I'm not interested in getting this "vaccine". My wife went to the doctor a few days ago (full disclosure, a nurse practitioner). She expected to have a big argument about the shot which she does not want but the nurse practitioner told her she didn't want the shot either because she doesn't trust the govt to tell the truth. The practitioner told her she and her family all got covid and for them it was similar to having a cold. Weird how it is no big deal for so many yet very serious for others.
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BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
1. I'm an old man
2. I live in a semi-rural area
3. I haven't been sick in over 25 years (unfortunately, I do have a congenital heart defect, but that's another story)
4. I have never had a flu shot
5. People keep calling it a vaccine, it is NOT a vaccine...

When people start dropping like flies (which won't happen from Covid19, maybe the next weaponized virus will work better for them), I'll consider a shot.

End of story.
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Getting comfortable
Sep 1, 2020
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It’s a matter of trust. Moderna has never created a vaccine. J&J and Pfizer have developed drugs that caused harm and have paid/been fined millions of dollars. They were drugs that went through the full FDA approval process and still caused harm.

Covid 19 vaccinations have not been through the standard process which leaves one to question are they safe?

Manufacturers of these vaccines hold no liability for their products that were rushed to market. Birth defects, debilitating side affects death are all possibilities and in fact have happened. Tens of billions of dollars are at stake. With that kind of money on the line, and a race for who can get the biggest piece of the pie, can these companies be trusted?

Only you can decide……I’m a bit surprised at how trusted they are under the circumstances. My fear is that the vaccinations turn out to be worse than the virus.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Now that it is OK to discuss the lab leak story... :

First Again! World Finally Catches Up to Lab-Leak Story.
Peak Prosperity

Find out how more than a year ago Peak Prosperity followers were way ahead of the crowd on the Covid lab-leak story.
This was a very good watch, thank you. My wife and I watched it together, it caught her up on what all has been going on and I learned a lot about virus splicing :)

One comment; with Biden back-pedaling a day later after he shut down investigating the Origin of Covid-19, something tells me their conclusion in their 90 day investigation will be focusing on how the U.S. can get out of this mess since our grants funded this type of gain-of-function research. Believe me, when all of this Truth comes full circle and the world finds out who is responsible for the man-made virus, they will be seeking restitution.

I have a question, let's just assume Big Pharma knew how the virus was made in order to so quickly make a vaccine, look at the billions they made from this, couldn't/wouldn't they also be responsible to pay restitution? Wow, mind boggling...


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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Hard pass for me and the family on any of the shots. It's a risk/reward situation that every person needs to make on their own. If I were 20 years older with some medical problems, my decision might be different. I'll take my chances on a 99.7 percent recovery rate if I get the receding Chinavirus before the world hits herd immunity. It's absolutely ridiculous to even offer this shot to kids, in my opinion.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I wanted to read all the pages but 372 pages is a little to much.. the question is, will you be taking the vaccine Pfizer or other or not? And if not could you explain why not? I'm thinking about it but not sure.. I'm a healthy 42 year old man.
The wife, 66 and myself 59, have decided to not take the vaccine and wait all of this out. As more complications arise/surface, for me the blood clotting issue is a huge concern since I have had a Heart Attack and a Stroke and my family has a history of heart disease. We originally were waiting on if the vaccine would be forced on us, which should be a Huge Red Flag to anyone who are on the sidelines like us since the Morality rate of this virus is less than 1%, and any blacklisting of those who do not take it, another Red Flag. So far their has been mild blacklisting and no direct force, that I am aware of, except we watched one video here on this Forum of a Special Needs person being held by police in her front yard while they gave her the vaccine, chilling to watch.

UPDATE (Found that Video):

To make this clear, we are not anti-vaxxers or anything like that, we have been well vaccinated our entire lives both starting from our childhoods :), now we get our yearly Flu and Pneumonia vaccines, go twice a year for checkups but now that we are older we think differently than we did when we were younger/stronger/more immune :) We Quarantined like most everyone else, the wife's job moved from her office to home, my work pretty much stopped last year, we only went to a few restaurants all of last year, other than the grocery store we did not go anywhere, saved a lot of mileage on our vehicles :)

My wife is retiring next year and we plan to do a lot more traveling, we hope by then we will know more about these vaccines and hopefully anything that has been censored/suppressed will come to surface where we can make a decision (Not an Emergency type Decision) if we will get the Revised vaccine in our future.

We fully respect those who are at higher risk that have been vaccinated, we fully understand, those who are at low to almost no risk are the only ones we have a question about, unfortunately we have several in our own family, some who are extreme germaphobes, but we still love them :)

Living in Fear all of the time is not good for your Health either...:)
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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1. I'm an old man
2. I live in a semi-rural area
3. I haven't been sick in over 25 years (unfortunately, I do have a congenital heart defect, but that's another story)
4. I have never had a flu shot
5. People keep calling it a vaccine, it is NOT a vaccine...

When people start dropping like flies (which won't happen from Covid19, maybe the next weaponized virus will work better for them), I'll consider a shot.

End of story.
Haha, I am laughing because you sounded like me yesterday in on my first day of Physical Therapy for my knee, they made me wear a mask the whole hour of working out. I was furious when I left and extremely out of breathe. :) I was your typical Grumpy Old Man, haha, not saying you are but I think, we think a lot alike...
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Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
I wanted to read all the pages but 372 pages is a little to much.. the question is, will you be taking the vaccine Pfizer or other or not? And if not could you explain why not? I'm thinking about it but not sure.. I'm a healthy 42 year old man.
I am 58 years old and my wife has a weakened immune system from chemo drugs-- getting the shot was an easy choice for me. I actually got the shot before they cleared my wife to get it. I got the 1st shot in February. I work at a school, and our superintendent pulled some strings to get our staff ahead in line a little bit. It was optional, and out of ~90 employees, there were 7 or 8 who declined to get the shot.
Shot number two was 4 weeks later (Moderna), and that thing kicked my ass. I was sick with fever, chills, fatigue, and overall body aches for 3 days.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I got my first flu shot last year before the pandemic arrived. When your employer (especially a hospital system) requires you to get the flu shot for immunization records I don't know what goes on on their mind.
So I am going to sound like I am contradicting myself because of our stand on the Covid shot but the wife and I got our flu shots just 2 years ago after 20-30 years prior of both of us having bad previous experiences with the shots, both of us got the flu then, or as they say flu like symptoms, I only took 2 shots prior and got sick on both but the second one I was out of work for 2 weeks, well that was a no brainer after that to never take that shot again :). We figured we are older now and would try it again, we did fine except this last one my wife got she was sick for 3 days after the shot, we got a Phenomena shot at the same time, of which we have been told you need to spread the two shots apart.