Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
How would you like to be identified as "Patient ZERO" who infected a whole bunch of very wealthy athletes....???



Getting the hang of it
Sep 7, 2018
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The Coast of Central CA
This is nothing short of bio-terrorism. Bottom line only you can protect yourself and family. People should use this as a learning experience cuz it will happen again, and it might be even more deadly. The US is toping the charts with the number of infections and deaths due to our lack of caring. the 29 to 40 something's here in CA are being infected at shush a alarming rate big bro has called for a mandatory curfew for all. In the name of public health (which means all necessary means can be used, bypassing many legal safeguards. one in place it will be hard to reverse any changes intuited. not a conspirsery talk it is going on in realtime as I type. parts of Marshal Law are being implemented under public health and we the people are letting big bro get away with it. when guns are taken and held without due process (Oh that is happening in CA NOW. A law was enacted here in CA without a vote of the peole, in fact we wernt told about till after it became law. Anyway If 3 people sign a com[lant that you made an act of agressin your guns can be taken, you are locked up for eval a min of 72hrs. Then if found ok you are released and will have to pay for them taking , storing and then rerecister (if it is leagL NO GRANDFATHERING ANY MODEL. iF YOU OR THE GUN HAS ISSUES THE WEPPONS ARE KEPT. Also Nothing happens to the reporting partys just ops's my bad.Sorry I hit the cap lock and Im to lazy to re type LOL. These are facts. I've had to help a few friens after they we already in the system (his ex baited him into an outburt her her boyfriend and a friend of them sent him to jail and took all his wepons. could not5 come up with the cash.. Lost it all, and I was in the bank the other day and i was asked for ID and I fliped it like a playing card. the teller got all upity asking why I thru it at her. Well I have a loud vioce and in miniuts the maniger was telling Me She already had 3 peole to sing so leave or go to jail. This is real!!!! Read the writing on the wall or get swept up into the system. That is about enough of little chicken the sky is falling. To Me the worst part is Everyone is so scared they are willing to let their freedoms be taken away in a hope it might help save them WRONG
Good Luck And Stay Safe: Mike/EZ


Getting comfortable
Jul 24, 2018
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Covid is nothing compared to what will be brought across the border in the future. Diseases, parasites, etc..
Remember the flea for example..

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk


Getting the hang of it
Sep 7, 2018
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The Coast of Central CA
I'm sorry I forgot the WHY?? This Law was put on the books due to 1 boy! He became angry at a party was beat down and the police were called. The police stated that he had not hit anyone in fact they were the ones that could be arested. The Boy left got a gun went back and shot his attackers. It was said if the police could have arested him in the beginning the deaths would not have happened. So this law is to help[ ploice stop a crime before it is a crime. I didnt know a crystal ball was admissable in court LOL Now it is getting out of hand, Rase your voice and someone will come up any an say is there a problem, do we need the police. esp. in a school, hosptial , court out havin coffie on the sidewalk which we are mandated to sit on cuz we cant go in mind numing isnt it...This is one of the reasons I changed My pic. I can be fined If I got in public without itm, so I cover up so AI can only ID my phsyical aperance hight weight walk I do lift My hat and off the glasses when entering a bank, store courts just for the camera an proof i'm under there not some imposter. Now I'm all excited and cant get off My soap box, but it is nice to air My thoughtds without interuption. People are so rude about interupting aqnd trying to talk over you.
Mike/EZ Disclamer These are facts not opnion, so be good or be good at it :cool:


Getting the hang of it
Sep 7, 2018
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The Coast of Central CA
FYI: A polly/spandex neck gator is the best meterial cuz it does repell water droplets (not much will help if you are spewed on) Now fold it in half dubblelayers, put a standered coffie filter in the middle and you now have near n95 filtration (if it is sealed on you not letting air bypass filter media. Quick and dirty test is if the mask blocks light it is below the needed micron filtration level of a n95 (if sealed) unless you dress down in full hazmt ppe, you can be at risk think blood borne pathengen that is air borne one word comes to mind NASTY

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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This is a travesty...

1 In 13 Of All US Nursing Home Residents Have Died Of COVID-19

As of the last week of November, Covid-19 has claimed the lives of more than 100,000 people who live and work in long-term care facilities in the United States, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation's latest analysis of state-reported data.
So both of my parents passed away this year in these facilities. Neither one got Covid, this we are thankful for. We did have 3 family members get Covid, two were in Long-Term Care facilities, Our Son-In-Law's Mother who survived and only had mild symptoms, I believe 13 or 15, can't remember, tested positive in her facility and one passed away. My Step Daughters grandmother, also in a facility, got Covid and survived, I don't have a lot of detail, but both Lady's are in their 70s. Our granddaughter 38 got Covid, she works for a hospital, she actually had the worse of all 3, the hospital sent her home, as most who have Covid are sent home, while at home quarantining for 14 days she developed breathing problems and had to go back to the hospital. She is find now, that was a few months ago.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
Reaction score
This is nothing short of bio-terrorism. Bottom line only you can protect yourself and family. People should use this as a learning experience cuz it will happen again, and it might be even more deadly. The US is toping the charts with the number of infections and deaths due to our lack of caring. the 29 to 40 something's here in CA are being infected at shush a alarming rate big bro has called for a mandatory curfew for all. In the name of public health (which means all necessary means can be used, bypassing many legal safeguards. one in place it will be hard to reverse any changes intuited. not a conspirsery talk it is going on in realtime as I type. parts of Marshal Law are being implemented under public health and we the people are letting big bro get away with it. when guns are taken and held without due process (Oh that is happening in CA NOW. A law was enacted here in CA without a vote of the peole, in fact we wernt told about till after it became law. Anyway If 3 people sign a com[lant that you made an act of agressin your guns can be taken, you are locked up for eval a min of 72hrs. Then if found ok you are released and will have to pay for them taking , storing and then rerecister (if it is leagL NO GRANDFATHERING ANY MODEL. iF YOU OR THE GUN HAS ISSUES THE WEPPONS ARE KEPT. Also Nothing happens to the reporting partys just ops's my bad.Sorry I hit the cap lock and Im to lazy to re type LOL. These are facts. I've had to help a few friens after they we already in the system (his ex baited him into an outburt her her boyfriend and a friend of them sent him to jail and took all his wepons. could not5 come up with the cash.. Lost it all, and I was in the bank the other day and i was asked for ID and I fliped it like a playing card. the teller got all upity asking why I thru it at her. Well I have a loud vioce and in miniuts the maniger was telling Me She already had 3 peole to sing so leave or go to jail. This is real!!!! Read the writing on the wall or get swept up into the system. That is about enough of little chicken the sky is falling. To Me the worst part is Everyone is so scared they are willing to let their freedoms be taken away in a hope it might help save them WRONG
Good Luck And Stay Safe: Mike/EZ


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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So both of my parents passed away this year in these facilities. Neither one got Covid, this we are thankful for. We did have 3 family members get Covid, two were in Long-Term Care facilities, Our Son-In-Law's Mother who survived and only had mild symptoms, I believe 13 or 15, can't remember, tested positive in her facility and one passed away. My Step Daughters grandmother, also in a facility, got Covid and survived, I don't have a lot of detail, but both Lady's are in their 70s. Our granddaughter 38 got Covid, she works for a hospital, she actually had the worse of all 3, the hospital sent her home, as most who have Covid are sent home, while at home quarantining for 14 days she developed breathing problems and had to go back to the hospital. She is find now, that was a few months ago.

I’m sorry for your loss.
Oct 16, 2018
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Florida, USA
I've had a similar experience viewed from your end of things with an RV forum. There are a few specific electrical issues that periodically pop up, and when they do, there are multiple authoritative sounding incorrect responses from people who don't have a clue.
@tigerwillow1 so I shouldn’t ground my trailer by bonding the ground and neutral at the buss? ;) We full-timed for a decade and made a fair number of electrical changes, like adding outlets, etc.

And, yes, there were people on the RV forum that I frequented that said this was an acceptable way to run a ground. Not.


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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Imagine the detrimental effect of keeping them locked in the basement for a year with a mask on, sprayed down with disinfectant, all while not being allowed to socialize with friends and get sick like a developing immune system needs.

It will be interesting to see those long lasting effects.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 7, 2018
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The Coast of Central CA
sorry for your loss, My siblings, and parental units except for my mom have passed,. I think My Mom is going t0 out live Me LOL. This Year She took the head of the clan as the oldest (most years) She turned 85. Not jus oldest living, also longest to live and that is going back to the beginning of the Wolfsberger clan. I feel like Prince Charles always a prince never King ...........LOL
Back to topic: The post acute facility i was in detected C-19 in a staff member on a fri9day (they tested everyone) didn't say anything until Monday morning when the place went into0 panic mood and started scrubbing everything. I got 0ut the next day and the number was now 6. My roomy called the next week and the number was up to 45. So they split the place in half and sick in one side and not sick yet in the other. within a month all were infected. Every person that went on a ventilator Died. I think the place knew this cuz they asked Me when checking in if I wanted to put on a ventilator if It was deemed needed. I totally dodged a Bullitt


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Dr. Fauci Finally Confirms That Children Don't Catch or Transmit COVID-19 in Large Numbers
I can't help noticing that for the most part articles that project hope and/or diminish fear about covid-19, which this one falls into, are from non-mainstream media sources. They make the case for freedom. The mainstream media articles are for the most part emphasizing how horrible things are and making the case for control. Two random examples running today:
US is 'rounding the corner into a calamity,'
Americans are choosing death over deprivation
The first link is from CNN. We know where they stand politically. The second written by a political science professor in Chicago who has a history of pro-democratic party and anti-Trump writings.

The widely-divergent perception of how dangerous covid is and how to deal with it looks to be split exactly the same as political preference. What a coincidence! Both sides claim to be following the science and the facts. There's obviously a lot of dishonesty, lying, deceit, and fraud out there. I wish I could know for sure which side it's coming from. If I was the guy upstairs watching this I'd maybe just blow the whole thing up and start over.


Getting the hang of it
Sep 7, 2018
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The Coast of Central CA
My wife and I agree we don't trust either side. So where do you go "Idaho" :cool:. Almost every pandemic map I've looked at Idaho is last or near last to be wiped out. It seems to Me that people either scared or they act invincible. So the invincible cause trouble, and the scared with their knee jerk reactions chip away at our freedoms. I was schooled by Big Brother way back in the 60's that this was going to happen Not if but When!!! I'm sad it is happening in My Lifetime, but I did listen and prepare. I have been told just keep away from people and it will be all good. Well I have no problem keeping away from people. My problem is keeping people away from Me.... Enough dooms day I'm going to bounce over to the Beach House for a quick post then lunch Mike/EZ


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
I'm waiting for Fweenie to come out of the closet and say, "I find myself in a strange position. knowing the truth but participating in the lie." :rolleyes:
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