Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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By the way, while watching the protests riots on CNN and WTLA feeds last night I heard a number of good liberals, including a mayor and various news folks, refer to the children trashing and looting various cities as "Thugs"..... someone needs to get them some remedial sensitivity training stat!


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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It's very disturbing to see your attitude towards these events. The murder of George Floyd and the poor response of our leaders to it is a national tragedy.

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Classic liberal response. You don't address the issue--instead you try to garner sympathy for something you really don't care about.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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From the news videos from Los Angeles area - it clearly showed Protesting group and Looting groups to be separate.

News Reporter on the ground clearly showed some walking who did not engage in looting, while others are looting.

I think we really should be clear that we should understand there are criminal elements which get involved when opportunity strikes, and are taking advantage of any unrest.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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No doubt there are a bunch of well intentioned people/protesters in the crowd.

But watching many hours of feeds from many cities last night, the bad actors aren't exactly the tiny percentage or as "clear" as some in MSM would have you believe. These riots/protests are organized, sponsored, and coordinated and not just by a group of 20 somethings on twitter.
More Bricks Appear In Advance Of Monday Demonstrations In Baltimore, Texas


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Let's be clear here:
-What the police did to George Floyd was a criminal act and should be punished
-I support peaceful assembly and protest in response to the atrocity
-I don't support rioting and looting
-Difference between rioting and protest is when injuries and damage start happening.
-As @mat200 said, often the protesters and rioters are different groups. Very often a few out of towners mix in with what would otherwise be a relatively peaceful community protest and incite it.
-Yes, anyone (D or R) who uses the term thug in a racially charged context should take sensitivity training. Maybe talk to someone who finds it offensive and understand why it matters.

There's no justification or excuse for protests to turn violent. But police violence against blacks is not a new thing. Maybe if their government made them and the shared issue of racial violence and protests about it more accepted, they would have less anger against the system. For example, remember Colin Kaepernick? What did peaceful, respectful protest during the national antem get in response?

Trump to anthem protesters: 'Get that son of a b---- off the field'

Pence leaves Colts game after protest during anthem

I want a president that embraces people that have been historically disadvantaged, not one who rails against them and calls them thugs.

What a difference five years makes:



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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No doubt there are a bunch of well intentioned people/protesters in the crowd.

But watching many hours of feeds from many cities last night, the bad actors aren't exactly the tiny percentage or as "clear" as some in MSM would have you believe. These riots/protests are organized, sponsored, and coordinated and not just by a group of 20 somethings on twitter.
More Bricks Appear In Advance Of Monday Demonstrations In Baltimore, Texas
From what I was able to discern it is clear that all parties are coordinating within their respective groups

1) police
2) fire
3) news
4) protesters
5) anarchists
6) criminals / looters. Looks like you can divide this into professionals / gangs / organized crime and opportunist looters.

In the crowd you can see a mix of people, including undercover police.

A home depot I check out a couple weeks back had a rental remote CCTV solar setup with PTZs watching their pro exit. You can bet some professional criminals are using the opportunity to "breaking bad" come in and steal a truck load of building materials, as I have never seen home depots around me deploy temp self standing CCTV units.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Example of the separation. You can see it better if you watch the helicopter news crew when they pan around the city.

Protestors and police line, see little looting here:


Looting, no police nor protesters nearby - just looters

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Just one big spontaneous coincidental organic thing... yup
This is what happens during civil unrest... you can expect much more of it.

Just like the Koreans during the LA Riots organized to protect themselves when the police abandoned them, we should expect various groups to organize themselves. Some of those groups will be criminal, some political,.. just the way it goes.

Amazon truck getting looted:

Police not arresting looters
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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This is what happens during civil unrest... you can expect much more of it.

Just like the Koreans during the LA Riots organized to protect themselves when the police abandoned them, we should expect various groups to organize themselves. Some of those groups will be criminal, some political,.. just the way it goes.

Amazon truck getting looted:
Yeah I get that Matt. People arent looting right in front of the police. But you have no idea if all of those in picture #1 were angels the whole night, its 1 second frozen in time.

Look I agreed already that I assume there are, perhaps even a majority, of well intentioned law-abiding folks there. Unfortunately for them, their message is being drowned out. Nobody I know, including quite a few LE, are advocating or condone unncessary Police violence.

I do expect more of it unfortunately.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Yeah I get that Matt. People arent looting right in front of the police. But you have no idea if all of those in picture #1 were angels the whole night, its 1 second frozen in time.

Look I agreed already that I assume there are, perhaps even a majority, of well intentioned law-abiding folks there. Unfortunately for them, their message is being drowned out. Nobody I know, including quite a few LE, are advocating or condone Police violence.

I do expect more of it unfortunately.
HI @bigredfish

Actually seeing people are looting right in front of cops... watching videos where the looters get away, and those just strolling without loot are getting arrested... crazy never thought I would see the cops let the looters go.

Here's a picture of a looter who broke the window and is now bailing out of the store ( police which failed to arrest blocked the entrance )

This looter bails out after tossing a pile of loot and then runs, cops near by


Cops watching and standing by

wtf girl running to "protect" the looters???

Exit created by her pals to help less athletic looters out... while cops watch and let this happen..


This is why the Koreans in LA know to load up on ammo...
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Example of the separation. You can see it better if you watch the helicopter news crew when they pan around the city.

Protestors and police line, see little looting here:

View attachment 62902

Looting, no police nor protesters nearby - just looters

View attachment 62901

I include "protesters" just standing there in your first pic that also happen to throw rocks, water bottles etc at Police as "bad actors". Not just looters.

Selective snapshots can tell any story you want to tell.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I include "protesters" just standing there in your first pic that also happen to throw rocks, water bottles etc at Police as "bad actors". Not just looters.

Selective snapshots can tell any story you want to tell.
Do check out the helicopter pans if you don't trust what I am sharing, you can search with the references I have provided.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I watched them for hours last night brother.. with "friends" who know what to look for.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Pretty sure the fall of Rome was Trump's fault to huh? :rofl:
I know you are speaking figuratively, so I'm gonna go with "yeah, pretty much." :lmao:

So, first a tragedy happens (the killing of George Floyd). The president had a few options as to what to do:
1. He could have stayed out of it, and drawn considerable fire from the left. This wouldn't have gone over too well. He's been silent on too many of them.
2. He could have read a scripted statement of support for George Floyd, vowed to support the community and it's leaders, call for further review of law enforcement procedures, and made frankly the usual political noises that presidents do when there's something like this. This would have helped.
3. Instead, he waded into the fray like a mad cow bull in a china shop, decried the city, it's mayor, threatened to invoke the national guard, and then used the "dog whistle" of calling people thugs and inciting violence "when the looting starts the shooting starts." His use of that word in that context normalized a very incendiary word at exactly the wrong time. He threw gas on the fire. Or, fiddled while Minneapolis burned, or whatever the analogy dictates.

So now, all sorts of people are using the word thug all over the place and it's not ok. I got an accidental text yesterday, from someone down in the southern outskirts of the Indianapolis metro area, talking about how "the thugs said on social media they are taking it to da white neighboahuds" (exact quote from this text) and how he was getting ready to kill them if they came through his door. Actually, I support shooting marauders who come through your door, so that's no-foul from my view, but calling the "lumpen group of mostly protesters, some rioters, and a few looters" thugs is not ok.

Doesn't matter what I think, or what you think. The reality is that Trump never polled well with black people but their motivation to get out and vote was uncertain. This has galvanized the black community against him from a motivational perspective and I think ends any chance he might have had for re-election.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I watched them for hours last night brother.. with "friends" who know what to look for.
Did you watch the clip from the stills I posted last?

Why did the police not act? There's like a dozen of them letting the looters get away...

( iirc similar actions during the LA Riots, when the LAPD abandoned areas and the Korean American shop owners had to take things into their own hands.. )


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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Let's be clear here:
-I don't support rioting and looting

-Yes, anyone (D or R) who uses the term thug in a racially charged context should take sensitivity training. Maybe talk to someone who finds it offensive and understand why it matters.

...remember Colin Kaepernick? What did peaceful, respectful protest during the national antem get in response?
Do you support law enforcement beating rioters and looters with batons until they can be cuffed and removed? Or do you support letting them get away with destroying property to get it out of their system? Do you support the shooting of a protester with a rubber bullet who has climbed on top of a cop car? Do you support physical incapacitation of any person who, through even the slightest act of physical violence results in senseless injury to an innocent bystander such as your parent, wife or child? I support every single one of these control measures (not the getting it out of their system part), because I know that employment of these measures will prevent future, similar violence.

We'll just call anyone who jumps on cop cars or throws molotov cocktails through windows "misbehavers" until the offending group recognizes there's a new term they don't like, whine about it and petition hypersensitive people like you to advocate sensitivity training to limit appropriate emotions over improper acts. How naive can you be.

Don't just point your finger at the President/Vice President. Millions of Americans have the opposite perspective as you and showed it by speaking out and disassociating with the NFL.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Did you watch the clip from the stills I posted last?

Why did the police not act? There's like a dozen of them letting the looters get away...

( iirc similar actions during the LA Riots, when the LAPD abandoned areas and the Korean American shop owners had to take things into their own hands.. )

Gotta run off to the HOA meeting, and I dont know about your specific clip, but its a manpower/priority thing as I understand it.