Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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They always use the word "Rare", so rare to me is hardly hear of it, yet I have heard of these side effects from family/friends/several here/many articles like this, etc.. There is Nothing Rare about these effects to the Clot Shot...
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Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
China's COVID infections hit record as economic outlook darkens

Pretend for a minute that fake news Reuters is correct with this story. I thought covid was fading away everywhere. Even our all knowing always truthful president said the pandemic is over everywhere except for student loans. How can it make sense that it's setting records in China?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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It doesn’t.
A country with almost 5x the population (1.5 Billion) of the US (330 Million) has less than 1/3 of 1% total accumulated cases of the US over the last 3 years?

The current blip is huge for China only if you believe the previous 3 years of their data.

Conversely, only those who have given up any kind of critical thinking believe the US numbers, so there’s that.

That said it does appear the bug is seeing a revival in the Asia Pacific region and Central/South America
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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You can as we all know, make numbers fit any narrative

Look at weekly trends

Hell, deaths in Sudan and Slovenia are up 700% and 800% respectively. End of the world type numbers right?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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To me the bigger question remains: Why are the Chinese so willing and eager to trash their population and economy to pursue zero Covid?

1- Do they know something the West doesn’t or is afraid to publicly admit?
2- Are they dumb enough to believe at this point that a virus with a 99% survival rate with an average death age slightly higher than the normal life expectancy, is an existential threat?
3- Or is it really as simple as exerting control over the population?

I don’t buy #3. The Chinese govt already controls their population greater than most any country save N Korea. They have done it methodically using the frog in the pot method for a very long time. Why risk widespread revolt with draconian measures now?

#2? - The Chinese are a lot of things, but “dumb” ain’t one of them


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
China's COVID infections hit record as economic outlook darkens

Pretend for a minute that fake news Reuters is correct with this story. I thought covid was fading away everywhere. Even our all knowing always truthful president said the pandemic is over everywhere except for student loans. How can it make sense that it's setting records in China?
Since the beginning of time, if people were symptom free and you didn't test everyone 4 times a day, how would you know if someone breathed in an virus into their nose? Did they get sick? Most of the time, no. Our body has immune systems that take care of those pesky bugs. So what changed since the beginning of time and spring of 2020 worldwide? Oh...yeah.....testing. WTF?? If you don't feel sick, then quit testing yourself, hypochondriacs. If you look long and hard enough for something, you might find what you are looking for. Especially when the government is constantly forcing you to be tested. it's now going on 2023. Why be tested? Why be tested?? Why be tested????


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
What is the symptoms of hypochondria?

Hypochondriac Symptoms
Hypochondria is a mental health disorder. It usually starts in early adulthood and may show up after the person or someone they know has gone through an illness or after they’ve lost someone to a serious medical condition. About two-thirds of hypochondriacs have a co-existing psychiatric disorder, such as panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), or major depression. Hypochondria symptoms can vary, depending on factors such as stress, age, and whether the person is already an extreme worrier.
Hypochondriac symptoms may include:
  • Regularly checking themselves for any sign of illness
  • Fearing that anything from a runny nose to a gurgle in their gut is the sign of a serious illness
  • Making frequent visits to their doctor
  • Conversely, avoiding the doctor due to fear that the doctor will find they have a dreaded disease or serious illness
  • Talking excessively about their health
  • Spending a lot of time online, researching their symptoms
  • May focus on just one thing: a certain disease (example: cancer) or a certain body part (example: the lungs if they cough). Or, they may fear any disease or might become focused on a trending disease (example: during flu season, they may be convinced that a sniffle means they’re coming down with the flu)
  • Are unconvinced that their negative medical tests are correct, then worry that they have something undiagnosed and that no one will be able to find it and cure them
  • Avoiding people or places they fear may cause them to get sick
    Health anxiety can actually have its own symptoms because it’s possible for the person to have stomachaches, dizziness, or pain as a result of their overwhelming anxiety. In fact, illness anxiety can take over a hypochondriac’s life to the point that worrying and living in fear are so stressful, the person can become debilitated.
    You may be wondering what triggers hypochondria. Although there really isn’t an exact cause, we do know that people with illness anxiety are more likely to have a family member who is also a hypochondriac. The person with health anxiety may have gone through a serious illness and fear that their bad experience may be repeated. They may be going through major life stress or have had a serious illness during childhood. Or, they may already be suffering from a mental health condition and their hypochondria may be part of it.

    Sound familiar??


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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What is the symptoms of hypochondria?

Hypochondriac Symptoms
Hypochondria is a mental health disorder. It usually starts in early adulthood and may show up after the person or someone they know has gone through an illness or after they’ve lost someone to a serious medical condition. About two-thirds of hypochondriacs have a co-existing psychiatric disorder, such as panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), or major depression. Hypochondria symptoms can vary, depending on factors such as stress, age, and whether the person is already an extreme worrier.
Hypochondriac symptoms may include:
  • Regularly checking themselves for any sign of illness
  • Fearing that anything from a runny nose to a gurgle in their gut is the sign of a serious illness
  • Making frequent visits to their doctor
  • Conversely, avoiding the doctor due to fear that the doctor will find they have a dreaded disease or serious illness
  • Talking excessively about their health
  • Spending a lot of time online, researching their symptoms
  • May focus on just one thing: a certain disease (example: cancer) or a certain body part (example: the lungs if they cough). Or, they may fear any disease or might become focused on a trending disease (example: during flu season, they may be convinced that a sniffle means they’re coming down with the flu)
  • Are unconvinced that their negative medical tests are correct, then worry that they have something undiagnosed and that no one will be able to find it and cure them
  • Avoiding people or places they fear may cause them to get sick
    Health anxiety can actually have its own symptoms because it’s possible for the person to have stomachaches, dizziness, or pain as a result of their overwhelming anxiety. In fact, illness anxiety can take over a hypochondriac’s life to the point that worrying and living in fear are so stressful, the person can become debilitated.
    You may be wondering what triggers hypochondria. Although there really isn’t an exact cause, we do know that people with illness anxiety are more likely to have a family member who is also a hypochondriac. The person with health anxiety may have gone through a serious illness and fear that their bad experience may be repeated. They may be going through major life stress or have had a serious illness during childhood. Or, they may already be suffering from a mental health condition and their hypochondria may be part of it.

    Sound familiar??
Reminds of that couple I saw earlier today returning a kitchen / household portable applicances (toasters, ovens, grills, and so on) - they held the damn returns line for a good 10 mins and it was painful. I mean why the hell were they buying something that they didn't need in the first place? I laughed with the cashier telling her this is why the economy is on the verge of collapse :facepalm:


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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To me the bigger question remains: Why are the Chinese so willing and eager to trash their population and economy to pursue zero Covid?

1- Do they know something the West doesn’t or is afraid to publicly admit?
2- Are they dumb enough to believe at this point that a virus with a 99% survival rate with an average death age slightly higher than the normal life expectancy, is an existential threat?
3- Or is it really as simple as exerting control over the population?

I don’t buy #3. The Chinese govt already controls their population greater than most any country save N Korea. They have done it methodically using the frog in the pot method for a very long time. Why risk widespread revolt with draconian measures now?

#2? - The Chinese are a lot of things, but “dumb” ain’t one of them
Great questions .. I also was wondering ..

Now let's follow the money ..

China requires frequent testing .. now the question, Who makes money on those tests ?

Then the question is who is losing money ..

Who is losing power ?
Who is gaining / retaining power ?

And quickly, similar to what we have seen in Australia, Canada, UK, USA .. those who claim lockdowns work .. claim other measures work .. they CAN NOT lose "face" or else they will get rebellions ..

Why do we see so many still fighting each other in the USA .. now imagine this happening in China .. the CCP can not allow that .. the people are losing massively .. if they could they would protest .. Covid lockdown keeps the protesting under the lid of the pressure cooker .. we are seeing steam escape now .. if this blows up .. well .. the world's factory and the iPhones in everyone's Christmas stockings can be gone ..
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
You can as we all know, make numbers fit any narrative

Look at weekly trends

Hell, deaths in Sudan and Slovenia are up 700% and 800% respectively. End of the world type numbers right?
So interesting numbers.

First: USA - 1.14 BILLION tests? For a population of 334 Million? That's more than 3 per person, and I never took one (lots of people have not) so it is even more than that.
Second: USA - 100M cases from a population of 334M, so about a third of the population? My wife and I have not had it, but we do know folks that have had it a few times. So it is like the flu.
Third: Since I lived in NIgeria and have first-hand experience with how health is there and how the medical system works there, they have only had 266k cases and 3155 deaths? Personal hygiene there is nonexistent. medical treatment is very poor. People live on top of each other, at least in Lagos (15 million people when I was there). There is no such thing as social distancing. Explain the low rate here.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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So interesting numbers.

First: USA - 1.14 BILLION tests? For a population of 334 Million? That's more than 3 per person, and I never took one (lots of people have not) so it is even more than that.
Second: USA - 100M cases from a population of 334M, so about a third of the population? My wife and I have not had it, but we do know folks that have had it a few times. So it is like the flu.
Third: Since I lived in NIgeria and have first-hand experience with how health is there and how the medical system works there, they have only had 266k cases and 3155 deaths? Personal hygiene there is nonexistent. medical treatment is very poor. People live on top of each other, at least in Lagos (15 million people when I was there). There is no such thing as social distancing. Explain the low rate here.
Age and co-morbidities as well as amount of sunshine ( vitamin D ) are important factors ..

iirc Nigeria has a lot more young people .. so already will have less % of death due to that ..

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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So interesting numbers.

First: USA - 1.14 BILLION tests? For a population of 334 Million? That's more than 3 per person, and I never took one (lots of people have not) so it is even more than that.
Second: USA - 100M cases from a population of 334M, so about a third of the population? My wife and I have not had it, but we do know folks that have had it a few times. So it is like the flu.
Third: Since I lived in NIgeria and have first-hand experience with how health is there and how the medical system works there, they have only had 266k cases and 3155 deaths? Personal hygiene there is nonexistent. medical treatment is very poor. People live on top of each other, at least in Lagos (15 million people when I was there). There is no such thing as social distancing. Explain the low rate here.
-Vitamin D = sunshine
-Ivermectin use is very common in Africa
-They can’t afford $30 tests
-Don’t go to hospital and get put on Remdisivir


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
What's really "funny" is that after three friggin years there is still no study that proves any efficacy with masks, social distancing, lockdowns or any of the other draconian measures that are used to "flatten the curve". I do have a mask that I suspect does provide some protection. It's a 3M mask designed for VOC use and includes an N95 filter as well. Problem is you look like an extra from "Outbreak" and there are no filters on the discharge side.
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