Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
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So the research is showing Omicron is NOT a mutation of Covid-19?!
Some are leaning in that direction, lab leak from south Africa, seems it skips a few mutations and was geared toward mice said one virologist I saw on Jesse watters show this weekend.. Who knows.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Interesting, 3 family members in PA and my wife's entire office here in FL all came down with the WuFlu week.

The kicker is she's the only one NOT jabbed and has zero symptoms so far.
Here in Upstate NY our positivity rate is like 20%, I'm on Day 3 of the Cron, Thought I dodged a bullet because my 11 yr old had it last week and the Wife the week before. We are not vaxxed, They both had fairly high fevers and groggy and all of us have had gastro
Issues, mine seem to be a little worse but I have NO fever. My wife missed 3 days of work and the kid missed 3 days of school. I woke up this morning for the first time with soaked pillow (Night Sweats). The only time I had ever had night sweats was when I had a bad case of Lymes, Other than that I feel pretty good right now, perhaps a bit tired. BTW The Cron Variant is not well picked up by the Tests. The guidance and protocol are a total clusterfuc. I was running to the bathroom so many times I told my wife I needed a mask on my ass, Ha Ha. The Flu bugs I have had in the past have kicked my ass 10 time harder than the cron so far...knock some wood. Hope everyone stays sane and healthy.
Hope you get better soon sir.
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Here in Upstate NY our positivity rate is like 20%, I'm on Day 3 of the Cron, Thought I dodged a bullet because my 11 yr old had it last week and the Wife the week before. We are not vaxxed, They both had fairly high fevers and groggy and all of us have had gastro
Issues, mine seem to be a little worse but I have NO fever. My wife missed 3 days of work and the kid missed 3 days of school. I woke up this morning for the first time with soaked pillow (Night Sweats). The only time I had ever had night sweats was when I had a bad case of Lymes, Other than that I feel pretty good right now, perhaps a bit tired. BTW The Cron Variant is not well picked up by the Tests. The guidance and protocol are a total clusterfuc. I was running to the bathroom so many times I told my wife I needed a mask on my ass, Ha Ha. The Flu bugs I have had in the past have kicked my ass 10 time harder than the cron so far...knock some wood. Hope everyone stays sane and healthy.
@c hris527 , get well and stay well,'s hoping the rest of '22 will improve significantly for you and your family.....

You talk to 10 people that have had COVID and/or have been vaxxed, you'll hear 20 different stories of how they were affected.

I'll be 73 next month and had COVID with pneumonia in Jan. of last year and it was only half as bad as the cold I had right at Christmas last month! I coughed so much and so hard I threw my lower back out!

Given a choice, I'll take the case of COVID that I had any day...but again, for others it's been a much rougher road. I'm looking forward to the day when this crap runs its course and each year it'll be like the flu that we've been around a long, long time and it will be treated and regarded as such.
Everyone we know who got IT over the holidays, all are Vaxxed, pretty much had the same symptoms as my wife and I who are not Vaxxed. Only differences between them all, us included, is some did not get fever, we all got cold like symptoms, cough, drainage, fatigue. The wife and I are still experiencing these symptoms 2 1/2 weeks later, not as bad, we are getting much better, may try to mow the yard this week. The wife went in and got a Steroid shot last week which helped her. Funny but the one's who were telling us no symptoms were coughing and had drainage. As I mentioned before, the wife and I go through this every year around this time with all the cold fronts coming down our way. Only difference this time is my low grade fever, usually 99-100 was 101-102 this time round, that is what made me go get tested. We bot retested negative after10 days.


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Jul 15, 2014
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Aug 3, 2015
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75 percent of Covid deaths have 4 co-morbidities

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky — “The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four co-morbidities. So really these are people who were unwell to begin with.”



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I've been out of the loop for a while, I've stopped paying attention to COVID

I've got both doses of Moderna, not sure if I'll get the booster. I've stopped wearing a mask anywhere, at this point I feel like we are going a bit far, especially if I am vaccinated

Is there still big bamboozles going on?

Its always funny to see people wearing a mask going for a jog. Do people enjoy it or what?
Hi @IReallyLikePizza2

"Is there still big bamboozles going on?"

imho looks like many are doubling down or worse ..

seriously getting really screwy .. China lockdowns and attempts at zero Covid policies in some cities absolutely crazy ..

Some in the Western world wanting to fire people who do not want to be vaccinated .. especially healthcare workers .. insane imho ..

any healthy people who has had and recovered from Covid-19 have natural immunity, and yet many are ignoring that. Not good, absolute insanity imho.

Booster or no Booster ? .. depends on your level of health imho, if you are healthy ( no significant comorbidities ) then the numbers I looked at were ok ( unboostered) , very high survival rates.

Omicron looks like it will help us get out of this mess from the reviews I have seen from channels I trust.
( example Dr John Campbell has been covering this well .. )

Crazy world now .. and to think this was nothing like the pandemics of the past ..


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
If Doctor Malone is right about this "hemorrhagic fever" outbreak in the CCP we sure as hell shouldn't be sending people there for the Olympics, athletes, media, public or anyone. The CCP needs to be isolated from the World until they come clean, nothing else is acceptable at this point.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
If Doctor Malone is right about this "hemorrhagic fever" outbreak in the CCP we sure as hell shouldn't be sending people there for the Olympics, athletes, media, public or anyone. The CCP needs to be isolated from the World until they come clean, nothing else is acceptable at this point.
I did a news search on this and not finding much of anything on it. There was a similar virus in China in 2013 and maybe this current is related.
These are the only articles I can find...
Hemorrhagic Fever Cases Rise in Northwest China - Caixin Global
China's northwest region hit with hemorrhagic fever, World News |


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
When they see five cases of Ebola in Africa they declare an outbreak because it is so devastating. Keep that in mind, too. If countries can lock down in a draconian fashion for a virus with a 99.5+% SURVIVAL rate, why is there no noise about this one?

On another note, I've been seeing more and more people questioning why the only approved "cure" for the CCP Virus is the "vaccine" and why are there no therapeutics being used other than monoclonal antibodies. Wonder if that has anything to do with nobody making money off of off patent medications?