Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva said he will not force his employees to get vaccinated as required by a mandate the City Council passed on Wednesday.

"The issue has become so politicized," Villanueva said on Thursday. "There are entire groups of employees that are willing to be fired and laid off rather than get vaccinated, so I don't want to be in a position to lose 5 percent, 10 percent of my workforce overnight on a vaccine mandate"

The sheriff also cited the "defunding effort" and referred to it coupled with the vaccine mandate as "the worst of two worlds."



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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As usual, follow the money and you will discover the truth…..

The real scandal, however, is represented in the sheer number of political operatives who have recently gone on to work for Big Pharma, from both Democrat and Republican offices.

The National Pulse has assembled a list of those declared by Pfizer and Moderna alone, below. The list includes their previous jobs or affiliations. Of the 83 listed below, many come from high level backgrounds such as the White House, presidential candidates, the Speaker of the House’s office, and a number of congressional offices.

The swamp, revealed:

  1. Justin McCarthy, Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs under President George W. Bush
  2. Brian Arthur Pomper, Chief International Trade Counsel to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus
  3. Bill Morley, General Counsel to Senator Arlen Specter
  4. Remy Brim, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Senator Elizabeth Warren
  5. Mark Mioduski, Democratic Clerk for the Committee on Appropriations in the U.S. House of Representatives
  6. Brian Griffin, Senior Leadership Advisor and Floor Policy Director for Democratic Policy Committee Chairman Senator Byron Dorgan
  7. Ben Howard, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs under President Donald Trump
  8. Kate Keating, Chief of Staff to Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus Congressman Joseph Crowley
  9. David Schiappa, Secretary to Senate Republican Leaders
  10. Lavita Legrys, Director at the Office of Legislative Affairs in the Department of Homeland Security under President Barack Obama
  11. Mike Mckay, Senior Policy Advisor to Congressman Gregory Meeks
  12. Cristina Antelo, Legal Fellow with the Senate Democratic Steering Committee
  13. Tom Davis, former Congressman
  14. Michael Werner, Policy Advisor to Senate Democrats Policy Committee
  15. Daniel Elling, Staff Director for the House Committee on Ways and Means
  16. Cookab Hashemi, Chief of Staff to Representative Raul Ruiz and Representative Jackie Speier
  17. Robert Holifield, Staff Director of the Senate Agriculture Committee
  18. Hannah Smith, Legislative Correspondent to Senator Blanche Lincoln
  19. Blanche Lincoln, Former Senator and Congresswoman
  20. Colin Roskey, Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services under President Trump
  21. Thomas Scully, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Bush.
  22. Brian Diffell, Legislative Director to Senator Roy Blunt
  23. Kelli Briggs, Chief of Staff to Representative Pat Tiberi
  24. Anne Wilson, Legislative Director to Representative Anna G. Eshoo
  25. Peter Wallace, Legislative Correspondent to Representative Ric Keller
  26. Katharine Hayes, Legislative Correspondent to Representative Mark Schauer
  27. Akshai Datta, Senior Legislative Assistant to Representative Ami Bera
  28. Darrel Thompson, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intergovernmental and External Affairs to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
  29. Shanti Ochs Stanton, Floor Assistant to the Democratic Leaders Office
  30. Natalie Farr, Chief of Staff to Senator Cory Gardner
  31. Steven Elmendorf, Chief of Staff to House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt
  32. Steven Irizarry, Senior Counsel for Senate Special Committee on Aging
  33. Stephen Northrup, Health Policy Advisor to Senator Michael Enzi
  34. Jennifer Swenson, Deputy Legislative Director to Senator Pat Roberts
  35. Catherine Robinson, Law Clerk on the Committee on Ways and Means
  36. Emily Mueller, Deputy Legislative Director to Senator Pat Roberts
  37. Stephen Claeys, Trade Counsel on the Committee on Ways and Means
  38. Paula Burg, Director and Senior Advisor for Health and Entitlements on the Senate Budget Committee
  39. Elissa Alben, Senior Counsel for International Trade and Competitiveness on the Senate Committee on Finance
  40. Karissa Willhite, Deputy Chief of Staff to Senator Robert Menendez
  41. Gordon Taylor, Chief of Staff to Representative Chris John
  42. Tucker Shumack, Tax and Finance Counsel to Senator Olympia Snowe
  43. Todd Novascone, Chief of Staff to Senator Jerry Moran
  44. Jerome Murray, Chief of Staff to Representative Stacey Plaskett
  45. Moses Mercado, Deputy Chief of Staff to Representative Richard Gephardt
  46. Tim McGivern, Chief of Staff to Senator Jim Brownback
  47. Chris Giblin, Chief of Staff to Representative John Carter
  48. Tony Bullock, Chief of Staff to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  49. Dee Buchanan, Chief of Staff to House Republican Conference
  50. Dean Aguillen, Advisor to Speaker Nancy Pelosi
  51. Eden Shiferaw, Representative Marcia Fudge
  52. Jane Loewenson, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Democratic Leader Tom Daschle
  53. Andrea LaRue, Counsel to Democratic Leader Tom Daschle
  54. Brady King, Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Kendra S. Horn
  55. Joshua Fay Hurvitz, Legislative Director to Representative Anthony D. Weiner
  56. Lisa German Foster, Senior Policy Advisor to Senator Jack Reed
  57. Irene Bueno, Special Assistant to President Bill Clinton in the Domestic Policy Council and Chief of Staff’s Office
  58. Ashley Gunn, Senior Director of Cabinet Affairs to President Trump
  59. Monica Popp, Chief of Staff to Senate Republican Whip John Cornyn
  60. Hazen Marshall, Policy Director to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
  61. Christopher Wilcox, Staff Assistant to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  62. Marti Thomas, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs under President Clinton
  63. Karina Lynch, Legislative Director to Representative Scott McInnis
  64. Cheryl Jager, Senior Health Policy Advisor for House Republican Leadership
  65. Matthew Hoekstra, Legislative Director for Senator Ben Lujan
  66. Susan Hirschmann, Chief of Staff to Representative Van Hilleary
  67. Christopher Hatcher, Legislative Director to Representative Scott McInnis
  68. Ann Marie Buerkle, Congresswoman
  69. Shimon Stein, Senior Advisor to House Majority Leader/Republican Whip
  70. Kristi Remington, Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice under President Obama
  71. Malloy McDaniel, Policy Advisor to Senator Mitch McConnell
  72. Craig Kalkut, Chief Counsel of Senate Antitrust Subcommittee
  73. Ashley Davis, Special Assistant to Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge under President Bush
  74. Greg Nickerson, Tax Counsel to Representative Bill Thomas
  1. Darren Willcox, Assistant to Speaker Dennis Hastert for Health Policy
  2. Erin Strawn, Legislative Associate to Representative Joe Cunningham
  3. Valerie Henry, Senior Policy Advisor to Congressman Greg Walden
  4. James Derderian, Chief of Staff to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
  5. Carmencita Whonder, Advisor on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee to Senator Chuck Schumer
  6. Marc Lampkin, General Counsel for the House Republican Conference
  7. Araceli Gutierrez, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Graduate Fellow
  8. Emily Felder, Counsel to the House Energy and Commerce Committee
  9. Nadeam Elshami, Chief of Staff to Representative Nancy Pelosi


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
As usual, follow the money and you will discover the truth…..

The real scandal, however, is represented in the sheer number of political operatives who have recently gone on to work for Big Pharma, from both Democrat and Republican offices.

The National Pulse has assembled a list of those declared by Pfizer and Moderna alone, below. The list includes their previous jobs or affiliations. Of the 83 listed below, many come from high level backgrounds such as the White House, presidential candidates, the Speaker of the House’s office, and a number of congressional offices.

The swamp, revealed:

  1. Justin McCarthy, Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs under President George W. Bush
  2. Brian Arthur Pomper, Chief International Trade Counsel to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus
  3. Bill Morley, General Counsel to Senator Arlen Specter
  4. Remy Brim, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Senator Elizabeth Warren
  5. Mark Mioduski, Democratic Clerk for the Committee on Appropriations in the U.S. House of Representatives
  6. Brian Griffin, Senior Leadership Advisor and Floor Policy Director for Democratic Policy Committee Chairman Senator Byron Dorgan
  7. Ben Howard, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs under President Donald Trump
  8. Kate Keating, Chief of Staff to Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus Congressman Joseph Crowley
  9. David Schiappa, Secretary to Senate Republican Leaders
  10. Lavita Legrys, Director at the Office of Legislative Affairs in the Department of Homeland Security under President Barack Obama
  11. Mike Mckay, Senior Policy Advisor to Congressman Gregory Meeks
  12. Cristina Antelo, Legal Fellow with the Senate Democratic Steering Committee
  13. Tom Davis, former Congressman
  14. Michael Werner, Policy Advisor to Senate Democrats Policy Committee
  15. Daniel Elling, Staff Director for the House Committee on Ways and Means
  16. Cookab Hashemi, Chief of Staff to Representative Raul Ruiz and Representative Jackie Speier
  17. Robert Holifield, Staff Director of the Senate Agriculture Committee
  18. Hannah Smith, Legislative Correspondent to Senator Blanche Lincoln
  19. Blanche Lincoln, Former Senator and Congresswoman
  20. Colin Roskey, Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services under President Trump
  21. Thomas Scully, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Bush.
  22. Brian Diffell, Legislative Director to Senator Roy Blunt
  23. Kelli Briggs, Chief of Staff to Representative Pat Tiberi
  24. Anne Wilson, Legislative Director to Representative Anna G. Eshoo
  25. Peter Wallace, Legislative Correspondent to Representative Ric Keller
  26. Katharine Hayes, Legislative Correspondent to Representative Mark Schauer
  27. Akshai Datta, Senior Legislative Assistant to Representative Ami Bera
  28. Darrel Thompson, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intergovernmental and External Affairs to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
  29. Shanti Ochs Stanton, Floor Assistant to the Democratic Leaders Office
  30. Natalie Farr, Chief of Staff to Senator Cory Gardner
  31. Steven Elmendorf, Chief of Staff to House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt
  32. Steven Irizarry, Senior Counsel for Senate Special Committee on Aging
  33. Stephen Northrup, Health Policy Advisor to Senator Michael Enzi
  34. Jennifer Swenson, Deputy Legislative Director to Senator Pat Roberts
  35. Catherine Robinson, Law Clerk on the Committee on Ways and Means
  36. Emily Mueller, Deputy Legislative Director to Senator Pat Roberts
  37. Stephen Claeys, Trade Counsel on the Committee on Ways and Means
  38. Paula Burg, Director and Senior Advisor for Health and Entitlements on the Senate Budget Committee
  39. Elissa Alben, Senior Counsel for International Trade and Competitiveness on the Senate Committee on Finance
  40. Karissa Willhite, Deputy Chief of Staff to Senator Robert Menendez
  41. Gordon Taylor, Chief of Staff to Representative Chris John
  42. Tucker Shumack, Tax and Finance Counsel to Senator Olympia Snowe
  43. Todd Novascone, Chief of Staff to Senator Jerry Moran
  44. Jerome Murray, Chief of Staff to Representative Stacey Plaskett
  45. Moses Mercado, Deputy Chief of Staff to Representative Richard Gephardt
  46. Tim McGivern, Chief of Staff to Senator Jim Brownback
  47. Chris Giblin, Chief of Staff to Representative John Carter
  48. Tony Bullock, Chief of Staff to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  49. Dee Buchanan, Chief of Staff to House Republican Conference
  50. Dean Aguillen, Advisor to Speaker Nancy Pelosi
  51. Eden Shiferaw, Representative Marcia Fudge
  52. Jane Loewenson, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Democratic Leader Tom Daschle
  53. Andrea LaRue, Counsel to Democratic Leader Tom Daschle
  54. Brady King, Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Kendra S. Horn
  55. Joshua Fay Hurvitz, Legislative Director to Representative Anthony D. Weiner
  56. Lisa German Foster, Senior Policy Advisor to Senator Jack Reed
  57. Irene Bueno, Special Assistant to President Bill Clinton in the Domestic Policy Council and Chief of Staff’s Office
  58. Ashley Gunn, Senior Director of Cabinet Affairs to President Trump
  59. Monica Popp, Chief of Staff to Senate Republican Whip John Cornyn
  60. Hazen Marshall, Policy Director to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
  61. Christopher Wilcox, Staff Assistant to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  62. Marti Thomas, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs under President Clinton
  63. Karina Lynch, Legislative Director to Representative Scott McInnis
  64. Cheryl Jager, Senior Health Policy Advisor for House Republican Leadership
  65. Matthew Hoekstra, Legislative Director for Senator Ben Lujan
  66. Susan Hirschmann, Chief of Staff to Representative Van Hilleary
  67. Christopher Hatcher, Legislative Director to Representative Scott McInnis
  68. Ann Marie Buerkle, Congresswoman
  69. Shimon Stein, Senior Advisor to House Majority Leader/Republican Whip
  70. Kristi Remington, Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice under President Obama
  71. Malloy McDaniel, Policy Advisor to Senator Mitch McConnell
  72. Craig Kalkut, Chief Counsel of Senate Antitrust Subcommittee
  73. Ashley Davis, Special Assistant to Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge under President Bush
  74. Greg Nickerson, Tax Counsel to Representative Bill Thomas
  1. Darren Willcox, Assistant to Speaker Dennis Hastert for Health Policy
  2. Erin Strawn, Legislative Associate to Representative Joe Cunningham
  3. Valerie Henry, Senior Policy Advisor to Congressman Greg Walden
  4. James Derderian, Chief of Staff to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
  5. Carmencita Whonder, Advisor on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee to Senator Chuck Schumer
  6. Marc Lampkin, General Counsel for the House Republican Conference
  7. Araceli Gutierrez, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Graduate Fellow
  8. Emily Felder, Counsel to the House Energy and Commerce Committee
  9. Nadeam Elshami, Chief of Staff to Representative Nancy Pelosi
Smart Connected folks .. know where the money flows are .. lots also now working for "K street"


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
"Interesting how these Big Drug Companies have been granted liability protections against injuries/death
and Big Social Media (Twitter etc) have have been granted liability protections against libel.
So drug companies can injure you and media can cover it up."



Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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"Interesting how these Big Drug Companies have been granted liability protections against injuries/death
and Big Social Media (Twitter etc) have have been granted liability protections against libel.
So drug companies can injure you and media can cover it up."

Yeah it looks like the only absolute immunity in all this is the immunity Big Pharma has. What a deal huh? If any lawsuits that are won the taxpayers pay the bill.


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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"Proceed With Caution At Your Own Peril" - Merck's COVID 'Super Drug' Poses Serious Health Risks, Scientists Warn

Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it.

Sign me up :wtf:

Barrons part paywall

^ Scroll down^

Not a huge fan of zerohedge but a lot more information than the paywall;

More to read


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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"Proceed With Caution At Your Own Peril" - Merck's COVID 'Super Drug' Poses Serious Health Risks, Scientists Warn

Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it.

Sign me up :wtf:

Barrons part paywall

^ Scroll down^

Not a huge fan of zerohedge but a lot more information than the paywall;

More to read
I don’t tend to care if the reporting is from ZH, Fox, CNN or my brothers neighbors kid, I DO care about the source data. ZH happens to do a better job than most, reporting..

90% of that article, like most on ZH, are aggregated content from other documented sources. In this case, Barron’s…

According to Barron's, some scientists who have studied the drug believe that its method of suppressing the virus could potentially run amok within the body.

Some scientists who have studied the drug warn, however, that the method it uses to kill the virus that causes Covid-19 carries potential dangers that could limit the drug’s usefulness.
Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate.
If that were to happen in the cells of a patient being treated with molnupiravir, it could theoretically lead to cancer or birth defects.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Yet another right-wing wacko attempt to discredit the jab! Turn to the MSM for the real truth:

Singapore is seeing daily record Covid cases. Here’s why it may not be a bad thing

"medical experts told CNBC that the latest virus wave may not be a bad thing since Singapore’s population is highly-vaccinated."

"Many of the patients with Covid-19 have avoided severe illness and will gain further protection against future infection as antibodies fight the virus, according to Teo Yik-Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore."

“For these people, infection will not have any short-term or long-term consequence to their health, but may additionally trigger a natural immune response which reduces the chance of subsequent infection,”

"“If we get a natural infection, our immune system will be able to recognize a larger part of the virus” as opposed to just the spike protein, Ooi said, adding that it could make a person more resilient against future variants."

What I can't figure out is how this relates to wanting to give the jab to kids, where infection is widely reported to result in mild cases. All of the arguments saying it's good for Singapore people to get covid would seem to apply to kids, so what is the purpose to give them the shot? I expect the answer will be coming soon out of the other end of the experts' mouths, and gleefully parroted by the MSM.


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Yet another right-wing wacko attempt to discredit the jab! Turn to the MSM for the real truth:

Singapore is seeing daily record Covid cases. Here’s why it may not be a bad thing

"medical experts told CNBC that the latest virus wave may not be a bad thing since Singapore’s population is highly-vaccinated."

"Many of the patients with Covid-19 have avoided severe illness and will gain further protection against future infection as antibodies fight the virus, according to Teo Yik-Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore."

“For these people, infection will not have any short-term or long-term consequence to their health, but may additionally trigger a natural immune response which reduces the chance of subsequent infection,”

"“If we get a natural infection, our immune system will be able to recognize a larger part of the virus” as opposed to just the spike protein, Ooi said, adding that it could make a person more resilient against future variants."

What I can't figure out is how this relates to wanting to give the jab to kids, where infection is widely reported to result in mild cases. All of the arguments saying it's good for Singapore people to get covid would seem to apply to kids, so what is the purpose to give them the shot? I expect the answer will be coming soon out of the other end of the experts' mouths, and gleefully parroted by the MSM.



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I was just in a gun forum thread where many seem to think the same? The data I’m seeing says the exact opposite.

The group as a whole is oddly very pro vax but more importantly, very down on anyone unvaxxed…it was disturbing to see that group not open to any study or evidence of the jab not being what it’s promoted as being let alone adverse reaction data thats piling up.

Very little knowledge outside of 6-12 month old cdc data ..

Even more disturbing was that there is a lot of LE on that forum.

Like the majority of people I suppose. Nobody really wants to hear they’re being lied to by their government.
Last edited:


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Not anti vax, interesting data out of Idaho which is one of the hot spots in the USA (data is out of date by a couple weeks);

Most infections, 60,000+ in the 18-29 age bracket;

Deaths to date in that age bracket 13.

Not making light of Covid, just observing the facts that are the facts.





Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
If you are going to get it, it will happen, vaxed or unvaxed. I had it almost a year ago. Worst thing that happened? It took me almost 10 months to start getting my senses of taste and smell back. Otherwise, it was no worse than a bad cold. The world has made Mt. Everest out of a ant hill for the past 2 years.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Not anti vax, interesting data out of Idaho which is one of the hot spots in the USA (data is out of date by a couple weeks);

Most infections, 60,000+ in the 18-29 age bracket;

Deaths to date in that age bracket 13.

Not making light of Covid, just observing the facts that are the facts.


View attachment 104275

View attachment 104276
Seems like that follows the trend with most any flu. Logical.

What is most important I think at this stage, and missing, is cases jab vs no jab layered on that graph… and the dates of the graph.