Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Biden won pretty clearly.. the only votes in his column that are even a little bit at risk are the Az ones, since they haven't finished their first pass. Biden has 295 solid. Recount in Ga won't affect anything.

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BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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Well technically, nobody has won any presidential election until the electoral college votes. This year it is on Dec 14. If someone concedes, however, it is assumed that the other candidate will win.

The media does not elect the president, as much as they try to.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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@Jessie.slimer is absolutely right. Everybody should STFU until December 14. We have a pandemic spiraling out of control, according dot dot dot

Well technically, nobody has won any presidential election until the electoral college votes. This year it is on Dec 14. If someone concedes, however, it is assumed that the other candidate will win.

The media does not elect the president, as much as they try to.


Pulling my weight
Sep 16, 2014
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Meanwhile, Trump of course is wasting time with frivolous and unsubstantiated lawsuits.
Frivolous? We have an unkept USPS whistleblower. He's going to blow the whole thing open! And at Giuliani's press conference he had a convicted child sex offender. If these are not pillars of our community to guide us through this storm, I don't know who is. Also somebody told somebody else, who told somebody else, who tweeted something they had seen on facebook by another person that somebody they had heard from might have seen some ballots being thrown in a dumpster. Or old bills. But it's very fishy. Very fishy.

Simpletons cannot understand this but I wanted Trump to win, because I do think the democratic party has gone totally insane. But Trump lost. Period. There's just nothing worse than a sore loser. Admit you lost and man up. That includes Trump and it includes the people attaching themselves to these idiotic fabrications that are so obviously false.

I'm in NY and actually I think Cuomo is acting unconstitutionally. This limit on private assembly is clearly illegal, yet as in other states these governors are not being held to account. I think it is dark days for the constitution. That said, rates are skyrocketing in this state as well and there are good odds they shut schools down again, which is very unfortunate because it's been very poor for childrens' mental health.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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Frivolous? We have an unkept USPS whistleblower. He's going to blow the whole thing open! And at Giuliani's press conference he had a convicted child sex offender. If these are not pillars of our community to guide us through this storm, I don't know who is. Also somebody told somebody else, who told somebody else, who tweeted something they had seen on facebook by another person that somebody they had heard from might have seen some ballots being thrown in a dumpster. Or old bills. But it's very fishy. Very fishy.

Simpletons cannot understand this but I wanted Trump to win, because I do think the democratic party has gone totally insane. But Trump lost. Period. There's just nothing worse than a sore loser. Admit you lost and man up. That includes Trump and it includes the people attaching themselves to these idiotic fabrications that are so obviously false.

I'm in NY and actually I think Cuomo is acting unconstitutionally. This limit on private assembly is clearly illegal, yet as in other states these governors are not being held to account. I think it is dark days for the constitution. That said, rates are skyrocketing in this state as well and there are good odds they shut schools down again, which is very unfortunate because it's been very poor for childrens' mental health.
Maybe you are right. But why not check it out? If there is no fraud, an investigation will surely reveal that. I'm disturbed by what I've seen. I want it investigated.

Remember the logic of "the accuser is to be believed"?


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
I vape. The effect seems to be related to nicotine inhalation from what I've read on the subject. Anecdotally, it seems that even low levels of nicotine are effective since I'm using about 1/4 the amount of nicotine that is delivered by the average cigarette. The same effect might be achieved simply by inhaling the steam coming off of boiling broccoli, tomatoes or potatoes since that steam also contains measurable amounts of nicotine.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
In terms of voting fraud, voting manipulation or just plain cheating with voting, as the Democrats are so fond of saying "The seriousness of the charge means we HAVE to investigate". Seriously, I can't remember any other election in my life where so many reports, anecdotal or sworn affidavits, have been produced regarding voting irregularities. That, alone, is a good enough reason to investigate further and should be a concern of every citizen no matter which side of the political fence you stand on. The integrity of the election, the entire voting system, is at stake here.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I vape. The effect seems to be related to nicotine inhalation from what I've read on the subject. Anecdotally, it seems that even low levels of nicotine are effective since I'm using about 1/4 the amount of nicotine that is delivered by the average cigarette. The same effect might be achieved simply by inhaling the steam coming off of boiling broccoli, tomatoes or potatoes since that steam also contains measurable amounts of nicotine.

So even further confirmation that my preventative therapy techniques of nicotine and Bourbon are so far proven to be 100% effective! ..... just sayin
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Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
If you can, get off the tobacco. It's not the nicotine, it's all the other additives that get added to both the tobacco during cultivation and during manufacturing. At least with vaping you're limiting that chemical count down to between 10 and 100 versus 2,000 to 5,000.


Getting comfortable
May 30, 2020
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My county school district is preparing to switch the schools to all virtual if the exponential case trend doesn't abate quickly. There is also a lot of concern about college students returning from campus to the community, as most colleges had planned to be virtual between Thanksgiving and the start of the next semester.

Our Governor FINALLY is starting to re-implement some capacity restrictions based on the disaster that's unfolding. Our COVID-19 deaths per day is now about to overtake the April spike (~40/day in Indiana) and ICU space occupied by COVID-19 patients is now 30%, the highest we have seen since this all started. We are less than one doubling away from maxing out statewide hospital capacity, and based on trends that will happen within the next two weeks. Even if we went to full lockdown today, we could easily max out capacity before getting this under control.

Meanwhile, Trump of course is wasting time with frivolous and unsubstantiated lawsuits. Slowing down the transition to the Biden administration is an act of sedition; every day delayed will make the new administration less ready to take over in January.

Seeing a lot of the commentary here, I'd like to say I understand what the Trump supporters are feeling. I went through the same shock and sadness four years ago. We thought there must be some sort of mistake or fakery. But the difference is what our leadership did. We voted on the 8th. Clinton conceded in the wee hours of the 9th when it was clear she didn't have the votes to win in the EC. Obama immediately started the transition process and invited Trump to the WH on the 10th. Hillary was more of a man in that moment than Trump ever was.

Our government needs to recognize we are in a crisis that is worsening daily and get back to the substance of managing the crisis.
The first thing joe do is fund Iran with our money. Let’s not forget why Europe is happy with not paying their fare share of nato expense if joe takes office they will not pay. Joe is just another Santa to the world but not USA.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
If you actually clicked that link I gave you at Forbes it will be impossible to deny the fact that there have been numerous fabrications promoted aggressively by people who evidently skipped every class in school in which their teacher spoke on the merits of questioning the source. And like good little lemmings they march right off the cliff of whomever made up the new story. Sharpies, watermarks, more votes than registered voters. All garbage.
I not only clicked on the link, but I went ahead and read it. Did you read it? Whoever wrote it isn't very intelligent. For example:

"A tweet embedded in a Daily Wire article said four people under the age of 18 had voted by mail in Nevada, but was debunked by the voter registrar’s office which clarified no votes were cast by anyone underage."
This is not debunking, it is he-said, she-said, which is how most of this article reads. This one person can guarantee that in the entire state nobody under 18 voted by mail? Yeah, right, absolutely no 16 or 17 year old took a grandparent's ballot and filled it out to their own preference. I guarantee it! You believe that???

But here's the prize-winning brain-dead claim from the article:
"An exposé from Project Veritas, an investigative outlet run by right-wing activist James O’Keefe, claimed a whistleblower had been told by U.S. Postal Service higher-ups to backdate late ballots so they would still count, but was debunked by local and state officials who said ballots received after Election Day would not be counted. "
In other words, officals not counting certain ballots means that USPS higher-ups did not tell somebody to backdate ballots. You think that makes any sense???

These so-called journalists are pathetic. Their purpose in life is to spread progressive, globalist, etc. propaganda and it's scary how many people fall for it.

Only very few people at this point know the truth about the serious fraud claims. The reasonable people are waiting to see how it pans out. The propaganda spreaders are claiming they know it all and demonizing anybody who wants to wait and see.

Added on edit: I realized after the fact that this is the pandemic thread and neither this post or the post it's responding to belongs here. Just more indication that covid has been totally politicized to the detriment of whatever correct science that has been determined.
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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What source headline is enough for you?

For the past week the most ardent Trump supporters have promoted so much BS that its taint is on everything, such that even things that might have a nugget of truth have the stink to them. With no credibility left among this "omg fraud, let's retweet it!" crowd, nobody will believe anything they say (Boy who cried wolf effect).

If you actually clicked that link I gave you at Forbes it will be impossible to deny the fact that there have been numerous fabrications promoted aggressively by people who evidently skipped every class in school in which their teacher spoke on the merits of questioning the source. And like good little lemmings they march right off the cliff of whomever made up the new story. Sharpies, watermarks, more votes than registered voters. All garbage. All just making people promoting it look more pitiful and desperate. Exactly like the Russiagate crowd.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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"Exploding number of cases" - CBS

Are they using this terminology to get President Trump to speak and concede?


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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"Exploding number of cases" - CBS

Are they using this terminology to get President Trump to speak and concede?
Uh... this is a factual statement. Case numbers are rapidly, exponentially rising across the country. Here is my local picture in Indiana:


We're back up over 40 deaths per day on average, and based on shape of the curve it's going to get much worse than that before it gets better.

But don't worry about this being used to get Trump to concede... he conceded to the virus long ago. That's why he got voted out of office.