Open Sourcing - DeepStack Replacement - YoloStack


Feb 19, 2021
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
G'day All,

I've been using Deepstack since the early days, However I found it unreliable, latest updates wouldn't install, if you moved boxes moving deepstack was difficult.

So having absolutely no ML Experience, I used the latest advances in C# ML.Net and PreBuilt Yolo Models to create my own simple version of Deepstack, I've been using it for over 6 months now and it works well for my needs
I'm currently using it with the existing AI Tool from this forum and have just not installed Deepstack anymore,
I've found when running on GPU it's actually significantly faster than Deepstack is.

I also integrated YoloV5 as it's even faster, however I have found it's accuracy to be unacceptable, So have gone back to using V4 myself.

The source is not a straight download because Github doesn't like over 100mb files checked in, So the YoloV4 onnx file is 250mb and can't be uploaded.
Source is here - Be Nice, I work internally, not much public scrutiny ;)

However you can grab the onnx files from the build - Or just use this Prebuilt version - Double click the EXE to run, Not much to it.

The difference to the deepstack is the URLs to put into AI Tool.
Version 4 Detection
Version 5 Detection

Let me know if you like it, I'm happy to build on it, Add Service Support etc
Or if you guys have any better ideas, send a PR