Offload archiving processing to another machine


Getting the hang of it
Apr 21, 2016
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I have BI running on my main Optiplex machine. A few days ago a spare Dell i7 laptop was given to me. Currently I'm not re-compressing any of my clips for archival purpose due to the intense processing power, but I would like to start doing that so I can keep certain camera clips for months at a lower quality. Is there a way to offload the re-encoding/compressing of clips to my other laptop? I'm willing to pay for a 2nd license if that's what's needed.

Currently I have 12TB of storage comprised of 4 hard drives merged together with DrivePool and BI basically just deletes the clips when it reaches capacity.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I have BI running on my main Optiplex machine. A few days ago a spare Dell i7 laptop was given to me. Currently I'm not re-compressing any of my clips for archival purpose due to the intense processing power, but I would like to start doing that so I can keep certain camera clips for months at a lower quality. Is there a way to offload the re-encoding/compressing of clips to my other laptop? I'm willing to pay for a 2nd license if that's what's needed.

Currently I have 12TB of storage comprised of 4 hard drives merged together with DrivePool and BI basically just deletes the clips when it reaches capacity. can simply use the new system to record the cameras substream at a low bitrate. no need to reencode...or even use your current system and clone the cameras except use the substream on the clone...send it to a nas.