Oddities/corruption in alert clips


Dec 24, 2017
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Hi All

I'm new to Blue Iris as of a few days ago and I'm still playing around with settings etc so this may be something I've misconfigured, but for some reason the alert clips and timeline on one of my two cameras appears to be getting screwed up and confused. This seems to have happened in the last day or so could be related to either a day/night profile schedule I set up or since I turned on direct to disk video compression.

This is a little tricky to explain so please bear with me, but on my "good" camera I look at the alert list on the right hand side of the console, double click on each and it will play that alert in full with each alert clip starting 5s prior to the trigger action as configured exactly how I'd expect it to work.

On the troublesome camera (a Dahua IPC-HDW2231R-ZS), my timeline today has occasionally shown alerts with the correct snapshot photo of the alert (eg I can see in the photo someone that came to the front door) but when I double click on the alert to watch it, the alert doesnt appear to have been recorded at all so it either plays the following alert or (if its the most recent alert) it plays the first alert from the current bvr file. Also when double clicking on other alerts through the day it seems to have missed capturing the 5s pre trigger buffer, the trigger incident itself and about 10s after so I only see footage from around 10s-15s after the motion detection trigger has detecting something.
Pictures/thousand words so for example..

Here's a few alerts in my clip view for this camera this evening. You can see an alert at 18:55:59 when my wife returned home, if I double click on this alert it plays a clip but starts from 18:56:12 (13s later) when the car is already on the driveway and my wife is getting out of the car.
We then had a visitor at the door at 19:17 who I can see in the snapshot image there, but when I double click on this alert there's no recording of this event at all, Blue Iris just starts playing the next event from 19:57:33 although that actually starts playback at 19:57:44 so again 11s after the initial trigger event. If I double click on the 19:57:33 clip that also only starts playing from 19:57:44.

Any thoughts on what could be wrong and how to troubleshoot this? I'm thinking direct to disc recording being the more likely culprit but if so is there anything I can tweak on Blue Iris or the camera to fix this?

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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I'm not sure what caused this but after a reboot of Blue Iris last night it seems to be fine again.
remember to match the iframe interval to the fps in the camera...when using direct to disk BI only begins recording on a new iframe


Dec 24, 2017
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Thanks, I did look at this last night actually after reading a couple of other threads. The iFrame was set to 30 and FPS was at 15 so not optimal but given thats an iframe every 2s could that have caused a 15-20s delay? I have now set that to 15 to match the fps so will see how it goes.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Thanks, I did look at this last night actually after reading a couple of other threads. The iFrame was set to 30 and FPS was at 15 so not optimal but given thats an iframe every 2s could that have caused a 15-20s delay? I have now set that to 15 to match the fps so will see how it goes.
no it should no cause that delay...leaving it at double is fine unless you see artifacts in the video...also ensure you have not selected "limit decoding" in the video settings of BI.