New migration PC, need help with folders "new" and "storage"


Young grasshopper
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
So I just got me new PC up and running, successfully imported the .reg file and every one of my cameras came up on the new system! I was very impressed and pleased with those results. All of my settings seem to be intact.

The PC I am migrating away from was set up back in 2015 before I had even the slightest clue about what I was doing. I thought that I needed to set up individual folders for each camera, so there are 8 folders that are still referenced in the BI options tab and there is no "New" folder.

Additionally, all the new clips that are being recorded while I set this new system up, have the "Shop" folder, which is the old main folder on the computer I am migrating away from, so when I right click on a clip in the clips tree on the right of the main GUI, and try to point those clips to the "New" folder on my non boot drive, they still retain the "Shop" reference. I would like to get rid of that.....

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the "New" folder to show up in the options area.

I am assuming that what really needs to happen here, is that all new recordings are recorded into the "New" folder, and then at a certain time, those files are migrated to "Storage" which ideally should be on a 3rd drive which may or may not be remote?

I really want to set this new computer up the way BI intends for it to be set up, but I am struggling with this. Can someone please tell me how to remove all of these old folders as seen in the "Folders" window in the screen grab below? And, how do I populate the window with the proper folders?



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Young grasshopper
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
This is strange... You can triple (3) click the folder name to change the name. So I think (not positive) that your shop folder is actually the new folder.

see an old thread.

Change clips/archiving folder names

I think you are right sir... I just triple clicked the folder and changed the name of "Shop" to "New" and now the folder structure looks right.... How to get rid of the rest of those folder references in the Folder window is something I would like to accomplish.

I am doing all of this on the evaluation version installed on the new system, so what I may end up doing is deleting the BI folder, starting over and just setting everything up from scratch since the old system it up and running while I get the new one sorted out.....

I was hoping not to have to do that as it's a lot of work.


Getting comfortable
Nov 19, 2018
Reaction score
Aux1 to Aux7 will always be there, just make it so you don't have anything assigned to them.


Pulling my weight
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
You can always export each camera settings individually. Install a fresh BI, import all the cameras and then you only need to set up the system options. Would save all the time of setting up cameras but still have a fresh (stock) system to start from.


Young grasshopper
Mar 9, 2017
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Turns out this was a pretty seamless swap. I am just going to live with the folders showing that do not actually exist on this system until a way to get rid of them pops up. The entire system is up and running in it's new home, currently showing 14% CPU and 34% of 8 gigs of memory usage with 9 cameras running. BI runs as a service and the UI is closed on the new PC, as is teamviewer. This is a headless system.

Some notes that made this extraordinarily painless:

Install clean windows on new PC.
Set up storage drive on new PC.
Set static IP on new PC.
Install BI in demo mode on new PC.
Install the NoIp DUC utility on new PC, and get that squared away if you use it.
Export global settings from old PC to thumb drive.
Export individual camera settings from old PC (safety net) to thumb drive.
Import global settings to new PC.
Watch blissfully as BI comes to life on new PC.
Make a few adjustments, as indicated in this thread as/if required.
Remove old port forwarding rule for the IP of the old system (port 8081) from router.
Create new port forwarding rule for new IP of new system ^^.
Deactivate BI from old PC.
Activate BI on new PC.
Fix shortcuts (IP address) to BI app on all devices that access it via LAN.
Fix shortcuts (IP address) to BI app on all devices that access it via WAN, or if you use NoIp, no change needed here.

Having done all of that, I am now curious as to whether or not I need/should explore the hardware acceleration options on this new system?
I have read some nightmare stories of people with onboard Intel video having very high CPU usage/creep. I am not interested in that at all. Anyone with thoughts, I am all ears.

System specs:

Lenovo ThinkStation P310
Intel i7-6700
8gb RAM
Intel HD Graphics 530 ( driver)
SanDisk 240gb SSD boot drive
Western Digital Enterprise Class 1tb storage drive


Getting comfortable
Nov 19, 2018
Reaction score
Like I said, the folders will always be listed there. Just rename them back to Aux1, Aux2.. Aux 7


Getting comfortable
Nov 19, 2018
Reaction score
And yes, try out the hardware acceleration. It drops the CPU big time, or lets you up the FPS and bitrate. In the Blue Iris settings, Cameras tab, set the 'Hardware accelerated decode (restart)' to Intel. This is the global setting. On each individual camera in the Video tab, you can leave the hardware accel setting to 'Default', as this will use the global setting. If I update my driver to anything new, it completely breaks/disables the hardware decode. I'm using a driver from 2016 ( I too have an HD 530 on my i5-6600


Young grasshopper
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
And yes, try out the hardware acceleration. It drops the CPU big time, or lets you up the FPS and bitrate. In the Blue Iris settings, Cameras tab, set the 'Hardware accelerated decode (restart)' to Intel. This is the global setting. On each individual camera in the Video tab, you can leave the hardware accel setting to 'Default', as this will use the global setting. If I update my driver to anything new, it completely breaks/disables the hardware decode. I'm using a driver from 2016 ( I too have an HD 530 on my i5-6600
Thank you so much for the tips Walrus,

I stumbled across a thread or two describing the video driver issues prior to buying this new (used) system for BI but can't seem to find the one where the 4463 driver was referenced. As I recall, it was no longer available for download anywhere, and any of the newer drivers caused memory leaks which screwed with BI pretty heavily. Any chance you have a link to that driver, and have you experimented with and can link me to instructions for disabling auto update which as I remember, also screwed the pooch....?

Thanks again sir. Much appreciated!


Getting comfortable
Nov 19, 2018
Reaction score
lol it's actually the driver that Windoze 10 automatically installs, when you roll back/uninstall the updated driver. It works for me.


Young grasshopper
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
lol it's actually the driver that Windoze 10 automatically installs, when you roll back/uninstall the updated driver. It works for me.
Well that didn't work out too well for me. When I rolled the driver back, it reverted to 10.0.16299.15 (dated 20016).
Any chance you have the 4463 driver?


Young grasshopper
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
Wow.... The memory leak issues are REAL.

I was able to download the complete driver installation disc from Lenovo for my computer, hoping that it just might have the miraculous display driver in it, which it did not. BUT, it was older than the driver Windows installed so I thought I would give it a try. It took, but was terrible, in that over the next hour while I was watching the cpu and memory usage on the UI3 web interface. Over the course of an hour, the memory usage went from 33% to nearly 76% and was still climbing as I continued to read different posts/threads on the issue.

In one of those posts, I found a link to the developer/IT version of the 4664 driver, which I downloaded and was able to get installed properly. After that, I went through the group policy exercise found in the the same thread and blocked updates to my onboard graphics (Intel 530).

It all seems stable at this point. I do not see any memory creep and cpu usage is exceptionally low at 13% with all cameras up and running. When team viewer is open with a remote session happening and the BI interface open the memory held stable at right around 36% which equates to about 700 MB of ram and cpu usage never went past 53%, with both the BI interface and UI3 open on another computer.

In any event, I will see in good time whether or not the group policy modifications actually did stop the automatic update of the driver, but the process was rather simple, albeit time consuming.


Getting comfortable
Nov 19, 2018
Reaction score
When you open task manager, beside the "Blue Iris Video Security and WebCam Software" background process, do you see GPU usage, and "GPU 0 - Video Decode" ?


Getting comfortable
Nov 19, 2018
Reaction score
Hmm... you are completely missing the GPU column. Is Win10 up to date? I think GPU column was added in 2017 creators update?


Young grasshopper
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
Hmm... you are completely missing the GPU column. Is Win10 up to date? I think GPU column was added in 2017 creators update?
Forcing an update now, there were a couple of updates that windows had queued up. soon as it's done, I will restart and see if it changes...


Getting comfortable
Nov 19, 2018
Reaction score
With major win10 updates, I find a forced restart via the start button doesn't actually install the major update (unless it actually says update and restart). You have to go to settings - update, and have it prompt you to approve a 'reboot and install update' or something like that.


Young grasshopper
Mar 9, 2017
Reaction score
If you still don't see it take a look here. GPU
Just looked at that link and I won't be surprised if the 4664 driver does not support the new feature. If all that section does in task manager is allow me to see how well the GPU is performing, I can live without it, as there still does not seem to be an answer to the memory leak problem with these GPU's coming from Intel.... The 530 is an older GPU so I can't imagine Intel placing high priority on fixing it....

None of the threads I have read on the topic leads me to believe there is a solution outside of this 4664 driver. What driver number do you have? A few posts back you stated that you are using the rollback driver that windoze installs, but you did not list the driver number. I am curious if it is newer, older or the same as the 4664 driver I am using now?