new feature or how can I do it ...


Young grasshopper
Feb 7, 2016
Reaction score
Newbie here, so, pardon me if this is already addressed: I am constantly finding myself thinking I should make this tweak on my camera settings and apply it to all of my cameras. Then I open up each individual camera, make the change, save, go to next camera. Is there a way to make a global camera setting that would be applied to all cameras? Alternatively, I'm envisioning a setup page that shows my list of cameras then setup options for each camera, all on one page. A crude example would be:

Camera setting 1 setting 2 setting 3 setting 4 .........
Camera 1
Camera 2
Camera 3

Again, please pardon me if this feature is already in existence, I am still learning all that this software can do.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
Megatroplis, USA
To the best of my knowledge Blue Iris does not allowing you to apply camera settings (frame rate, bitrate, etc.) globally; you must apply such desired setting to each camera 1 by 1.


Young grasshopper
Feb 7, 2016
Reaction score
Well, I am getting acquainted with the schedules and profiles, which helps somewhat, but, you still have to manually go through each camera to adjust it's settings. Would be a nice feature to have a single place to go to make changes to each camera without having to plod through each camera's settings page with its 11 tabs and numerous settings on each tab. I can see how the developer would shy away from this - it would be too daunting to put all those settings on a single page, though it could be done.

I'm not after a way to make a global change to all cameras at once, just a means to not have to continually flip through each camera's myriad settings pages. An example, I wanted to adjust the sensitivity on my cameras - some have bugs that build webs in front of them and I don't want them to continually trigger. Other's are pretty clear and can have a higher sensitivity. Would be nice to pull up all cameras on one page and run through their sensitivity settings all at once and be done with it. Each camera would be adjusted to it's environment, not all cameras would have the same setting.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Once you setup a camera to your liking you can export it then import/rename and change ip address...