Need help setting up specific trigger/alert


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
So I would like a given camera to record with any motion detected by the camera. And I'd like to set up a "trip wire" where if it is crossed, it sends an alert.

Using the motion detection, I have set up zone A to trigger with any movement anywhere in the image.

I set zone B as a line, and zone C as another line abutting zone B.

Under object detection, I've specified trigger only if object moved between B and C (B-C).

However, if I understand that correctly, it will only "trigger" if someone crosses those lines - not when there is motion anywhere else in the image.

Is there a way to have it record with any motion, but only alert (sent push notification) if the B-C zones are crossed?

I suspect cloning the camera and setting each up to the their respective functions is one way, but I'm already up against the hard 64 camera limit, so cloning isn't really an option.

Also, the camera does not have any IVS/tripwire alarm bit functionality, so relying on the camera to do the signaling isn't feasible.