Need help nabbing these vandals ... pls advice !!


Sep 5, 2014
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Hi All!

I have a friend who's house is vandalized regularly between 9pm and 12 midnight. He installed a foscam camera and it shows a thin white male (age~16) with his face covered and wearing sunglasses. The cops as usual show up 15 min after we call them. They haven't found the culprit even with our videos.
My friend is afraid to catch them since they could be armed. Also harming a juvenile prankster could be worse since the law is favoring them correct?

Whats the best advice to catch and charge these low-lifes? They have done these so far: vulgar graffiti, hate words,lighting crackers etc.

The victims live in a small town in a southern state near OK.

Pls advice !
Thanks a million!:D
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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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He needs to set up pir motion sensors or use a camera that has an alarm input for a pir sensor. That way he can notify the cops at the earliest trigger and tell them the crime is happening. There is nothing the camera can do if the face is covered. If they come in a car, then mount a GOOD camera not foscam junk, so you can get some detail an maybe a licence plate. There are a few threads here about how to properly capture plates at night.


Getting the hang of it
Aug 23, 2014
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He needs to set up pir motion sensors or use a camera that has an alarm input for a pir sensor. That way he can notify the cops at the earliest trigger and tell them the crime is happening. There is nothing the camera can do if the face is covered. If they come in a car, then mount a GOOD camera not foscam junk, so you can get some detail an maybe a licence plate. There are a few threads here about how to properly capture plates at night.

This is a new brother to the forum (as I'm sure as an Admin you already know) He/she might not know what pir motion sensor is. I don't (LOL). For real bro. I'm feeling the plea for help. If you can explain what pir motion is to me it will be that much easier for a new member to understand and avoid researching it themselves.



IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
meh; your friend needs confront em if there so reliable.. stop being a pansy and defend your shit.

3:30am lastnight I saw someone go past my cameras, followed him on PTZ bouncing around across street and carrying a bag... went straight outside, stood in middle of the road watched him go down a block and then stumble back up to my house; when he finally noticed me he let out a gasp and asked what I was doing.. I told him I was standing in the road watching a suspicious person.. he said he wasent doing anything illegal which I found suspicious as I didnt accuse him of doing anything illegal.. Watched him walk off looking over his shoulder til he left my street and never saw him come back on the cams... I didn't call the cops because 1. I didnt witness anything Illegal and 2. He'd of been long gone before they showed up... I doubt he'll be poking around in these front yards again anytime soon tho.

If there was a group of em I'd do the same thing; but I wouldn't leave my 357 in my desk drawer like I did for this encounter... call me crazy but I dont tolerate nonsence in my neighborhood; wanna fly through here at twice the speed limit and I am likely to jump right out int he middle of the road just to watch you react.

Relying on the police and cameras to protect your property is foolish; the responsibility ultimately falls upon the owner... if he's not wanting to confront then he's gona have to get real damn lucky or just live with it.

ps: PIR = Passive Infared; which is pretty much what all physical motion sensors use for sensing motion (there is also microwave but thats usually paired with PIR in dual-tech motion sensors for even better reliability)... its alot less prone to false alarms than detecting motion via pixels changing on a video.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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This is a new brother to the forum (as I'm sure as an Admin you already know) He/she might not know what pir motion sensor is. I don't (LOL). For real bro. I'm feeling the plea for help. If you can explain what pir motion is to me it will be that much easier for a new member to understand and avoid researching it themselves.

Lol, thats what google is for.


Getting the hang of it
Aug 23, 2014
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The laws in Cali seem to protect the burglar, more then then that of the homeowner/victim. I'm a very in-you-face kind of guy. Probably even more so then most. (Damn lucky I didn't catch a bullet when chasing a %$$#&* down my own street late at night.)

I don't promote and/or encourage this in-your-face behavior. It's not to your advantage. Smart is understanding your local laws and not putting yourself into a situation that could go critical at a moments notice. Smart is finding a way to place the criminal behind bars, not you as the original victim. Try to best understand your rights and local laws as they apply here.



IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
yeah well if your in cali/nyc or some place your just supposed to run; so yeah.. keep on running til you find a better place to live ;)

Life is > Property but living in fear of a few punk kids is a pretty shitty life... If he thinks there armed and there vandalizing his property regularly whats stoping this from escalating into a full blown home invasion? If he confronts them it will at least be on his terms with them caught off guard than the other way around when they kick his door in one night.. I am not saying go out and get in a gun fight; just putting some fear into them can have the intended effect... My late night riff-raff encounter last-night hinged largely on the fact he had no idea I was there watching him for a while; and when he saw me it scared the fuck out of him and he could barely even speak, I had total control of the situation.

the kids are in all likelihood not armed if there out painting/vandalizing stuff; thats a quick way to turn a lil misdemeanor into a full blown felony and even street educations teaches these punks that much.. if they know your inside calling the cops, watching on camera and too afraid to do anything that just empowers them to be more stupid; and you have almost no control over the situation.


Getting the hang of it
Aug 23, 2014
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yeah well if your in cali/nyc or some place your just supposed to run; so yeah.. keep on running til you find a better place to live ;)

Life is > Property but living in fear of a few punk kids is a pretty shitty life... If he thinks there armed and there vandalizing his property regularly whats stoping this from escalating into a full blown home invasion? If he confronts them it will at least be on his terms with them caught off guard than the other way around when they kick his door in one night.. I am not saying go out and get in a gun fight; just putting some fear into them can have the intended effect... My late night riff-raff encounter last-night hinged largely on the fact he had no idea I was there watching him for a while; and when he saw me it scared the fuck out of him and he could barely even speak, I had total control of the situation.

the kids are in all likelihood not armed if there out painting/vandalizing stuff; thats a quick way to turn a lil misdemeanor into a full blown felony and even street educations teaches these punks that much.. if they know your inside calling the cops, watching on camera and too afraid to do anything that just empowers them to be more stupid; and you have almost no control over the situation.
Are you being serious? Laws are laws. It doesn't make anyone chicken and even remotely suggesting that is absurd. I offered sound advice, noting more. A well managed forum should understand this.



Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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If this happens on a regular basis and you already have the window of time narrowed down, you need to go down your local precinct and speak with someone in charge, not the cop at the desk. Ask to speak to the supervisor, captain, Sergent, etc, in his/her office. Sit down with them and explain what is happening. Plea to him/her to have a patrolman station nearby each night within that time frame and watch your camera. As soon as you see these kids, call the precinct, not 911, and tell them you have a patrol car stationed nearby and you are currently watching these kids committing a crime and the same ones you have on video over and over again. If you have a gun and go out of your house and confront them with your gun, you are in the wrong. If you go out and confront them and end up
in a fist fight, you are in the wrong. There is a slight chance of it, but you might get lucky and go up to them and invite them inside of your house for some hot chocolate. Once inside of your house, you are free to defend yourself and your family in any means possible. Just make sure that you break your front door lock and put one of their hands on the door knob!


Sep 5, 2014
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Oh forgot to mention. Victims are innocent hardworking asians . Punks once wrote racial slurs on the car. Does this warrant involving the FBI's local office ? BTW the nights cops patrol which happened once or twice the punks never showed up. And they did talk to the police chief. Police keep saying the standard answer " we are short of man power".

If I were them I'd shoot him in his leg as he is already inside my yard. Reminds me of the subway vigilante guy. Wonder if we could fire a taser gun lol ( "don't tase me bro")!

Hopefully these punks will turn into "methamaticians" and self destruct!

Thanks All!


Pulling my weight
Mar 11, 2014
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Get some guard dogs like doberman, then if they still come in on the property let the dogs take care of it.

If the victims don't want to take care of a dog, I would just do Motion detected Flood lights along with outdoor sirens and a good camera at eye level on the entrances ...maybe post the pictures/videos on light poles/trees/youtube/your local news and warning others to be careful.

Maybe put up some signs saying you got video cameras on the premise (to scare them off)...maybe send the pictures to the local schools?
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Getting the hang of it
Jun 13, 2014
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The victims live in a small town in OK state.
Oklahoma in general is pretty good about allowing defensive action on your property, small towns are even better.
This is the state where Pharmacist Jerome Ersland almost got off after giving the coup de grâce to an already downed/unconscious armed robber on camera.
I was impressed with the DA's follow through and pressing of charges in the face of strong opposition.
So long as your friend works within the guidelines of the law he will be okay.

meh; your friend needs confront em if there so reliable.. stop being a pansy and defend your shit.
Thugs don't like "no", saying "no" is best done with a plan of action/escalation.
I'm not suggesting he violate the law or illegally brandish a weapon, I do suggest if he won't step up and say "no" then he may have to live with being a victim.
/Know your rights, know the law and defend them both.


Sep 5, 2014
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So when does FBI get involved? Does not making racial slurs and terroristic acts good enough for FBI to get involved?

I am shocked at the ineffectiveness of the cops ! They will come and get us if we shot an intruder right? So they are not about prevention just post - crime action.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 13, 2014
Reaction score
Oh forgot to mention. Victims are innocent hardworking asians . Punks once wrote racial slurs on the car. Does this warrant involving the FBI's local office ? BTW the nights cops patrol which happened once or twice the punks never showed up. And they did talk to the police chief. Police keep saying the standard answer " we are short of man power".
As you may have guessed I live in Oklahoma.
We have a strong and vibrant Asian community in Oklahoma City that has influence.
I can see an ignorant small town cop being reluctant to prosecute some kids for "horsing around" but on a state level the racist behavior won't fly.
I'm not sure where the line is on a hate crime for the feds but let me assure you this kind of behavior won't be tolerated by the rest of their "neighbors" on a state level.
I'll send you a PM.


BIT Beta Team
May 5, 2014
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So when does FBI get involved? Does not making racial slurs and terroristic acts good enough for FBI to get involved?

I am shocked at the ineffectiveness of the cops ! They will come and get us if we shot an intruder right? So they are not about prevention just post - crime action.

I agree 100% with your statement about the ineffectiveness of the police. I've been having many problems with a neighbor and the police have been less than helpful. The law appears to be on the side of the criminal, and the criminals know it. The criminals know what they can get away with and know that even with a little proof, there is nothing the authorities can do. I've provided video evidence to the local sheriff's office of someone detonating explosives that shows where they came from, and where they exploded at. 99% sure it was a simple pipe bomb, and the police agreed with me when they seen the footage. The comment that I received from the police was "we couldn't see who lit the fuse, so we can't do anything about it". VERY disappointing considering the circumstances. Best of luck, wish I could offer advice, but no luck here. (I even sent the video to homeland security and the FBI, nothing has been done).


Getting the hang of it
Jun 13, 2014
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FWIW, I have been informed that the state in question is not actually Oklahoma.
/Puts down pitchfork torch & rope.


Getting the hang of it
Apr 14, 2014
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FL <~> ME
FBI <> local teenager issue

Try to document the local repetitive issue and make an appointment with the chief of police.


Sep 5, 2014
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Sorry it wasn't in OK but in a southern state similar. Did not want to jeopardize the case!

Good news! We put pressure from up ... we let the mayor know and he sent email to police chief. Cops caught the rascals. Arrest warrants are being issued. They are preparing a list of items that were damaged and an expense report of around $4k lol!

Since they are 16 y.o ( 2 of them ) it wasn't made public , I hope they go to jail for few nights.

They have video evidence of the vandalism .

Currently trying to figure whats the best way to fully proscecute them so its a lesson to them and future low-lives. If anyone has any advice pls suggest. Thanks all! esp. catseyenu:)
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