Multi Issues - Signal Loss, Long Live View, No PIcture in IOS, Triggers failing


Getting the hang of it
May 29, 2018
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Decided to rewrite this whole thing because of the multiple issues.

I have been running BI with 4 Cameras 3 Hardwired and 1 Wifi, for the better half of a year or longer, with minimal to no issues (that I could tell). I had migrated my setup from my main desktop, to a Virtual Machine (which probably wasn't the best idea, but it worked).

I then added 2 more wired cameras. And Organized my cables better. After doing this, I decided to setup alerts and triggers better on BI.

I have all cameras continuously recording, but wanted to have triggers for alerts so that it would time stamp some things. I also have BI setup with remote viewing on my iphone so I can view these alerts and clips and live views.

After trying to add these cameras and triggers, when I would use the VM, everything would lock up, couldn't get live view, couldn't view alerts, everything just kind of "stopped" working properly or froze up. Because of how my setup was, I decided to move BACK to my main system how I set everything up a year ago.

Upgraded to running Windows 10.

Transferred over my settings and loaded things up.

Now on to the problems
Problem 1 - Signal Loss
While I was trying to add zones/triggers/etc I started getting a LOT of signal lost on the cameras and they would take some times to reconnect back. Eventually reconnecting. But then it would be a different camera or the same camera again with signal lost.

I cant figure out why this was happening so I increased my receive buffer from 20-30mbs on all cameras.
Don't think this helped.

I had all my cameras setup as "generic" so I switched them to Lorex (the brand I have) and that did not seem to work.

So now I have turned off the older 3 cameras, and kept the 2 new cameras and the wifi camera.

40 minutes no signal drops.

So Question:
What Is causing this signal loss on random cameras, and how do I fix it?

Next Problem
I used to be able to view my alerts and videos on my phone using the official BI app.
now, whenever I get an alert, I go to view the video and it is BLACK, while playing. If the video is NOT black, then it will just load and load and load, and never play.

Live view works.

(Similarly) When I view these same alerts on the BI app on the windows computer, I can view them. However this leads me into the third problem.

When I try and view someone in BI live, it will take 20-30 seconds for the "live view" to actually start working and be live. So if someone were to stand in front of the camera, I get an alert, I go to my computer and get the view, it will take 20-30 seconds before it is live. It is still recording (I think). Just cannot get live view.

This then leads into the final issue.

I setup triggers with ZONES.

Lets say I have a box [][][][] like that for the video (vertical) zones A-D respectively.
I then put trigger with A-B, A-C, A-D, B-C, B-D, C-D in the trigger box. This theoretically should be, if anything moves from one zone to the next zone, in either direction, I should get a trigger. I made my object size small (100 i think) and I do not ALWAYS get triggers. Any help with that?


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Check your CPU and memory usage. If they are close to the limit they could be problems.

I'd also look at your hardware acceleration setting and make sure VideoPostProc is not selected.


Getting the hang of it
May 29, 2018
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CPU hovers around 24%. Memory Usage was about 2-4GBs of the 16GB on the main cpu,

Now I am back to the VM, its 18-19% CPU, and 3.66GBs of the 32GBs I gave it.

Hardware accelerated decode: None (Main System Config)

ON each camera Hardware accelerated decode is set to : intel


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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CPU hovers around 24%. Memory Usage was about 2-4GBs of the 16GB on the main cpu,

Now I am back to the VM, its 18-19% CPU, and 3.66GBs of the 32GBs I gave it.

Hardware accelerated decode: None (Main System Config)

ON each camera Hardware accelerated decode is set to : intel
disable smart codec in every camera.
Uncheck also bvr in the video tab of BI for each camera
If you are using limit decoding, disable it for each camera.


Getting the hang of it
May 29, 2018
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Set Codec to : None in every camera.
Why Uncheck "also BVR"?

if I do not have "limit decoding" checked, CPU usage spikes to about 50%+ granted its a VM so itll be okay, I just thought its best to keep it lower?

Also any idea on this trigger thing with zones?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Set Codec to : None in every camera.
Why Uncheck "also BVR"?

if I do not have "limit decoding" checked, CPU usage spikes to about 50%+ granted its a VM so itll be okay, I just thought its best to keep it lower?

Also any idea on this trigger thing with zones?
your issue is user error. Also bvr is discussed on the forum. There are reasons for the suggestions. Try it and see if it helps.
Motion detection will not operate properly when using limit decoding, see wiki


Getting the hang of it
May 29, 2018
Reaction score
your issue is user error. Also bvr is discussed on the forum. There are reasons for the suggestions. Try it and see if it helps.
Motion detection will not operate properly when using limit decoding, see wiki
Thanks. Was able to get triggers to work on and off, removed limit decoding, set codec to NONE, and both have basically been non existent so far. (fingers crossed) (has thus also fixed all the issues so far