Multi-Cam zone trigger.


Young grasshopper
Jun 20, 2016
Reaction score
I may have posted this in the wrong spot, so re-posting here. I wanted to know if there was a way to accomplish a type of 3D spacial triggering. I'll try to explain a scenario for clarity. Say I have a 40' x 40' room. The door is on the north wall, centered. Cameras (2) are on the south wall (centered, elevation of 5') and east wall (again, centered, elevation of 5'). If I set a motion zone surrounding the door (from either camera) anytime someone walks past the camera it triggers. If both cameras have the zone on the door, there is an overlay.
Is there a way to trigger the alarm if both zone A of camera 1 AND zone A from camera 2 is triggered and NOT if zone A from camera 1 OR zone A from camera 2 are triggered?


IPCT Contributor
May 12, 2016
Reaction score
I don't know if it's possible internal to blue iris, I'm not a blue iris user. What you're really asking is can you apply boolean logic to the motion detection. If you can't do it within blue iris, you might be able to do it with external software / scripts.

The most obvious solution to me is to move the cameras or wire up a motion sensor and or magnetic contact. Connect it to a sealevel device and trigger it that way.


Young grasshopper
Jun 20, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks for the input tangent, but those suggestions are not quite what i am looking for. I do think it could be accomplished, just haven't figured out the logic yet. I can't believe no one utilizes something like this already. Even a simple mute alarm until 2 alarms are simultaneously active. Not quite what I am looking for, but a step in the right direction. Going a step further, using 3 cams and enclosing an object in a cube/sphere would be even cooler. Say to alarm if anyone touches my gun safe, or even protect my chocolate stash from the kids ;-). Definitely would hit my driveway from 2 angles so people walking by, or headlights would not trigger alarms.

Joe Janson

Jan 11, 2017
Reaction score
I'm the creator of a software called "Webcam Zone Trigger" (google alerts told me about the title of your post), I'd like to bring that software to your attention as it has that exact feature. I hope this is not against the rules here.

On both cameras, you place a motion detection Hot Spot over the door.
For both Hot Spots, select an Action from the drop-list.
Then, click on the "Logic Combo" button (just on the right of the live image), this feature will allow you to add a condition before the Hot Spot executes an Action, in this case "All these Hot Spot must also be in a trigger state". Add the Hot Spot from the other camera. Do this on both cameras, this way you will not miss the event if one camera triggers before the other.

You'll need to run the Zone Trigger trial in "Pro" mode to have access to multi-camera.
I hope this helps!