Mistakes installing a new cam when you're tired


Getting comfortable
Nov 25, 2016
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If you want a laugh... Got 5 new Dahua cameras, the 4231 type. Was pretty tired after a long day of working outside. Hooked the new POE camera up to my laptop, couldn't get the camera to show up on any of the SmartPSS or config tools stuff. After an hour..DUH..remembered that laptops, routers, etc don't provide POE..you have to connect a separate power supply. Felt pretty stupid. Had gotten used to just plugging them in.

I did find something interesting after connecting the laptop to a port on the POE NVR and then hooking the camera to the NVR. The Config tool password change (under wrench/screwdriver tab) is more effective than other means. On the initial setup I had set the password on all my older cameras to match the NVRs previously. They worked fine powering the system down, then back on. But if you unplugged a camera, and plugged it in, the NVR would not recognize the password. You had to type the correct one in real fast or it would show "locked account". After using the Config tool password change, even though I typed in the same correct password under "old password" and "new password"..now you can unplug the camera and plug it in without having to re-enter the password.