Missing User Interface


Nov 10, 2015
I recently installed the latest version of Blue Iris and have now lost the entire user interface and can't get it back. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the program to no avail. Can anyone offer a suggestion as to how to get the program running?
I recently installed the latest version of Blue Iris and have now lost the entire user interface and can't get it back. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the program to no avail. Can anyone offer a suggestion as to how to get the program running?
Welcome to the forum. Post a screenshot of what you are seeing.
It's not easy facing up when your whole BI is black
right click and un-check "Maximize Frame" ? Just a guess.

Khx73 has provided the correct answer. RIGHT click on the black area above the "My Camera 1 (Cam1)" image and then LEFT click on "Maximize Frame" in the resulting menu and your issue should be resolved.