Mask Video


Pulling my weight
Oct 26, 2014
I have a neighbor who is very concerned about privacy. One of my cameras (a Hikivision) is recording a border part of his property. I see options to only make certain areas sensitive to motion. Is there also a way that I can completely mask/blank out a certain section of the video? Basically, the part of the video that records the neighbors property should be blacked out.
I dont believe that option exists with blue iris but the hikvision should be able to do it (although i never tested it) the option is called privacy mask.....quite frankly your neighbor should not have access to your video feed. Just tell him it doesnt cover his property...check your local cctv laws.....

Configuration > Advanced Configuration> Image > Privacy Mask
unless your camera can see in a window not other-words visible from a public vantage point (road/sidewalk/public land) there is nothing the neighbor can do.. Anything you can see from your or pubic properly is legal for you to photograph and record.. Federal laws are very clear on a photographers rights and security cameras would fall into this.

The only exception is when you go to such measures to deploy technology for that exceeds reasonable expectations of privacy, such as using thermal imaging to see behind walls.. massive zooms to see something other-words not visible and expected to be private or using audio amplifiers to capture conversations in a private area.

When she manages to get google to remove all traces of her house from street view & aerial map then you should worry.

I bet you the next time shes a victim of a crime she will be asking you if your cameras caught anything useful for her.
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I'm interested in something similar but for my own use.

Is there any way to set a "privacy mask", to prevent BI from displaying a certain area of the screen? I'm thinking about installing a camera in the master bedroom and for obvious reasons I'd like to have certain areas "blacked-out" so they wouldn't be displayed or recorded. I've seen this capability in some of the software from some of the Chinese camera suppliers. essentially you draw a black shape over the areas to be ignored fro display and record.
No technically iris's masking feature only prevents recording based on motion in the masked areas...they still display and record. You may be able to mimic this function by overlaying a black image in the area you want to block....using the blue iris overlay function...
of course you can just use a camera that allows this function..i believe the hikvisions will
Configuration > Advanced Configuration> Image > Privacy Mask
I just confirmed that using text and graphics overlays works perfectly so you can use that to block any portion of the image...
Update: This can now also be accomplished with the area of interest feature added in the latest 3.64 iris will display only the area you you dont even need to see the ugly black masked area...
I checked with a lawyer less than two weeks ago about this and he said exactly what nayr said! It's called: "in view of site". Believe you me my bleepen neighbors would have my butttt! LOL! The law has even done there slow drive by's. Just keep one thing in mind, anyone can sue anyone over anything! With that said, prepare ahead for the worse and make sure you have a few grand for a lawyer! What's your neighbor smoking, I mean, growing over there? Just use common sense and ask yourself if it would make you mad. Love thy neighbor - LOL!!!
Oh, i'm from Ohio. All states have there own laws for photographers, cameras, privacy, and everything else!
To bad there's not a thread dedicated to this!
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well recording audio conversations varies from state to state; however the feds have ruled that preventing someone from taking a video or photo of something in plain site is suppression of speech and a form of censorship, so thus anywhere you can publicly go you can legally record whats plainly visible, its your constitutional right.. If your on someone elses private property, or outside USA boarders all bets are off.

Post 911 there were hundreds of photographers harassed by security for taking pictures of trains, planes, and automobiles... none were prosecuted, most were detained and threatened in various forms.. its got so bad that if your into any kind of architectural photography, your urged to carry around the photographers rights so you can educate the simple minded security dogs whom cant see anything but the next terrorist plot. (this applies to soundless video also, no distinction)
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