Looking to optimize, where can I improve?


Apr 13, 2015
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Hello, everyone. I've been lurking here for a while. I am not a new Blue Iris users but not an expert either. I have been using Blue Iris for about 10 months. I’ve enjoyed the process of building the server and configuring the software. I figured most things out on my own. That said, I think it is time to ask for some advise. I’ll make an attempt to provide as much information as possible.

Basically I am looking for advice on my recording settings. I am not worried about storage. Along with the server listed below I have a 24TB FreeNAS box that I move my recordings to before deleting them after 90 days. All this said, I might have my system setup optimally, but I am not sure. I’d like to record each camera 24 hours a day, but still be able to see the events that happen on my cameras. I don’t need advice for triggering and schedules, I got all that figured out (at least I think I do). I'd like to keep my server running efficiently as I might install another 3 cameras. My general usage is I tend to skim my events when I am traveling to see what is going on at the house, but I generally don't watch any of the feeds regularly (except for 1). The one I watch is the camera I have in my 18 month old sons room. My wife and I use to make sure he is ok and see when he is sleeping and waking up during the day/night.

I guess I am most interested in the direct to disk functionality with the post encoding. I've spent some time reading and don't completely understand it and I am not sure it is for me.

Any help/advice is appreciated.

Camera Settings
Size: 1280x720
Frame Rate: 30.00 fps

Video: Triggered + continuous each, 10:00 for 5.0 sec
Create an alert image when triggered: Checked
Always create hi-res JPEG: Checked
Pre-trigger frame buffer size: 50
Combine or cut each: Checked, 2 hrs, 4GB

[Record, File Format & Compression]
Blue Iris DVR: Selected
Re-encode with Settings: Selected
— h264 - h.264/mpeg-4 avc
— Quality 70%
— Key frame interval 30

Intel i5 3.2GHz
32 GB Memory
128 GB SSD (OS and Blue Iris)
1 TB HD (Recordings)
Windows 7
Blue Iris Version: x64

6 x Foscam FI9803EP (Ethernet with POE) [Outdoor]
3 x Foscam FI9821W V2 (Wireless) [Indoor]
I can see my self adding 3-5 more cameras, likely a mix of indoor and outdoor


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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@ericvWelcome to the forum. What model is the i5? What is your cpu usage now?
Using direct to disc will give you the largest improvement. All you loose is the, blue iris rotation of the image and overlays (time date)..this can be added back during export or simply use the cameras time stamp. The improvement his huge and worthwhile.
You can also lower your frame rate (in the camera) to 15fps...30 is overkill.
You have WAY too much memory, though that doesnt hurt, its a complete waste. 4gb is sufficient.
To record continuously but mark motion events, simply set recording to continuous but also enable motion detection in the motion tab..this will mark events in the timeline. Using triggered+continuous is not the proper method and will not yield the results you are looking for. The way you have it set now, you are only recording 5 seconds of video each 10 minuets (unless also triggered by motion).


Apr 13, 2015
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I appreciate the reply. My CPU usage sits around 40%.

When I do direct to disk, how does it add the correct timestamp back in (if I don't just use the camera's timestamp). Also, I should setup the convert/expert settings on the clips and archiving page, that is what adds the timestamp back in?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
I appreciate the reply. My CPU usage sits around 40%.

When I do direct to disk, how does it add the correct timestamp back in (if I don't just use the camera's timestamp). Also, I should setup the convert/expert settings on the clips and archiving page, that is what adds the timestamp back in?
You dont want to add the timestamp back in to all your video....you would be better off not using direct to disk...you only want to add it back if you need the video for something...blue iris gives you the option when you export....the cameras timestamp is the best solution..