Legal question

Robert hocevar

Getting comfortable
Dec 6, 2016
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Lat Saturday I installed a small 3 cameras system in a condo building. The cameras are all installed in a shared space. lower level garage and storage locker area. we were not there for 20 min before a mother and daughter came to the garage and started bitching about invasion of privacy. I explained the cameras will not be in there bathroom or bedroom just pointing at the garage door and the car that belongs to the lady that hired me. they leave and then a guy shows up and starts his shit too! than says he will tear down the cameras if they point to a area where he will walk past. I told him to go ahead and do that but wait until the check clears.
Yesterday i get a phone call from the lady that hired me she wanted to know how to power down the system. I guess the 2 ladies went to the association and complained about the system. now there waiting for the associations legal team to get involved. she said if the allow her to keep the cameras she will have me install about 5 more!


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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I have read and folks here with the knowledge have said in the US that if the areas can be seen in public areas, then it is legal.

So camera that sees the public sidewalk, street, neighbors house is ok, provided the camera isn't zoomed into a bedroom window.

A camera installed on a post in your backyard that can see over a 10 foot tall privacy fence into your neighbors backyard is a no go.

Now inside in a condo common area could be considered for something else.

Keep us posted. I suspect the condo association ruling will be against what the law says based on my experience with these types of associations.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Alabama there waiting for the associations legal team to get involved.
It boils down to what the association's "legal team" decides and in my experience, their decision may not be based on actual, well-defined rules in their bylaws but by influence from resident politics and opinion (the old "the squeaky wheel gets the grease").

I've heard of cases where residents have actually had to go to court to get the assoc. to follow their own published rules or in this case, to NOT prohibit something that may not be outlined in those rules as specifically prohibited.

In an ideal world, condos and townhomes with such rules, CC&R's and bylaws, etc. in place would be inhabited only by THAT would be 24/7/365 entertainment. :cool:
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Lat Saturday I installed a small 3 cameras system in a condo building. The cameras are all installed in a shared space. lower level garage and storage locker area. we were not there for 20 min before a mother and daughter came to the garage and started bitching about invasion of privacy. I explained the cameras will not be in there bathroom or bedroom just pointing at the garage door and the car that belongs to the lady that hired me. they leave and then a guy shows up and starts his shit too! than says he will tear down the cameras if they point to a area where he will walk past. I told him to go ahead and do that but wait until the check clears.
Yesterday i get a phone call from the lady that hired me she wanted to know how to power down the system. I guess the 2 ladies went to the association and complained about the system. now there waiting for the associations legal team to get involved. she said if the allow her to keep the cameras she will have me install about 5 more!
HOAs / Condos .. often run by Karens .. and in those cases not a fun game ..
Nov 25, 2016
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Lat Saturday I installed a small 3 cameras system in a condo building. The cameras are all installed in a shared space. lower level garage and storage locker area. we were not there for 20 min before a mother and daughter came to the garage and started bitching about invasion of privacy. I explained the cameras will not be in there bathroom or bedroom just pointing at the garage door and the car that belongs to the lady that hired me. they leave and then a guy shows up and starts his shit too! than says he will tear down the cameras if they point to a area where he will walk past. I told him to go ahead and do that but wait until the check clears.
Yesterday i get a phone call from the lady that hired me she wanted to know how to power down the system. I guess the 2 ladies went to the association and complained about the system. now there waiting for the associations legal team to get involved. she said if the allow her to keep the cameras she will have me install about 5 more!
I assume your client wanted these cameras installed because there have been break-ins and thefts in these common areas. If my own experience is any guide, the complainers will be the first ones asking, "Did anyone see anything?" when they are victimized.

I wish your client the best of luck, but I would be shocked if the condo association allows her to keep the cameras. However, one tactic she might try is this: offer to share the camera feed with the condo association officers, i.e. "I'm not violating anyone's privacy, and to prove it I'll give you access to my cameras."


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
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Minnesota USA
Condo man chiming in with 2 cents...
they had camera's in place at all the entrances when I started this condo job. Except they didn't have eyes in the Common Area laundry rooms, where Bulletin board terrorists felt they had a platform to write "Anti-Board nastygrams"
And the garages where some had keyed a couple cars. ( now they key the Ping pong table :)) Jesus H fuck.
And also the door checkers and suspicous cars coming into the back lot were several times a month. (If not More)

I had previously worked at a Casino as a Bus driver and seen the way bad behavior on the bus turned 180 degrees to the good when we Put cameras with audio on the Buses. And the option to board or not board the Bus was clearly stated as you approached the stairs. Something to the effect of, "This Bus under video and Audio surveillance" and We'd say something like, "if you don't agree you're certainly welcome to find another form of transportation to the Casino."

Laundry room nastygrams are down 100%.
Garage loitering in the shadows is down 98%
and with the annoying lights in the back lot, and three cams ( 1 on LPR duty) we seem not to be a Bob Marley party destination anymore. :)