Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
I had a conversation with a 28 year old daughter of friends of ours this evening. Her take was that he murdered two people.

My first question to her was “are you relying on headlines or did you watch any of the trial, including the prosecution star witness saying he advanced on Rittenhouse with a loaded gun and also any of the video”. Her response was typical of the uninformed “I looked at the headlines and assumed they were true”. My suggestion to her was to get her information from multiple sources and then form an informed opinion.
Part of the problem with (a lot of) young kids today regarding not developing a case for or against, is they live there lives in quick few word snippets, ie Twitter. I hope your friends daughter went home and thought about what you said. If not, you did your part.


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
The American court system is not about justice. It's about power. It's about which lawyer can weave the best version of a story and convince the jury that their story is perceived as more truthful. The judge is the referee for the circus. The lawyers are the ones who basically control the courtroom, make the deals behind closed doors and generally decide the fate of the person that is on trial. It's bragging rights for them and their over-inflated egos when they "win" a case. It's a game to them. A "good" lawyer can ask you the same question 14 different times, but reword it so that you have a hard time distinguishing if they asked you that question before. It' about mind manipulation. Reading body language. It's about mountains of needless paperwork and highway robbery for per-hour lawyer fees. It's about theatrics.

All of the lawyers in the area all know each other well. They go to each other X-mas parties. They are all members of the same private country clubs. Their kids all go to the same exclusive, high priced private schools together. The lawyers and judges are all members of the same Yacht clubs and Hunting clubs. Many of them all live in the same gated community. They are all friends when they are not in the court rooms. Enter the court room and it is just another show that most of the time, the outcome has been pre-decided before they ever went into the court room. How do I know? I have extended family full of them.

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
The American court system is not about justice. It's about power. It's about which lawyer can weave the best version of a story and convince the jury that their story is perceived as more truthful. The judge is the referee for the circus. The lawyers are the ones who basically control the courtroom, make the deals behind closed doors and generally decide the fate of the person that is on trial. It's bragging rights for them and their over-inflated egos when they "win" a case. It's a game to them. A "good" lawyer can ask you the same question 14 different times, but reword it so that you have a hard time distinguishing if they asked you that question before. It' about mind manipulation. Reading body language. It's about mountains of needless paperwork and highway robbery for per-hour lawyer fees. It's about theatrics.

All of the lawyers in the area all know each other well. They go to each other X-mas parties. They are all members of the same private country clubs. Their kids all go to the same exclusive, high priced private schools together. The lawyers and judges are all members of the same Yacht clubs and Hunting clubs. Many of them all live in the same gated community. They are all friends when they are not in the court rooms. Enter the court room and it is just another show that most of the time, the outcome has been pre-decided before they ever went into the court room. How do I know? I have extended family full of them.
I’m not going to say all attorney’s are like that, but I’ll bet it’s most. Seems like Congress is the same way.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
1. Kyle cannot be retried. That would bring into play the double jeopardy clause.
Couldn't the feds try him on another cooked-up charge, civil rights violation or something like that?
With Nader bringing up the state line thing, I wonder if the dumbass even knows that Antioch is in easy walking distance of the state line?


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Couldn't the feds try him on another cooked-up charge, civil rights violation or something like that?
With Nader bringing up the state line thing, I wonder if the dumbass even knows that Antioch is in easy walking distance of the state line?
NBC MSM is already pushing for civil suits. They got a bit butthurt when they got called out publicly and got banned from the courtroom.


Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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Couldn't the feds try him on another cooked-up charge, civil rights violation or something like that?
With Nader bringing up the state line thing, I wonder if the dumbass even knows that Antioch is in easy walking distance of the state line?
The past 4-5 years the Feds have “Trumped” up many charges, pun intended. So, it wouldn’t surprise me. I’m no attorney, far from it, but like the OJ trial, Kyle Rittenhouse might only have to worry about civil suits. I shouldn’t say the only thing to worry about, because now he might have to find a new city to live in and constantly watching his back.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
I had a conversation with a 28 year old daughter of friends of ours this evening. Her take was that he murdered two people.

My first question to her was “are you relying on headlines or did you watch any of the trial, including the prosecution star witness saying he advanced on Rittenhouse with a loaded gun and also any of the video?” Her response was typical of the uninformed “I looked at the headlines and assumed they were true”. My suggestion to her was to get her information from multiple sources and then form an informed opinion.

My second question was why do you say he murdered two people when a jury of his peers deemed that he was not guilty of the charges? Her reply was a good “hmmm, didn’t think about that.”
All she has to do is watch and believe the racist lies spewing from leftist media right now. I just watched a few from cnn and msnbc. Just spewing racist lies and hate. They are still saying that Blake was unjustly gunned down. So it is okay to pull a knife on a cop while resisting arrest and attempting to get into a car and drive off with the mothers child while under a restraining order and previously raping the mother. And they are still calling what was going down in Kenosa a peaceful protest. They are a cancer on American society.
Oct 16, 2018
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Florida, USA
Well, if he does lose a civil suit or two, after he pays, he‘ll still have buckets of cash from the ones he should sue, including PINO.

Unlike the OJ civil suits, there are not any threads that I can see that would unravel in his defense. Number one, the victims are all criminals, not doting family members of a woman loved in her community. But, hey, this is 2021...


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
All she has to do is watch and believe the racist lies spewing from leftist media right now. I just watched a few from cnn and msnbc. Just spewing racist lies and hate. They are still saying that Blake was unjustly gunned down. So it is okay to pull a knife on a cop while resisting arrest and attempting to get into a car and drive off with the mothers child while under a restraining order and previously raping the mother. And they are still calling what was going down in Kenosa a peaceful protest. They are a cancer on American society.
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I thought Don King died?? :lol:

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
All she has to do is watch and believe the racist lies spewing from leftist media right now. I just watched a few from cnn and msnbc. Just spewing racist lies and hate. They are still saying that Blake was unjustly gunned down. So it is okay to pull a knife on a cop while resisting arrest and attempting to get into a car and drive off with the mothers child while under a restraining order and previously raping the mother. And they are still calling what was going down in Kenosa a peaceful protest. They are a cancer on American society.
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It’s hard to believe that these news people are that stupid. So, my gut tells me they are just pushing their agenda. But, then I just shake my head and ask who in the right mind would piss off a large group of society who is armed and know how to use them. I guess the need for power and control overshadows common sense.

Jacob Blake might be paralyzed, but he is lucky to be alive. Pull a knife on anyone, let alone a police officer, it’s game on.

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
Well, if he does lose a civil suit or two, after he pays, he‘ll still have buckets of cash from the ones he should sue, including PINO.

Unlike the OJ civil suits, there are not any threads that I can see that would unravel in his defense. Number one, the victims are all criminals, not doting family members of a woman loved in her community. But, hey, this is 2021...
It seems like the world is upside down, what’s right is wrong, up is down, etc., so anything is possible. That said, I still believe you are right. Also, it seems like the victims (calling them victims makes them sound innocent, which they were not) family members do not have the means to pursue a civil suit.