IPC49225 Possible Solution for loss of track.


Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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This replacement camera has been great but I am trying to see if anyone here, who is very fluent in Dahua settings can shed some light on possibly reducing this camera's interest in a stationary object hijacking the track. As can be seen in the clip, the camera picks up the moving vehicle and starts a track. Once the vehicle passes a very skinny but bright white pole, it immediately becomes way more interested in the pole. I understand the pole is in the foreground. I also have learned that unfortunately Dahua just loves brighter objects and almost ignores dark ones. Hey I don't expect perfection and love this camera but was curious if setting the "Max target size" to a smaller number would help. Just grasping at straws here and I am pretty sure that once the camera starts tracking, nothing can be done about it's decisions. Figured I'd ask anyway.

Just tried to reduce target tracking size from 40 to 36. Will test tomorrow.



IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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The less the camera has to pan left or right or up or down to start the tracking, the better it will be, especially with an object like this. The first thing your camera does is pan to the left and puts this light right into the center of the frame. You need to try to get the object you want to track in the center of the frame.

I would start the IVS just to the right of the pole if you want to keep this point of view. That would place the vehicle in the center of the frame once it starts the pan to autotrack. Or change the field of view so that light is not in the field of view.

Or if you have other cameras, use a spotter cam to reposition this field of view to a more desirable one once it is triggered.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I was typing as @wittaj was posting ;)

I'm certainly not a PTZ expert, but I wonder if you move your tripwire or intrusion zone a bit more left, it may give the camera a bit more time to locate the moving object before it sees the pole? Or perhaps move the preset left a smidge while opening up the FOV a bit.

Mine likes about 32-33 setting on Max target size. Distance to where iVS picks up target is about 100-115 ft.

Spotter cam picks target up after the palm tree halts initial tracking

View attachment HOA Entr_ch1_20210406184039_20210406184149.mp4


Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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The less the camera has to pan left or right or up or down to start the tracking, the better it will be, especially with an object like this. The first thing your camera does is pan to the left and puts this light right into the center of the frame. You need to try to get the object you want to track in the center of the frame.

I would start the IVS just to the right of the pole if you want to keep this point of view. That would place the vehicle in the center of the frame once it starts the pan to autotrack. Or change the field of view so that light is not in the field of view.

Or if you have other cameras, use a spotter cam to reposition this field of view to a more desirable one once it is triggered.
Going to try moving the tripwire closer to the pole this way it isn't tripped until the cars are closer to where the camera is homed. This may help so the ptz doesn't have to move left first. tomorrow will be the test.



Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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I see you already have tripwire left. So yeah, try the opposite :rofl:
Yes will see tomorrow. Definitely not a great situation in which cars are flying left to right and the ptz is moving right to left to start the track. The poor camera is probably perceiving an already speeding car to be going twice as fast. Maybe I should put one of those plastic speed bumps in lol.
Oct 9, 2018
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Thompson, MB. Canada
I will be very interested in this thread....

I have to setup two SD49425XB-HNR and one SD59432XA-HNR, The first SD49425XB-HNR I have setup looking over a large parking lot. setting up the the first one it did the same type of tracking problem with a sign. Very interested in learning about the abilities and limits of these cameras.


Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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I will be very interested in this thread....

I have to setup two SD49425XB-HNR and one SD59432XA-HNR, The first SD49425XB-HNR I have setup looking over a large parking lot. setting up the the first one it did the same type of tracking problem with a sign. Very interested in learning about the abilities and limits of these cameras.
I know from experience there seems to be voodoo going on. The weirdest little thing can make a huge difference in function. Changes need to be made one at a time and close attention has to be paid. Really cool though. I usually export the settings before making changes just in case. There is no accurate manual so its trial and error and input from the gurus on here.


Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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So finally had an opportunity to test the results of moving the tripwire closer to the center of frame. Failure! Found the solution... That pole and the tree on the other side will be knocked down LOL



IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Is the tripwire to the left or right of that pole?

If it is to the right, then it is probably time to consider changing the field of view to get that pole out of the close to center of frame or use a spotter cam to move the PTZ to a spot that will give it a clear view when the fixed cam is triggered.

What if the field of view was more to the left and the pole was on the right side of center? It may lock on the car for enough time to skip that pole. That pole is skinny and I think if it started actually tracking the vehicle then it would ignore that pole.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Try using the privacy mask to mask out the pole. I dont know if it affects tracking but worth a shot. If it works, you can then proceed to unmask portions of it until you see the problem again.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Last edited:


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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@bigredfish - the difference though is in your case, and my case, the camera has already started tracking the person, whereas in @FlipNJ case, the camera was still getting into position. If he had an SD card in the camera and turned on the IVS rules, he would see the object box not be on the car once the camera starts the initial pan to get into position to track. It doesn't mean that it still cannot be fooled, but it has to lock in on the subject first.

I have a lamp post and people will be completely blocked by it but it will still track them because it is already tracking them. But it didn't when I had the lamp post in the field of view to start. I had to adjust the field of view so that it was just outside the lamp post.



Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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Is the tripwire to the left or right of that pole?

If it is to the right, then it is probably time to consider changing the field of view to get that pole out of the close to center of frame or use a spotter cam to move the PTZ to a spot that will give it a clear view when the fixed cam is triggered.

What if the field of view was more to the left and the pole was on the right side of center? It may lock on the car for enough time to skip that pole. That pole is skinny and I think if it started actually tracking the vehicle then it would ignore that pole.
Post #4 shows before & after.

@bigredfish - the difference though is in your case, and my case, the camera has already started tracking the person, whereas in @FlipNJ case, the camera was still getting into position. If he had an SD card in the camera and turned on the IVS rules, he would see the object box not be on the car once the camera starts the initial pan to get into position to track. It doesn't mean that it still cannot be fooled, but it has to lock in on the subject first.

I have a lamp post and people will be completely blocked by it but it will still track them because it is already tracking them. But it didn't when I had the lamp post in the field of view to start. I had to adjust the field of view so that it was just outside the lamp post.

View attachment 87057
I have to get on the roof and resolve my SD card issue. This PTZ is a replacement of the SAME model number and the card was simply moved from the old PTZ to the new and the interface shows no SD card. Weird. SAme card used in the other PTZ, same FW too. After I fix that, I will watch the IVS on the tracks.


Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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Vertical poles do seems to play hell with human tracking on my 6 series as well ... but intermittent.....
View attachment 87054

I've played a lot with the FOV and the target track size and its not perfect but I'd say 90%+ now. I have the spotter cam send it to a preset past the pole and palm tree, and it somehow ignores the speed limit sign most of the time..
View attachment 87055
It is even worse to the right. There's a damn tree that stops the PTZ dead about 80% of the time. GF won't let me chop it down so here I sit and grunt watching the daily clips. LOL

I tried to back off the target tracking size so the tree takes up a lot less FOV, No Bueno, same deal.


Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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@bigredfish - the difference though is in your case, and my case, the camera has already started tracking the person, whereas in @FlipNJ case, the camera was still getting into position. If he had an SD card in the camera and turned on the IVS rules, he would see the object box not be on the car once the camera starts the initial pan to get into position to track. It doesn't mean that it still cannot be fooled, but it has to lock in on the subject first.

I have a lamp post and people will be completely blocked by it but it will still track them because it is already tracking them. But it didn't when I had the lamp post in the field of view to start. I had to adjust the field of view so that it was just outside the lamp post.

View attachment 87057
I have actually posted a clip of what happens when the tripwire was much further left of the pole. It would pan left to latch on and did but would again, stop at the pole, and as you say, "already started tracking".


Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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Try using the privacy mask to mask out the pole. I dont know if it affects tracking but worth a shot. If it works, you can then proceed to unmask portions of it until you see the problem again.
Thanks Fenderman. Are you saying to use privacy mask in the PTZ? Not sure where in the settings it is but will delve into it. Have seen it in BI but don't know if a BI setting will effect the PTZs function while tracking although I have had the PTZ move at precisely 12:00am to another preset for no reason and it didn't stop until I shutdown BI and restarted so BI can definitley command actions.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Thanks Fenderman. Are you saying to use privacy mask in the PTZ? Not sure where in the settings it is but will delve into it. Have seen it in BI but don't know if a BI setting will effect the PTZs function while tracking.
In the ptz. I dont know how the ptz handles the mask once it starts moving. You obviously dont want a random missing vertical line in your footage.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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I have actually posted a clip of what happens when the tripwire was much further left of the pole. It would pan left to latch on and did but would again, stop at the pole, and as you say, "already started tracking".
I am talking about moving the field of view such that the pole isn't even in the field of view (granted that might then not be the field of view you want as your front yard probably isn't in the picture then. If the clip you are referencing is from Post 1 above, that hasn't locked on to the car at that point.

I have one camera that will show no SD card as well. Pull the power to the PTZ for a few minutes and then plug back in. Then the card should show and then do a reformat.

You could also limit the movement of the PTZ to the left to stop that initial pan. Unfortunately when you do that, you cannot manually go left past that point.


Pulling my weight
May 3, 2016
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In the ptz. I dont know how the ptz handles the mask once it starts moving. You obviously dont want a random missing vertical line in your footage.
I masked it out. Will see tomorrow if tracking is effected and if it helps. Really don't care about seeing the pole in the clips. After all, I am recording to watch people and cars, not poles.