Hik NVR+cams - I want gallery filled with pics from motion detection


Young grasshopper
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score
Czech Republic
Hi all.

I am bulding Hikvision IP cam system. Now I have 7 cams-1,3+3Mpix turrets. At the main entry door I have USB camera connected to PC with WebcamXP software. When motion is detected, it uploads the picture to FTP and also put it in gallery. I have public static IP address, so I can remotelly connect to WebcamXP and quickly check, what happened during day (or night-there is halogen with PIR). This is perfect, except that I have to run PC.

On the place of USB camera I have 2x UTP Cat5E wires. One for IP camera and second for second camera, if needed, or just for sure.

Now I think, how to replace the USB camera with hik's IP camera. Yes, I can put there another turret, set recording on motion detection and it will work. There are 2 problems:
1) every fly, bird or clouds/sun starts motion detection. There are so much recordings/motion detections during day, so I cannot check them all.
2) related to 1)-I don't have any preview, who moved on the street-in sight of camera.

Maybe the solution will be to buy and mount Hik's dome camera with alarm input, DS-2CD2142FWD-IS (+has WDR, -is only 16:9) or DS-2CD2132F-IS (-no WDR, +has resolution also 4:3). Did someone solve this and solved it? When I connect one of this cams to PIR, can it record to NVR only on alarm, with pre-record and post-record say 10s, and can it also post a picture to FTP? Then I will be able to connect to PHP script, which will make me gallery of pictures.

How about quality of these cams, compared with turrets? How about glare from side lights (LED/halogen reflector nearby) or internal IR leds?

thanks all for hints.