Hard drive requirements for 5 cams?


Apr 21, 2016
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Ive bought 5 of the longse s500 cams with the aim of using my synology nas as my NVR (surveillance station).

I currently have a 4 bay drive (DS415+) with two 4TB hard drives for my media, work, etc. I have two spare slots as it stands with the intention of buying a WD purple hard drive purely for the cams.

Im wondering if i can get away with using one of the slots purely for the cams so it leaves me the option of expanding my current setup if required in the future?

can anyone suggest if thats possible and how much storage will be needed for 5 cams?


Known around here
Nov 18, 2014
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What's your bitrate? It's easy to calculate storage requirements if you record on a schedule with a constant bitrate. If you record on motion, then you have absolutely no idea really because it all depends on the amount of activity. If your cameras are outside, then two or three stormy windy days could generate as much footage as two months of non-aggressive motion recording with just occasional foot traffic.

It will also depend on how many weeks of storage you consider a requirement. I like to have at least two weeks at my house to be able to search back through. You would probably want at least one extra week over on top of whatever your longest vacation might be.

If you are on motion recording with not a lot of action, then if it were me I might start with a 4 terabyte and see if that's enough over time. I suspect 4 terabytes will be more than enough but your situation may be different.

Find a surveillance camera storage calculator somewhere online and try that out with your bitrate settings plugged in to see how long they will record on constant recording. That will give you an idea of what to expect. Hiktools has one in their suite that will work if you plug in your CBR value (8096 or whatever). If you're on constant recording or have a ton of motion during storms or fog/bugs then you will blow a 4 terabyte drive in no time.


Apr 21, 2016
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Living in Scotland, the weather is definitely against me! I'm going to look for that calculator and see what it pulls up.

Even if it means getting an 8tb drive, just so I can keep that last slot free, I would entertain it if I had to.

Thanks for your reply! I'll post again once I've had a play with the calculators.