Gas prices


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
LMAO. Biden gets all the blame for inflation and supply chain problems?

Yeah, the national debt increasing by about 8 trillion in 4 years had nothing to do with it. It’s not like trump printed checks with his name on them and sent them out to most Americans. Nope, that didn’t contribute to inflation.

Supply chain issues? States (including deep red ones) telling everyone to stay home for months didn’t contribute. Thank god we had trump sending out checks to help out during that time. Oh, and let’s also thank trump for getting rid of the unemployment rules that require you to actively look for work to continue receiving benefits.

Man, Biden is the worst isn’t he?
That we can agree on. Biden is indeed the worst President ever. People are indeed reacting to inflation including gasoline. They are in survival mode and cutting back on spending where ever they can. As to President Trump we did not have these problems under his Administration. It started right away when Biden started reversing the policies that President Trump instituted. GO TRUMP GO


Pulling my weight
Oct 22, 2021
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That we can agree on. Biden is indeed the worst President ever. People are indeed reacting to inflation including gasoline. They are in survival mode and cutting back on spending where ever they can. As to President Trump we did not have these problems under his Administration. It started right away when Biden started reversing the policies that President Trump instituted. GO TRUMP GO
We didn’t have these problems under trump? No shit Sherlock. Inflation doesn’t happen instantaneously, but you can’t be serious saying trump had nothing to do with inflation. We had more handouts under Trump than Biden.

No supply issues under trump? Did you forget toilet paper and a whole lot of other goods? Did you forget the 15% unemployment under trump?

You sure are forgetful about a lot of things that happened under trump.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
We didn’t have these problems under trump? No shit Sherlock. Inflation doesn’t happen instantaneously, but you can’t be serious saying trump had nothing to do with inflation. We had more handouts under Trump than Biden.

No supply issues under trump? Did you forget toilet paper and a whole lot of other goods? Did you forget the 15% unemployment under trump?

You sure are forgetful about a lot of things that happened under trump.
Good Lord. Talk about twisting things.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
How did Biden cause inflation? Be specific.
I have already posted it. One is by cutting back on the supply of energy that is available such as diesel fuel. This causes the cost of shipping to soar. Are you just being obtuse? You know what I can see why you are a Biden supporter. You do not deal in reality.


Pulling my weight
Oct 22, 2021
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I have already posted it. One is by cutting back on the supply of energy that is available such as diesel fuel. This causes the cost of shipping to soar. Are you just being obtuse? You know what I can see why you are a Biden supporter. You do not deal in reality.
Lol, gas prices are responsible for all inflation in your little world? Flooding the market with $1,200 and $1,400 and $600 dollar checks had nothing to do with it? Forcing people to stay at home for months and then companies having to pay sometimes double their previous wage to get people to come back to work had nothing to do with it?

I assure you, I hate Biden and democrats just as much as you do. The difference is, I hate trump and republicans just as much. Both sides are equally worthless and equally harmful to society.

That’s why I don’t vote for them. But go on pretending that only the other team causes all the problems in the world. Talk about being obtuse…


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Just saw this on NextDoor and thought appropriate to share here:

"In a time when everyone is looking to reduce their costs due to inflation the move to hybrid or electric cars becomes a viable option. Or so I thought. I sold my gas guzzler and replaced it with a hybrid. The car predominantly uses gas instead of its electric source because seldom do we travel at speeds around 35 mph and drive mostly interstate. Now don't get me wrong, it does have its advantages and it does save us, although minimal. But here is the catch. The state has instituted a premium on hybrids and electric autos when you acquire your license plates. $100 for hybrids and $200 for electric. They claim you are taking advantage of them by not paying the state taxes on a gallon of gas. I can assure you my savings on using the hybrid is not that substantial to incur a $100 increase. This defeats the whole purpose of buying these cars."

We all know that tax will only go higher.


Pulling my weight
Oct 22, 2021
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Just saw this on NextDoor and thought appropriate to share here:

"In a time when everyone is looking to reduce their costs due to inflation the move to hybrid or electric cars becomes a viable option. Or so I thought. I sold my gas guzzler and replaced it with a hybrid. The car predominantly uses gas instead of its electric source because seldom do we travel at speeds around 35 mph and drive mostly interstate. Now don't get me wrong, it does have its advantages and it does save us, although minimal. But here is the catch. The state has instituted a premium on hybrids and electric autos when you acquire your license plates. $100 for hybrids and $200 for electric. They claim you are taking advantage of them by not paying the state taxes on a gallon of gas. I can assure you my savings on using the hybrid is not that substantial to incur a $100 increase. This defeats the whole purpose of buying these cars."

We all know that tax will only go higher.
Pretty typical anti-EV propaganda. To offset $100, you’d need to save 22 gallons of gas (assume $4.50/gal). Also assume the hybrid replaced a car with a good average mileage of 30 MPG. So you’d need to drive on battery power about 660 miles per year plus a little more to offset the electricity cost to cover that $100 tax. Hell, round it up to 1,000 miles if you like. The average American driver drives 15,000 miles per year, so as long as 7% or so of that is on battery, you covered the tax. Anything over 7% is money saved. Also don’t forget the tax credit many hybrids still qualify for.

Funny how biased and ignorant those old talking points sound when you actually think about them, isn’t it?


Pulling my weight
Oct 22, 2021
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Since we all know Biden (supposedly) absolutely HATES oil and wants to destroy the oil industry to force everyone to drive EVs (and in the transition shut down US oil production and force us to buy oil from foreign nations because he's a danged globalist who hates america)......umm, why is US oil production UP under Biden?

In Trump's very short 4 years as president, US oil production averaged 10.967 million barrels per day. So far under Biden, US oil production has averaged 11.258 million barrels per day. And if you compare US oil production in January-April in 2021 to January-April in 2022 (most recent data we have), you'll see that numbers are up in 2022 over 2021. Production in Trump's last 4 months in office? 10.871 million BPD. What is going on?!?!? Biden shut down US oil production, so how are we still producing so much oil?!? FoxNews isn't lying to us, are they?

So much for that talking point of "Biden killed US oil production on day one and that's why gas prices are so high!" huh?

Data source: U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Since we all know Biden (supposedly) absolutely HATES oil and wants to destroy the oil industry to force everyone to drive EVs (and in the transition shut down US oil production and force us to buy oil from foreign nations because he's a danged globalist who hates america)......umm, why is US oil production UP under Biden?

In Trump's very short 4 years as president, US oil production averaged 10.967 million barrels per day. So far under Biden, US oil production has averaged 11.258 million barrels per day. And if you compare US oil production in January-April in 2021 to January-April in 2022 (most recent data we have), you'll see that numbers are up in 2022 over 2021. Production in Trump's last 4 months in office? 10.871 million BPD. What is going on?!?!? Biden shut down US oil production, so how are we still producing so much oil?!? FoxNews isn't lying to us, are they?

So much for that talking point of "Biden killed US oil production on day one and that's why gas prices are so high!" huh?

Data source: U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)
um, ... Looks like Oil Production is down under Biden compared to the time prior to the Pandemic

and actually, not certain if I would really use averages over the Presidential years in office to compare this period due to the pandemic.

Better imho to actually look at Administrative policy to see how well the Administrations support US Energy production.


Oil production, Oil prices are of course the result of more of a complex system than just the US Presidential Administration.

US Dollar strength has a lot to do with cheaper Oil ( thanks largely to Euro decline thanks to Russia's "special operation" )

Biden .. we've already discussed his executive orders which killed the Keystone XL pipeline as well as other anti-oil policies.

Is Biden 100% responsible for US gasoline prices .. of course not. Is he / his administration at partially responsible .. you bet.

NO doubt once you examine the data and facts.

Is Putin also responsible for some since Feb? Of course ..

Right now China's lockdowns are also helping to keep oil prices lower .. as if the Fed's interest rates increases ( which help make a stronger US Dollar ) .. and the failure of the global supply chain is also impacting Oil demand ..

We clearly have demand destruction due to the prices, as people in the USA and other nations reduce Oil use...


Pulling my weight
Oct 22, 2021
Reaction score
um, ... Looks like Oil Production is down under Biden compared to the time prior to the Pandemic

View attachment 132996

Oil production, Oil prices are of course the result of more of a complex system than just the US Presidential Administration.

US Dollar strength has a lot to do with cheaper Oil ( thanks largely to Euro decline thanks to Russia's "special operation" )

Biden .. we've already discussed his executive orders which killed the Keystone XL pipeline as well as other anti-oil policies.

Is Biden 100% responsible for US gasoline prices .. of course not. Is he / his administration at partially responsible .. you bet.

NO doubt once you examine the data and facts.

Is Putin also responsible for some since Feb? Of course ..

Right now China's lockdowns are also helping to keep oil prices lower .. as if the Fed's interest rates increases ( which help make a stronger US Dollar ) .. and the failure of the global supply chain is also impacting Oil demand ..

We clearly have demand destruction due to the prices, as people in the USA and other nations reduce Oil use...
Lol, I said AVERAGE. Oil production did peak under Trump higher than current production, but you did see the big drop under Trump, too, right? Now, a reasonable person would attribute that (and the low gas prices of the time) to COVID and the lockdowns. But it’s so much easier to just blame the POTUS for everything, so Trump is obviously to blame for that huge downturn in production. And Biden gets the blame/credit for the big bump in production during his term so far. That’s how it seems to work around here at least.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Lol, I said AVERAGE. Oil production did peak under Trump higher than current production, but you did see the big drop under Trump, too, right? Now, a reasonable person would attribute that (and the low gas prices of the time) to COVID and the lockdowns. But it’s so much easier to just blame the POTUS for everything, so Trump is obviously to blame for that huge downturn in production. And Biden gets the blame/credit for the big bump in production during his term so far. That’s how it seems to work around here at least.
"Lol, I said AVERAGE."

Yes, I noted that .. as I stated: "and actually, not certain if I would really use averages over the Presidential years in office to compare this period due to the pandemic. "

Biden deserves a significant blame if you look at his executive orders .. credit? No one who saw this and saw the failures in Afghanistan wants to find reasons to give team Biden-Harris a chance to be re-elected.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Let's not forget a few key items here.

Those checks that Trump sent out had very loud and very vocal support, heck demands that they be sent, by the Marxocrats in control of Congress at the time.

Biden and his Marxist minions have increased regulations over every facet of business since day one. Those regulations cost businesses money. Where does that money come from? The consumer of course. The same is true of increases in business taxes. Take Economics 101 at your local Marxist breeding center, errr, ahh community college.

Biden stated, flat out, that he was going to kill "big oil" during his campaign at a stop with a handful of brain dead Marxocrats. It's on tape and on the internet.

Biden can't get a sentence out without using the wrong words or inventing new ones, gibberish. Then, when he has a teleprompter, reads the instructions along with his "speech".

The weakness of his mental state and the weakness of his foreign policy has put the world at risk. We can only hope and pray that nothing goes seriously wrong in Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter for the next two years.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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"Biden fault for high gas prices, must also give Biden credit for falling gas prices"


Today the was a massive jam on the Freeway, took an extra hour to get to work.

It was due to a reckless driver named Randy who road raged into numerous cars during the morning rush.

One hour later, it was all cleared up and the Freeway flowed normally again.

So can we can blame the road rage Randy for all of the massive jam?
So can we attribute thanks to road rage Randy now that it is moving normally after the incident has been cleared up?

additional questions:
So, what about the State Troopers who helped clear the situation?
So, what about the Tow Truck companies ( private ) who responsed?
So, what about the fire fighters and ambulance crews who responsed?
So, what about the citizens who each decided to take alternative routes?
So, what about the morning news who decided to tell commuters to try alternative routes?
So, what about WAZE, gps, Google maps, Apple maps, and all the tech, programmers, tech companies who alerted commuters of the blockage?
So, what about .. ( insert questions about timing of incident, conditions of road, conditions of traffic at those times, .. )

@sebastiantombs stated this extremely well:
"The weakness of his ( Biden ) mental state and the weakness of his foreign policy has put the world at risk. We can only hope and pray that nothing goes seriously wrong in Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter for the next two years. "

and I would add .. the weakness of Biden's character .. ( corrupt as f... )

QED time on this one ..
Last edited:


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Let's not forget a few key items here.

Those checks that Trump sent out had very loud and very vocal support, heck demands that they be sent, by the Marxocrats in control of Congress at the time.

Biden and his Marxist minions have increased regulations over every facet of business since day one. Those regulations cost businesses money. Where does that money come from? The consumer of course. The same is true of increases in business taxes. Take Economics 101 at your local Marxist breeding center, errr, ahh community college.

Biden stated, flat out, that he was going to kill "big oil" during his campaign at a stop with a handful of brain dead Marxocrats. It's on tape and on the internet.

Biden can't get a sentence out without using the wrong words or inventing new ones, gibberish. Then, when he has a teleprompter, reads the instructions along with his "speech".

The weakness of his mental state and the weakness of his foreign policy has put the world at risk. We can only hope and pray that nothing goes seriously wrong in Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter for the next two years.
I am seriously banking on the house and senate flipping this year. After that, go after the squatter in the whitehouse and the word salad hoe. All of this is contingent on new right side members not being rinos. It's past due time the people take their country back.


Pulling my weight
Oct 22, 2021
Reaction score
"Biden fault for high gas prices, must also give Biden credit for falling gas prices"


Today the was a massive jam on the Freeway, took an extra hour to get to work.

It was due to a reckless driver named Randy who road raged into numerous cars during the morning rush.

One hour later, it was all cleared up and the Freeway flowed normally again.

So can we can blame the road rage Randy for all of the massive jam?
So can we attribute thanks to road rage Randy now that it is moving normally after the incident has been cleared up?

additional questions:
So, what about the State Troopers who helped clear the situation?
So, what about the Tow Truck companies ( private ) who responsed?
So, what about the fire fighters and ambulance crews who responsed?
So, what about the citizens who each decided to take alternative routes?
So, what about the morning news who decided to tell commuters to try alternative routes?
So, what about WAZE, gps, Google maps, Apple maps, and all the tech, programmers, tech companies who alerted commuters of the blockage?
So, what about ..

@sebastiantombs stated this extremely well:
"The weakness of his ( Biden ) mental state and the weakness of his foreign policy has put the world at risk. We can only hope and pray that nothing goes seriously wrong in Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter for the next two years. "

and I would add .. the weakness of Biden's character .. ( corrupt as f... )

QED time on this one ..
How is your scenario analogous to the topic we're talking about? So Biden is Randy supposedly (even though oil production has INCREASED under biden, not come to a halt or even slowed down like the traffic jam story. How about the rest of your "analogy"? Who or what do the state troopers, tow truck, firefighters, etc represent?