Funny / Satire


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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This was told to me by Richard Angelico from New Orleans in a very Cajun accent (A very cool dude. The x-governor that went to prision does not like Richard).

Abear and Thibodeaux were born as twin gators in the "Great Swamp". Abear was the eldest twin and hence, taught his little twin Thibodeaux all the time.
Time and territory had drew the brother far and wide with each going their separate ways.

In time a big family reunion was called for the Gator Family and drew several generation of gators from all over the South.
Abear finally found his brother amongst all the gators. Now Abear was a fine specimen of a gator. He in those few years
had grown to 10 foot long ,weighing in at 800 pounds! He looked at his skinny brother that was only 6 foot long weighing only 400 pounds!

Abear said "Thibodeaux. wat de matter wit u? Why u b so skinny? Did teach u not what to eat? Thibodeaux. replied " Well I hides in de
swamp by de shoar n hide till de lawers come out for de dinner. Ise grab em n shake de shit out of dem n eats em then".

Abear jumped up angry at his brother and said " Man thats u problem boy! U shake de shit out of the lawer and there not anything left".


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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One day Thibodeaux was a sittin on de front porch. He heard de sound of Abear's pick up truck a putting and sputtering down de road.
Abear stopped at Thibodeaux's with a whole load of duct tape. Rolls and rolls abounded in the bed! Thibodeaux said "Wat u do wit all dem rools
of de duct tape"? Abear said "I go duck huntin wit all, dem rolls of tapes". Thibodeaux "Naw u not can hunt ducks wit de duct tape u crazy Cajun".
Abear said "u just watch" and putted away. Later that day Abear had a whole load of ducks in the bed of the pick-up. Thibodeaux said "Dat is crazy".

The following day here once comes Abear like yesterday but today he had a load of NutraSweet. "What de hell u do wit all de NutraSweet Abear"?
Abear says I go Nutra huntin". "Dam crazy Cajun u not catch Nutria wit da NutreSweet"! Once more later in the day, Abear come back with a pick-up be brimming
with Nutria.

The next day as usual Thibodeaux was sitting on the front porch and here comes his pal Abear with what looked like a bunch of branches in the bed.
"Wat u got en dat truck again Abear"? Abear replied "I has got some of de Pussy Willow". Thibodeaux said "U just wait a minute, I go get my hat an come wit u".