fresh windows 10 install


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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The OP seems to need some help, and has been in contact with Dell.
he is having a hardware issue. regardless, I have NEVER head of any pc maker questioning the image. They would have to dig deeper than their skillset to even detect its not their oem image vs the users simply uninstalling their crap.
Dell will NEVER give you an issue with the OS not being their own. EVER. Its really that simply. And EVEN if they did, only a fool would not perform a clean install. It is THE primary reason for issues.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Remove applications you have installed or came per-installed on your PC. You'll have the option of keeping your files.
My intent here is to clarify a couple of points for those that may need it, as it can be a confusing process to the unfamiliar:

The title of the OP's post is "fresh windows 10 install", which is generally understood to be synonymous with a "clean windows 10 install."
This means wiping the current HDD or SSD clean by formatting and then installing Win 10; it is not an upgrade so therefore there is no option for "keeping your files".
Also, there is no need to "....Remove applications you have installed or came per-installed on your PC", as the formatting process will take care of that.
Therefore one should back up their documents, pictures, music, videos, etc. to an external device beforehand or in the case of a non-bootable PC, remove the drive, place it into a USB drive dock or attach a USB to SATA cable adapter and back them up to another PC's drive or attached external storage device.

I would not attempt to install Windows 10 on any PC that did not have Windows 7 or 8/8.1 natively installed, so the directive "...Visit Windows 10 Specifications to learn about the system requirements" is not necessary unless one is attempting to install on any PC that originally had an Windows O/S other than Windows 7 or 8/8.1.

IMO, performing the install from a USB flash drive of at least 8GB and made with the MS Media Creation Tool works so much better and quicker than a DVD with ISO image.


Known around here
Jan 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
The original post was 2+ years old so hopefully the problem has now been sorted

As advised here many times, use the Microsoft Media Creation Tool to create a bootable USB with the latest version of Windows 10 and use that and not any manufacturer supplied recovery disk. This should ensure that you have a clean install and that here is no additional pieces of manufacturer software installed.