Forgot to put it in "Park"


Pulling my weight
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
I have a relevant story, and I assure you every word of it is true.

When I was a teenager a friend of mine's father bought a lightly used 3-series manual-transmission BMW as a third vehicle for the family, though mainly to be used by my friend and his younger brother when the latter would get his license.

Approximately two weeks after buying the car (certainly it was inside of a month) we took the car one lunch time to the local store to buy some candy or whatever crap we tended to buy. The store was at the top of a fairly steep hill. We went inside, bought our stuff, came out, went to get in the car--wait, where is the car? We looked around, and 100-150 feet down the hill from the store there she was "parked" in front of a tree. A large, old tree, one that took very little damage from being hit by a 3000 lb car but, as such a tree, one that dished out massive punishment to said car. My friend ran down the street to the car, but alas it was a bit late by then. The car ended up totaled.

His punishment was a stern talking to, a half-hearted lesson from his father about learning a lesson, and subsequent replacement with a VW GTI VR6 which, in the mid-90's, was a hell of a car for a teenager to be driving. He managed never to crash that one, despite many apparent attempts while driving like an absolute clown (course, I enjoyed that, too).


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
Reaction score
Denver, CO
very nice save.. when I was 10 years old I was mowing grandma's fields with dads brand new 1 month old tractor.. pulled up to a fence, went to go dismount the tractor to open a gate and I accidentally kicked the tractor into drive.

The tractor went through the gate like it wasent there, I got close-lined by the top run of bob-wire and flung clear of the tow behind cutting deck.. by the time I got back on my feet the tractor was a half mile away trying to run over a giant cottonwood tree, and that was a lucky save because if it had missed the tree it would of ended up at the bottom of a pond.

Needless to say everyone was thoroughly pissed off at me, that is until Dad accidentally kicked it into gear a few weeks later and nearly had the same event happen.