I've been recovering from a wrist injury for months which is why I hadn't gotten this one up yet. A couple of weeks ago I got a kick in the butt from the other half about getting some things sorted like finishing the house alarm before we go on holidays soon. It was a very unfortunate time to find out my extension ladder doesn't quite reach my second storey roof so managed to borrow one and a helper as the ladder was too awkward to manhandle alone with overhead powerlines, etc. I figured while I have the ladder I may as well put up the PTZ I haven't put up yet. I got the bracket and camera mounted last week, I went to mount the junction box and she complained about the colour so down in came so she could paint it, etc and in between other jobs this weekend past I mounted it and finished wiring it up. So here it is. I've not really had time to play with it too much other than testing it works as it was Fathers Day yesterday and I finished work quite late today. I've got it powered off a POE+ which seems to work ok except when zooming in and out it seems it overshoot. I'l need to check if that is still the case during daylight. The for sale sign is approximately 70m away. The only lighting is a street light about 12m back from that sign.