Dual Hik Turret - questions and 2, 3, or 4 MP?


Dec 7, 2015
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Looking at a 2342, 2332, or 2322 in 2.8 to cover my front yard. I already have a 2332 covering my drive and left side of yard and plan on mounting another cam side-by-side to that one pointing to the right. Essentially a dual cam set up with each facing opposite directions to capture a near 180 degree view with maybe just a bit of overlap in the center. Anyone see a problem in doing so? Secondly, I have (2) 2MP LTS turrets (essentially 2322s) and their low light IR capabilities are a bit better (less grainy picture) than my 2332 3MP cam. I read on here that 2MP cams often do better in low light than 3MP and that seems to be my experience as well. So if you were me, would you go 2,3, or 4 MP to cover right side of yard? How does the 4MP cam compare to the 2 and 3mp hiks for low light image quality? Should i match the left and right facing cams...in good reason to do so?


Young grasshopper
May 17, 2016
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I have (had) the cubes and the turrets, some in 2, 3 and 4MP and the most noisy is by far the 3MP.
That's also clear in the Lux spec of the cameras if you look at the datasheets.
Finally, depending on the model you are after, the 4MP (and in some case the 2MP) are more recent than the 3MP. For instance, for the turrets, the 2342 has full 3-axis positioning, real WDR and H.264+ support vs. the 2332.

So I see no good reason to buy a 3MP. Then, between 2MP and 4MP (provided the 2MP is one of the new models), it's less clear. When I looked around, the 4MP were a lot easier and cheaper to buy than the 2MP, so that made for an easy decision :)
Noise-wise, I don't know if there is a clear winner. They have the same Lux spec. It would stand to reason that the 4MP is more noisy, but it's not clear.

Note that the turrets have pretty powerful IR, so, on a reasonably-sized yard, you'll get noise-free pics at night using IR.

Del Boy

Getting comfortable
Mar 19, 2015
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UK - England
2MP WDR > 4MP WDR > 3MP for low-light, but none are amazing.

The lux is for the sensor but there's more to a camera than just that.

If I were you, I'd get 2x 4mm 4MP WDR which will give you approx 166 degree FOV.
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Dec 7, 2015
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Thanks Gents. Already have the 3MP and am just adding a second one side-by-side to the existing. So looks like I'll likely be doing the 4MP sitting next to the 3. Should make for a nice panorama shot when I pull both live feeds up side-by-side in the camera viewer software.


Dec 7, 2015
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Del Boy, how do you figure that the 2x4mm will give me 185 degree FOV? I thought the 2mm gave only 90 with the 4mm being around 70 degree FOV. Am I missing something. The 3MP I have now is the 2mm so I was thinking going with another 2mm would give me about 180 degrees but if the 4mm lens gives me 90 degrees I'll go that route instead of another 2mm.

Del Boy

Getting comfortable
Mar 19, 2015
Reaction score
UK - England
Simples - 83° (4 mm) x 2 = 166. Whooops, I did it from memory and messed up. I meant roughly 165. I'll edit it now pointing out mistake.

3MP FOV is completely different to 2MP and 4MP FOV. 2.8mm is 106, so 212. Not good. Do not go over 180, it will look horrible and you'll get less detail. 166 is only 7 degrees away from wall, that's as perfect as you will get.