Difference Between US Version and Chinese Version Cameras


Young grasshopper
Aug 16, 2015
Reaction score
Windermere, FL
My first cameras several years back were Hikvision Chinese Cameras from Alibaba. I had no end of firmware troubles. I subsequently settled on LTS (Hikvision Rebrand) cameras and all has been well since.

My question is this: On the forum I have been reading warnings concerning Chinese cameras that are built to apparently different standards than the US Models even though they carry the same model numbers and specifications. Is this observation accurate?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
My first cameras several years back were Hikvision Chinese Cameras from Alibaba. I had no end of firmware troubles. I subsequently settled on LTS (Hikvision Rebrand) cameras and all has been well since.

My question is this: On the forum I have been reading warnings concerning Chinese cameras that are built to apparently different standards than the US Models even though they carry the same model numbers and specifications. Is this observation accurate?
Hi @0658

Those warnings are for Chinese market cameras, which will not be the same model as those sold in the US, EU, or international markets.

Each camera OEM has a numerous numbers of models, and naturally they will segment the market and have products for all customer segments.

Think of this similar to autos - GM / Toyota / Ford makes a number of models of cars for the various consumer segments.

Recall the Tata Nano car, a $2500 car for the Indian market. ( they also now make Jaguar and Land Rover cars )