Dahua Visit


Known around here
May 6, 2018
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Is there a solution for Sunrise/Sunset Ex. small devices which we can deploy and which is easy to configure and setup like the Raspberry pi or similar ? To make camera switch profile based off gelocation sunset/sunrise for people who don't want to run a dedicated computer for this or do not have a computer and only have an NVR ?

I just have not setup Raspberry pi or similar device so not sure how or if that can work...

Sounds like the one @biggen posted can run on Raspberry possibly Not sure how complex or simple is it gonna be to setup and which raspberry to get ?
What I posted will easily run on a RPi. In fact, I use to run it like that.

It's dead easy to setup. Program for flipping cameras to day/night on Linux

PM me if you want more info so we don't clutter up his thread.


Getting the hang of it
Apr 25, 2020
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I wonder who makes the 4/3" sensor. I think the previous one used the Sony IMX294, which was released in 2017. As far as I know, the do not make a newer one.


Pulling my weight
Dec 14, 2020
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I've been meaning to do that using ESPEasy, which is open source firmware that runs on inexpensive ($10) ESP8266 and ESP32 WiFi devices.

ESPEasy has sunrise/sunset variables and a text based rule engine that can send http commands. So a single ESPEasy device could update settings on several cameras. The only caveat is that the cameras would need to be on the same local network as the ESPEasy device.

I haven't attempted to do this yet because too many projects are in the way. But it's on the honey-do list as a winter project. Maybe someone else will try it out and share what they did.

BTW, I don't want to derail Andy's discussion. So if there is interest in this then just click this post's "Like" button instead of posting here. If the interest is high enough I'll create a topic with an example on how to do it.

- Thomas
Sorry for the long delay. Here's an update on my idea to use ESPEasy for setting the sunrise/sunset states.

Initially I found that ESPEasy wasn't compatible with my Dahua and Amcrest cameras. Fortunately the issues were resolved by the main ESPEasy project developer. For those that are interested in our discussions then start here:

Then continue here:

Note: The test code mentioned in the discussions involved writing titles (text messages) to the Dahau cameras, but setting sunrise/sunset is a similar http function.

Long story short, the latest versions of ESPEasy are compatible with Dahua / Amcrest cameras and NVR's. Specifically, the ESPEasy releases after Aug-09-2022 are good to go.

I intended to create instructions on how to use ESPEasy to set camera sunrise/sunset conditions. I planned on two different scenarios. (1) A basic example that showed how to use NTP time for camera networks with internet access and (2) an advanced example that used a TSL2561 Light Sensor for cameras networks isolated from the internet.

Unfortunately the project went dark because I had to pack my lab in preparation of a move. Everything went into storage, where it remains today. Completion of the new house has been delayed due to building industry bottlenecks (material delays, construction worker burnout, etc).

I'm posting these details in case someone else wants to go at this on their own and try ESPEasy with their cameras. The concept has been validated, so all that is needed is for someone to create the ESPEasy rules, test them, and then share their work.

Otherwise, hang tight. I'll get to it as soon as my homeless challenges are resolved. But that won't be until next spring if all goes to plan.

- Thomas