Dahua NVR Storage FTP Backup


Getting the hang of it
Jun 6, 2019
Dear all, I have a Dahua NVR (DHI-NVR5416-4KS2) and I'm looking to backup my recordings off-site over the internet.

I'm posting this because the manual and some google searching didn't provide me with a satisfactory answer.

I would like to know if previous recordings will be backed up during the time period of only new recordings.

Let's say I have a week of previous recordings 24 hours a day on the NVR and after that week I enable the FTP settings to backup all Cameras on all weekdays between 1am and 6am.
What will happen? Will the NVR only upload new recorded video that has been taken/recorded within that time frame and upload it within that time frame -or- will it upload all 24hrs a day of previous recordings from the week before + all new recordings, but only upload/use bandwidth in the set time period?

Hope someone can clarify.
